OT... TCM with Oscar worthy movies

Submitted by Yessir on

Turner Classics with great movies leading to the award show...which I will not watch.

Lawrence of Arabia on right now.  One of the greats. 

Great movies back in the day.


February 2nd, 2016 at 2:03 PM ^

She was a real cute UM Nursing student. She was laughing hysterically at all the subtle humor while most of the audience wasn't. Ah, I was in love... did I say she was really cute?

Shout out to Being There as a great Peter Sellers movie. I drove out to a remote part of Biltmore Estate to see where the final scene was shot. "Life is a state of mind"... came back to this movie after watching Ben Carson's Presdential run...





East German Judge

February 2nd, 2016 at 3:31 PM ^

First off, it is more appropriately called a gif not a pic.  Secondly, I did use it again as it is not a question of being lazy, as google images, giphy, and other sites provide 100s to choose from, but it was done on purpose as I know it BUGS the hell out of you.  However, since you desire originality....

Ty Butterfield

February 2nd, 2016 at 12:38 AM ^

If any other people want to boycott the Academy Awards and give me their ticket I would gladly attended. As long as they throw in air fare and lodging as well.


February 2nd, 2016 at 12:42 PM ^

I'm not watching because I don't go to the theaters to watch movies anymore, except for some foreign movies once in a great while.  So I wouldn't know who's getting awards for what at the Oscars. They can sometimes turn into political speeches, etc, and not into to that.  If I want to watch politics, I'll turn some politics on. 

carolina blue

February 2nd, 2016 at 7:11 AM ^

It's good, in general, but just too long. Very very raw and graphic.
They could have easily cut 20-25 minutes from it to make it a more standard length. At nearly 2.5 hours, there were places where it dragged to make it feel every bit of its length. I'm fine with long movies, but you need to fill it with content, not just elongated screen time of scenery and extreme close ups.

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February 2nd, 2016 at 7:25 AM ^

I agree and disagree.  The photography of The Revenant was spectacular.  That's a film made to see on the biggest screen you can and get lost in that wilderness imagery.

I do agree it could have been cut down (not 20-25 min like you suggest, but 10 - 15).  I thought it was the flashback/vision scenes that could/should have gotten the axe.

All that said, it was still a stunning movie.  The single-shot scene of the indians attack on the camp? Amazing. DiCaprio's performance was great (maybe not his best, but maybe it was. Oscar worthy in its own right regardless). Tom Hardy was excellent as well.