
March 27th, 2016 at 11:23 AM ^

The women was on the ground too...were there no infants or children that he could have wailed on? The 6-3 280lb DE beating up a defenseless woman who was on the ground and outnumbered....hope he feels like a man for that


March 27th, 2016 at 11:25 AM ^

As someone sort of said in a thread below this one, these are the sorts of videos you almost need to stick around for the sake of the person who perpetrates this manner of violence, as a constant reminder that terrible decisions and terrible behavior have terrible consequences to yourself and others. That sort of conduct is truly reprehensible (and should be prosecuted, quited honestly) regardless of who you are and what your track may be (in this kid's case, may have been potentially) in life. I hope he realizes an apology will likely not suffice here.


March 27th, 2016 at 11:26 AM ^

Seriously this shit pisses me off! The little kids walking around watching, nobody stopping the shit. And the biggest kid there to do so. Joins in and starts throwing haymakers on the girl. Literally could have killed her. But yeah, he's sorry. Nice job throwing away 4 or 5 years at a major university for prison big guy. Hope it was worth it.


March 27th, 2016 at 5:02 PM ^

Trying to stop a fight with a 6'4 270lbs football player won't end well for most people. But even in cases where someone can step it, most of the time people just watch and cheer.

This woman beats up a mother in front of her toddler and no one did shit. I guess it's the type of society we live in nowadays.


March 27th, 2016 at 11:29 AM ^

I mean who amoung us has NOT repeatidly punched a women being held down by someone else? Driving five miles over the speed limit, not returning a library book on time, keeping extra change a cashier gave you by mistake and pummelling a defensiveless woman laying on her back are all things I'm sure everyone has done at least once or twice if we're being honest with ourselves.



March 27th, 2016 at 11:44 AM ^

Prosecute that piece of scum. Punching a woman is a no-no. He should not see one minute of Mississippi State football, but I won't take the bet that someone will find a way to keep him on the team.


March 27th, 2016 at 12:13 PM ^

This is terrible; kid should be in jail, or at least awaiting trial.

I assume he'll be suspended, if not wholly kicked out of MSU, soon.  But if he just winds up missing a couple of OOC games while "the courts address the claims," it wouldn't shock me.

Victor Hale II

March 27th, 2016 at 12:24 PM ^

Even if this ends up being a felony, there's a good chance he won't do prison time, provided it's his first. There are many things the courts will consider, including his prior record, his age, and the extent of the injuries. However, the fact that there's a video of it makes it harder to plea down, I'd assume. Any resident lawyers care to comment?


March 27th, 2016 at 2:59 PM ^

and for those of you who live on the nice side of town, as much as this is understandably upsetting, you ain't seen nothing.   it gets way worse than this, which is why the little ones in the video walk by like they are seeing barney the dinosaur hand out candy.


March 27th, 2016 at 12:26 PM ^

I was 5 and my older sister 8. She stole and hid my castle greyskull. I smacked her face, she cried, my dad spanked the shit out of me and explained that men don't hit women. I cried. Never had the slightest urge to smack a girl again. That's my cool story bro for the day. And yes, my sister took full advantage and got away with murder from that day forth....the way it should be I guess.

Gucci Mane

March 27th, 2016 at 12:38 PM ^

Just my humble opinion, but I think violence against woman is no worse than violence against men. I think hitting a man should be condemned in the same way this action is being talked about. Not only is our attitude toward violence demeaning to woman, but it allows for ignorant and savage behavior between men.


March 27th, 2016 at 12:58 PM ^

spoke some helatious shit against this dude's dead family members, then she probably deserved to get her ass kicked. dude should have just stayed out of it and let his tank compadre do the deed for him.


March 27th, 2016 at 1:02 PM ^

Miss state will preach about giving this young man a 2nd chance and how everybody deserves a 2nd chance blah blah. This little punk is a pussy. He will see the football field cuz it's the $EC but I hope he gets layed out real good a few times


March 27th, 2016 at 1:02 PM ^

Hard to believe MSU will keep him on the roster since the video is so clear & graphic. Woman on the ground, helpless, a 2nd woman kicking her while Simmons pounds on her. Daylight with kids 5' away and a crowd watching. The incident/video will be mentioned every time he plays on a broadcast. Mullen would be nuts to risk his program and reputation for 1 guy. I bet Juco and then 3rd tier program.


March 27th, 2016 at 3:26 PM ^

the video is posted on Scout and beating a "defenseless" woman by a 280 lb DL is impossible to escape the PR downside. A 180lb guy hits a gal with a single punch at a bar on grainy film - difficult but not impossible to spin. This incident has zero self defense or disrespect or reactionary effect to argue. It's the ultimate act of bullying. He was never threatened SEC team could try to "reform" him, but it's a PR nightmare in the making.

Perkis-Size Me

March 27th, 2016 at 1:17 PM ^

Here's what I wonder:

If this was a guy who was trash talking Simmons' nephews and had gotten his ass kicked in the same manner, would all of us on this board be saying "well, he got what he deserved!"

I mean yeah, he should've been the bigger man and walked away, and yes, violence against women is deplorable, but it's hard not to acknowledge that there is a bit of a double standard with regards to domestic violence.

Please believe me when I say that I DO NOT mean to make light of violence against women in any regard, but you can't convince me that if this wasn't a guy he assaulted, many of us wouldn't be saying the guy got what he deserved and he should've kept his mouth shut.

I'm sure I'm going to get negged big time on this, but she had to have said some pretty damn awful things about his nephews, and if that's the case, it's hard for me to feel truly sorry for her. In that case, all parties involved are a bunch of idiots.

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