POSBANG FRIDAY - End of OT Season and CONTENT WEEK next week!!!!

Submitted by M_Born M_Believer on August 25th, 2023 at 8:34 AM

Freedom from OT season!!  Bring on FOOTBALL SEASON!!!

Next week will be such an unproductive work week while I exhaust my F5 key.....

Good Luck guys.  May your fingers and wrists survive this week as you starved minions frantically await every beautiful morsel of MICHIGAN FOOTBALL!!!!




August 25th, 2023 at 9:11 AM ^

XM - thanks for the mention about high school football - I appreciate it.  Honestly, since the kids are in Ann Arbor - and, my interest is in Michigan football - high school sports aren't the first thing on the radar.

In fact - several years ago - there was a QB who played against the high school my kids attended - and, at that time - Michigan expressed interest in that opposing QB.   What was his name?   JJ McCarthy.

And, this year - it would appear that Michigan has offered a QB in the 2027 class - Trae Taylor - who plays nearby at Carmel Catholic in Illinois.   SO, I may head out to watch him play this evening - in Carmel's home opener.  I look forward to seeing what the excitement is about - and, if Harbaugh and the staff think Trae has enough potential to offer - then, who am I to disagree - and, seeing him in person should be fun. 

Here's a link from SI about Trae Taylor and his Michigan offer:  https://www.si.com/college/michigan/recruiting/michigan-football-recruiting-jim-harbaugh-quarterback-trae-taylor-class-2027-wolverines.


August 25th, 2023 at 12:58 PM ^

Thanks for the link.  My wife has plans tonight - so, my plans are open. Trae / Carmel won’t be playing too far away from home.  So, I’ll probably go to the game in person - and, will get there early enough to watch him warm up - see what interests the staff - etc.

Once the game kicks off - who knows - I’ll stay through halftime - watching what he does on the field.  Trae’s a true freshman - and, already has a Michigan offer - it could be quite interesting - and, I can see him play in person with some frequency.


August 25th, 2023 at 8:50 AM ^

College football begins in just over a week.  ND plays this weekend.

"Coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine..."

It's coming down to tailgate planning - and, ensuring we've got the appropriate supplies to host our gathering.   The ten day weather forecast has temperatures around 80 - and no precipitation in the forecast.   Sounds like perfect football weather for the opener.   I'd request snowflakes - but, will save that for later this season.


August 25th, 2023 at 10:15 AM ^

I really don't mean to call out Michigan's head coach - but - there are two examples that candidly - are not as comprehensive - or accurate - IMO, as they could be.

Specifically - "An enthusiasm unknown to mankind."    Does this statement really address EVERYONE in the world - perhaps it should be - "An enthusiasm unknown to humanity."   This would clearly include children - men and women - etc.    (Though, I do like Harbaugh's quote.)

The other one that really disappoints me is - "Iron sharpens iron."    The stronger - and, IMO, more accurate reference is - "Steel sharpens steel." 

One of the refences for Japanese steel - must be Hattori Hanzo:   Here's a link:  https://www.google.com/search?q=japanese+steel+kill+bill&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS819US819&oq=japanese+steel+kill+bill&aqs=chrome..69i57.9531j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:5045902c,vid:peP8CsCw09Y


August 25th, 2023 at 11:07 AM ^

I can only hope the entire Buckeye defense perfects the form tackle on this run.

This complements the defensive scheme and effectiveness in shutting down Edwards when they played in Columbus.   This link illustrates the ideal Buckeye defense - and, the techniques Knowles has introduced.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhX1cmsLU44

mGo Go Gadget Play

August 25th, 2023 at 9:09 AM ^

To celebrate football, here's a link to Jack Harbaugh telling the story of the first time he tried to tackle another kid in football practice when he was a wee lad.

This is the May 22, 2018 episode the Attack Each Day podcast. Story starts at 12:45.


I played this for my son, starting his first season of tackle football this year, and he enjoyed it. 

scanner blue

August 25th, 2023 at 10:11 AM ^

The whole Harbaugh clan was attending Grace Harbaugh’s senior day for the water polo team in the spring. All were very friendly, but the only one to engage me and tell a story was Jack. I mentioned I was a student when he was coaching here, and I spouted out names  I remembered - Ed Muransky, Harlan Huckleby, Ali Haji Sheik ( as Mr. King did on the P. A.). Jack stops me right there and launches into a recruiting story about Ali. A great story he’s probably told a 100 times ending with Jack trying on Ali’s cowboy boots (he’s from Texas). He says “ They’re nice, but very uncomfortable”. Ali says “Coach, my watch is in the bottom of one of them”. 

   So yes, Jack looked great and still loves to tell U of M football stories. 

scanner blue

August 25th, 2023 at 9:20 AM ^

I read the title as content - adj., in a state of peaceful happiness. Yes!! Yes I will be content next week. Daughter will have just moved out for grad school (insomnia bed restored). Preparing for a return  to the Big House on Saturday. I’ll be in a state of contentment like  a heifer of xm’s mooing, chewing cud and swatting flies. 

St Joe Blues

August 25th, 2023 at 9:57 AM ^

So our head coach gets suspended and he goes out and gets a national championship-winning coach as his replacement. Jack Harbaugh deserves some banging!

I bet Keith Jackson will tell some tales about Jack from back in the day.