Tim Drevno: Winning's cured more ills than penicillin

Submitted by The Mad Hatter on

Seems like a slow news week, so here's a short M-Live piece about the offensive side of the game.

Re: Methodical drives...

"In 2010, with Harbaugh running the team and Drevno coaching the offensive line, Stanford ranked third nationally in this category -- as 22 percent of the team's drives qualified as methodical.

That group also finished the year No. 2 nationally in offensive efficiency, running the same basic principles Harbaugh will install at Michigan."



March 3rd, 2015 at 7:59 PM ^

Went to bed after that first (and only) dose, knew I was in trouble when I starting feeling warm.  Ended up looking like I'd fallen asleep in a tanning machine.  A beautiful even pink color over my entire body, but add the swollen legs and the feeling that I was on fire...  Needed a course of corticosteroids to get rid of it.  (The dermatologist said Amoxicillin is "famous" for its rashes.)

But, hey, I'm not allergic to peanuts.  So there's that...


March 3rd, 2015 at 9:31 AM ^

Due to an intra family debate on the merits of vaccinations I had the interesting perspective of looking up lives saved per various medical breakthroughs. A bunch of scientists with high IQs and with way too much time on their hands (sounds like mgobloggers) kind of answered this question: http://scienceheroes.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2… According to them 82 million lives have been saved by Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin. That's a lot of football ills!

The Mad Hatter

March 3rd, 2015 at 9:45 AM ^

My wife's sister is a bit of a nutter when it comes to various medical things.  It took some tough love to make sure she got my nephew all of his shots.  We told her that she wouldn't be allowed to bring him around our kids if he wasn't vaccinated.

She also thinks that peanut butter is poisonous to children.  And she hugged and kissed me just a little too long at Christmas.

The Mad Hatter

March 3rd, 2015 at 9:54 AM ^

My wife and I both emailed her that story the other day.  No response.

My 3 year old eats whatever he wants, including dirt and many things off the floor, and rarely washes his hands.  Kid never gets sick.  

6 year old nephew raised in a sterile environment is sick all the time.


March 3rd, 2015 at 11:53 AM ^

The really bad one is Munchausen by proxy (or something like that).  It was recently blamed for a mother poisoning her young son to death for attention.  To me, I don't care at that point if there is a clinical disorder.  That person should be done breathing my air.


March 3rd, 2015 at 12:01 PM ^

This is my favorite chart to share whenever someone starts throwing an argument relying on correlation equaling causation

Generally speaking said people are typically big into organic everything, so this is a good one

Michology 101

March 3rd, 2015 at 10:47 AM ^

It’s good that you talked your wife's sister into getting your nephew all his shots. There’s a wide spread measles outbreak going on at this very moment here in America. Some feel the outbreak became stronger because of parents who didn’t wish to have their children vaccinated for whatever reason. The CDC recommends all children get two doses of MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine, starting with the first dose at 12 through 15 months of age, and the second dose at 4 through 6 years of age. So keep your wife's sister informed about possible future shots for your nephew.

First And Shut…

March 3rd, 2015 at 1:51 PM ^

The lead article in the current issue of National Geographic ($$ "The War on Science"), does an excellent job of discussing why scientific findings often take a long time to be fully accepted. One's allegiance to a group, and the group's beliefs, is generally stronger than the openness to the scientific presentation of facts and conclusions


March 3rd, 2015 at 10:27 AM ^

There's not much of a debate to be had regarding vaccinations. The plain and simple fact is that there is no evidence to show that they cause autism. The doctor who originally spread those lies had his medical license revoked. Also, the plain and simple fact is that kids who don't get vaccinated are many times more likely to die from preventable illnesses and spread those illnesses to others. Preaching to the wrong crowd here, but anti-vaccine people are up there with moon landing conspiracy theorists in terms of people who get me going.


March 3rd, 2015 at 10:45 AM ^

I find it funny that people think there is one though. I'm like well there really hasn't been a debate since Edward Jenner infected a random kid with cowpox and then exposed him to smallpox to see if it would make the kid immune in the 1700s. 

(Thankfully his observations were right and there weren't any child safety or medical ethics laws back then I guess...) 


March 3rd, 2015 at 12:21 PM ^

I'm speaking more generally.  There are stupid groups of people everywhere, and you chose to pinpoint one for what reason?  One could argue that "guys with the word 'bro' in their username" fit somewhere in that mix.  


Naked Bootlegger

March 3rd, 2015 at 1:15 PM ^

Prius driver:  Check

Fart-sniffer:  Double-check.

Vaccinated children:   Check

BOOM!   Take that to the bank with your wild generalizations of the Prius-driving, fart-sniffing community.

I don't drink soy lattes, though.   That stuff is for hipsters.



March 3rd, 2015 at 1:26 PM ^

i'm not saying all prius driving fart sniffers don't vaccinate their children; obviously many do. but what i am saying is a majority of un vaccinated children have prius driving fart sniffing parents. ya follow?