
May 30th, 2017 at 2:41 PM ^

is no indication that he was juicing in 2000.  That was the best golf of his career.  In fact, all indications are that, if he was juicing, it was during the obsessive workouts and Navy Seal training that he took part in later in his career (daddy issues) that effectively destroyed his body.  Essentially, juicing and all that came with it killed his career, it did not sustain it.

Hotel Putingrad

May 29th, 2017 at 1:29 PM ^

at this point, what is he going to do with his life? maybe if he just gave up any attempts at the game and concentrated on being a dad until his Champions Tour eligibility kicks in, he'd salvage some dignity self-respect

uncle leo

May 29th, 2017 at 1:48 PM ^

If Tiger was at the top of his game, would we be calling him "lost" and "without direction?"

I doubt it. Tons of top stars in every sport seemingly get a DUI almost every week and we barely bat an eye. They pay their fee and get back on the team in a day or two.

This story is getting so much pub and it convinently lines up with his struggles as a golfer that we can call him "lost."

For me, this is no different than any other athlete who cannot figure out to hire a freaking driver. It's maddening.


May 29th, 2017 at 3:57 PM ^

That little detail is what gets me - he is someone who could have arranged for someone to get him or indeed drive him from place to place if he had desired, but from the tone of what is mentioned here, he may not have been thinking all that clearly. 

You do have to wonder about what drives such falls from the heights, if you will. It wasn't that long ago that there was a piece about Tiger Woods on the air just about every day in the spring and summer, and now....this. 


May 29th, 2017 at 7:10 PM ^

It's not a wonder why people fall from such heights: it's the same temperament and mindset that got them to the heights in the first place. Wildly successful people in any endeavor (sports, politics, business, arts, you name it) have a lot of good qualities. But being "well balanced" isn't one of them. In my experience people with the drive to climb the highest heights also tend to be pretty insecure deep down inside. They've got an internal motor that says they aren't good enough and JUST need to get to the next level to feel better. They have restless souls. Perfectionists. All or nothing thinkers. It drives them to become champions. At first their obsession puts them on the path to success. But it also means they handle failure VERY poorly and once their initial successful obsession goes off the rails or ends (due to age, health, a fickle public) Sometimes puts them in a tailspin where they seek mood altering behavior to distract their minds from their angst. It ultimately becomes self destructive in many circumstances. Booze. Gambling. Sex. Anger/violence. Food. Greed/Power seeking. Either the thing they're famous for goes to the extreme and it ruins them (overly aggressive politicians or business people fall to corruption or risky business moves) or the escapist behavior ruins their health, alienates loved ones, or evaporates their finances. It ain't a mystery at all it's entirely predictable and common.

Dr. Emil Shuffhausen

May 29th, 2017 at 4:22 PM ^

How we react when times are tough show

our true strengths/weaknesses.


I agree,  he appeared to be quite the douche when

he was on top of the world,  but I really don't get

much satisfaction reading about his struggles anymore.


Just glad he didn't kill anyone.


May 29th, 2017 at 5:04 PM ^

Fuck him. A drunk driver killed my nephew and crippled his friend with 3 little kids for life.My nephew was 29, good job and working for a good life. Drunk walked away going over 120 mph when he rear ended him with his lights off. 7 to 15 years was his sentence he did under 5 years. Back in jail now for meth. Its one thing to stop and have some drinks but be a bit careful but these rich assholes should have a driver parked out side all night. Whats a limo for a night cost? He is a shit bag. Cheated on his wife with anything and everyone and should have got nailed when he crashed his car years ago. Sorry. Walk your sister in the back room to decide if you want a open or closed casket.We went with closed.


May 29th, 2017 at 6:19 PM ^

I hate hearing situations like this. Awful for so many people and one selfish person gets to walk away from it all. With that being said, 120mph, lights off, probably was a super drunk driver. I don't like speculation but if he was booked at 7:18 and released by 10:50 then he was not super drunk. There are levels of drunk driving, and for good reason, as some people can ruin other people's lives. As easy as it is to get pissed at Tiger here for being dumb, until details are released, 3 hours in jail probably means he was a dumb buzzed driver who got greedy.


May 29th, 2017 at 8:14 PM ^

Fuck you and this bullshit. Your assumptions are garbage and your line of reasoning is horseshit. You have no idea how drunk the guy was that killed his nephew nor does it matter. If the guy hadn't driven drunk his nephew would still be around. 3 drinks or 10 drinks or doesn't fucking matter.


May 30th, 2017 at 6:32 AM ^

I'm not celebrating his actions but 3 drinks does not turn you into a crazed lunatic behind the wheel. I understand "buzzed driving is drunk driving" as well but any sane person also knows alcohol hits everyone differently. Some people become children with no sense at all, some people want to fight everyone in the room, some become extremely depressed, and then you've got some who drink 5 or 6 and you can't even tell...you can't put a set number on each person and put them in a room and know the outcome. It just doesn't happen. I get that this is sensitive to some for experiences they've had so I'm trying to tread lightly but probably should not have tread at all. Apologies to anyone this offended.


May 30th, 2017 at 9:39 AM ^

The guy was hammered, another driver had alerted the cops who were a mile or so behind him. Cops could see him turning his lights on and off. He didnt know they were behind him. Cops were on the scene in a min and thought my nephew would be fine but he was good enough to tell them he had a friend with him who they found drowning in a ditch of water. Head injuries killed Robbie. Sad twist was his son who was 11 never got over it. At 21 was going to get enough money to be set for life but took his own life at 19. I still hate to see the average working person who stops for a couple drinks and gets nailed and pays out the wazoo for years but these rich guys can easiley afford a full time driver and never really get that hurt by it. He was a U of M fan by the way. Be safe everyone.


May 29th, 2017 at 8:08 PM ^

Since we had multiple affairs on his wife, he's been a train wreck. He was on the best golfers I ever seen play prior to all this negative media attention. People like Tigers your a drunk behind the wheel I have no sympathy for, he should of stayed in jail allot longer than 8 years. Tiger this bud is for you!!!!


May 29th, 2017 at 8:33 PM ^

Not all top athletes are beset with demons. 

Impaired driving can be deadly. Nevertheless, I'm wishing Tiger all the best. Stay off the 'roids and get a grip. Never underestimate the power of prayer.  

Navy Wolverine

May 29th, 2017 at 9:02 PM ^

Claiming alcohol wasn't involved but instead a bad reaction to Rx medication......

In a statement released on Monday night, Woods said that alcohol wasn't involved in the arrest and that he had an unforeseen reaction to prescribed medications.

"I understand the severity of what I did and I take full responsibility for my actions,” Wood said. “I want the public to know that alcohol was not involved. What happened was an unexpected reaction to prescribed medications. I didn't realize the mix of medications had affected me so strongly,” he said.

Interesting that he did not take a breathylizer or subject himself to field sobriety test. Wonder if this is the story his lawyer's are concoting. If this was an unexpected reaction to medication, then why does he feel the need to "understand the severity" and "take full responsibility" for his actions.









May 30th, 2017 at 2:55 PM ^

he did take a breathlyzer but blew 0.00, but also spectacularly failed a roadside sobriety tests.  I imagine "he understands the severity of his actions" and takes full responsibility" because stuff like Vicodin, Xanax, and Ambien are still controlled substances even he has a prescription.  Impermissible or excessive use of scrips can from the basis for a DUI as well.

And of course his lawyer is cooking something up.  He is going to get convicted of something, but the posturing is not for the criminal matter ($3000 in fines and a restricted license is not a problem for Tiger Woods), it is for the custody matter that will almost certainly follow.  One look at that mugshot screams "supervised visitation."


May 29th, 2017 at 9:45 PM ^

A friend of mine worked at a local restaurant. Tiger and his entourage came in and insisted half the restaurant be cleared out. They accommodate him. He and the group order half the shit on the menu. The bill comes...they pay...leave ZERO tip. Zilch.
What a fucken cockwagon.
Same restaurant..months later..Charles Rogers comes in. Orders a couple drinks. Leaves a $100 bill.
Who would've thought?


May 30th, 2017 at 4:04 PM ^

Summer of 1997, I went to the Wednesday practice / pro-am day at the Buick Open with a number of other teen golfers who were being coached by a local teaching pro and former tour caddie.  When he was a caddie on tour, our coach's travel partner was Fluff - Tiger's caddie at the time.  They made arrangements for us to follow Tiger for the day and spend a bit of time with him.  Tiger did not have pro-am partners - he was showing the ropes to a friend from the Pac-10 - Brian Hull, who had just graduated from USC.

After they finished their round, one of the girls in the group told us that Tiger had been giving her the eye all day and she was going to give him her number.  She walked to the front of the club, where the players go to their cars.  When Tiger came out he was mobbed and she couldn't give him her number, but Fluff was right behind him.  She gave Fluff her number and he asked, "How old are you?".  She was 19 so he said "ok".

A little bit later Brian called and asked if the young woman would grab a friend and meet them at their hotel, then grab some food.   She grabbed a friend and headed over.  The four of them then went out for dinner, and back to the hotel, where they played video games and quarters until late into the night.

We met the girls the next morning at the tournament.  Both had clubhouse passes around their necks, and one of them had custom sunglasses with an Oakley logo on one side, Nike swoosh on the other...

The two actually dated for quite some time - Tiger even met her West Michigan family.


May 30th, 2017 at 8:45 AM ^

Seriously, who cares? He plays professional golf and yet the media is acting like his every move is of national importance. 


May 30th, 2017 at 10:07 AM ^

Tiger fell apart after his Dad passed away. Once that domineering influence left his life he lost control. I'm not going to judge him because I don't know how I would've turned out with a childhood like that. Tiger did alright for himself unlike others like Maranavich (?) and Forcier who were raised similarly. However, $10 uber dude.


May 30th, 2017 at 2:05 PM ^

Tiger Woods apparently took not one but TWO breathalyzer tests. Each test recorded a .000 reading. For those who didn't believe the prescription story, it may hold water. Curious to hear what he was actually on and if it was a situation of carelessness or a situation of a bad luck mixture that knocked him out. He was found asleep in the car and what I found craziest, was able to recite the national anthem backwards...I can't do that sober...