
February 26th, 2017 at 10:44 AM ^

in the title and the article's caption. She said, "it's the damn best school...." Gives it a completely different meaning... or not. Maybe just weird Texan syntax.

Blue 4 Life

February 26th, 2017 at 10:54 AM ^

Let me get this straight. Baylor had institutional failures at every level of the university with the handling of rape, stalking, harassment, domestic assault, brandishing of handguns and assault. That was just within the athletic department! Its not like all this happened back in the 80's and 90's this is just coming to the light within the last year


That coach doesn't think parents should look unkindly to their daughters going there? Not only that but she wants fans / alum to physically assault concerned parents? What a humbled Christian and role model she is. 




February 26th, 2017 at 11:02 AM ^

Let's review the scenario going on in her mind: Concerned parent: "I know you're a great basketball coach, but I'm concerned about my daughter's safety on campus. How do I know that a) she won't be assaulted, and b) if she is, the full weight of the university administration will be there to help her?" Coach: "Fuck you, bitch. This scandal is over!" /Hits parent in face Concerned parent: "OK, you've convinced me." Or, to put it in South Park terms: 1. Cover up rapes 2. Hit parents in face 3. 4. Profit


February 26th, 2017 at 11:14 AM ^

That's setting her sights too low. She's got a great future in Texas politics—with the black leather pants and very high heels at courtside, she's got the family values demographic locked up.



February 26th, 2017 at 1:24 PM ^

If you're unable to discern the gigantic and numerous hypocrisies of so-called "family values" voters that extends directly to what's appropriate for women to wear in public—you know, the people who had apoplectic fits that a former First Lady had bare arms—that's your deal.

UM Griff

February 26th, 2017 at 11:37 AM ^

She has. So sad that a woman in a leadership role at Baylor does not see the problems that have occurred there as issues that still need to be addressed. Worse yet, she condones violence towards the parents that are looking out for their children's safety. This school needs the death penalty for all sports programs for the next 20 years.


February 26th, 2017 at 12:11 PM ^

The way some of the comments in this thread have gone, I'm nervous that some might be thinking, "oh look at the silly Christians...", so I feel compelled to say that the problem with we Christians is not our beliefs. It's that we suck at practicing them. Yes, I say "WE", and if you'll look at my posting history you'll see I'm not cruising for sainthood, but I just hope people get that; just because you call yourselves Christian doesn't mean you're doing a good job being one, and that's not a reflection of the religion, that's just you being a hypocrite. Naturally the same would apply for Muslims, Buddhists, etc.


February 26th, 2017 at 12:42 PM ^

What's really depressing is that her incitement to violence is so well received by her audience. I guess there's been more and more of that going around. Sad.


February 26th, 2017 at 1:06 PM ^

I hope you all realize what it takes for me to say this but...

If I could only choose those two schools, I would send my hypothetical kid to Ohio fkn State 100 times out of 100 before I sent her to Baylor


February 26th, 2017 at 4:00 PM ^

What Mulky said "Please stop talking about stuff that happened yesterday, I don't care!. I need recruits and I need to win basketball games. If you here anyone bad mouthing baylor, knock them in the head and dont bring up you know what".


February 26th, 2017 at 5:52 PM ^

I don't have a strong command of irony, but is this not a perfect example in which this woman wants to commit an assault on parents who are worried about their daughter being assaulted? (obviously it's hyperbole, but still pretty tone deaf)

I remember Coach Harbaugh was going to hold a joint satellite camp with Briles. Dodged a bullet on that one in terms of PR even though Coach obviously had no knowledge of what was going on down there.