
July 15th, 2020 at 12:55 PM ^

Have my friend I've been thinking about you.  How are your boys dealing with the unfolding situation?  I know they very much wanted to play this year so this must be terribly disappointing to both them and you if football is shut down.  And make no mistake, while I was one of those who didnt think it could happen, i very much wanted to be wrong as I LOVE football and the lack of sports is more painful than I would've thought.

FWIW they just announced this week that our school district is going back to five day a week classes with no specific plans on how they're going to pull it off.  So naturally my 15 year old is VERY excited to get to school but my wife and I arent sure we agree this is the best course of action given that remote learning is still an option.

The old Chinese curse "may you live in interesting times" has never been more true IMO. 


July 15th, 2020 at 3:58 PM ^

hi don, if you have a burner email account send it my way.  i thought you had done that years ago but i can't find it.  

was thinking of you and your dear (stick figure) wife out on the jet skis, when you mentioned that you hadn't put the boat in the water.   i hope you are enjoying that change of water craft for a summer. coincidentally, i have started looking at used boats on-line.  i had crewed on ships and owned boats for years but sold my last one when we were blessed with all the kids, knowing i wouldn't use it nearly enough to justify it. planning for the time in the not too distant future when we will be empty nesters, and have time for boating which we did a lot of when we were courting and young marrieds. 

if there is no football there will be crying and wailing and gnashing of teeth in the XM household. and it won't be just the two oldest boys, it'll be all 5 of the sons....and probably me too.  FYI, i put a football recruiting post in the diary section a couple of days ago.  recruiting is all jacked up right now, and our 2021 son has developed so much in these last months. northwestern has shown interest, ivy league schools, etc, but no way to really get him in front of those folks. 

we homeschool, co-oping with our local public school so the older kids can play sports.  our life really didn't change all that much with the shut down.  i think the local district is planning on starting this year early, last week of august.  might  be 2 days on, clean school, 2 more days on, clean school.  sunday.  rinse and repeat.  we'll see.  good luck with your 15 yr old.  i tend to think the kids are safe judging by the stats i see.  


July 15th, 2020 at 12:55 PM ^

I never did understand that General for failing to believe in the "ancient religion".  I mean, it very obviously still works and has been/is proven true every day that Vader walks!  Besides, it was only, what, 20 years since the fall of the Jedi's?  Ancient religion, my ass...


July 15th, 2020 at 1:27 PM ^

Here's the line

Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the Rebel's hidden fort...

I think it sounds 'reasonable.'  He's not saying that he thinks Vader's powers are fake, he's saying they've done a fat lot of good to help the Imperials, and he was right.  The fact that the Jedi fell 20 years ago has no bearing on how old the Sith "religion" is.

I do think it was very stupid of him to try to pick a fight with Vader, though.

blue in dc

July 15th, 2020 at 1:20 PM ^

If we play, even if it is a small number, I think it would be great to allow players families and some students to see games.  4 tix that couldn’t be resold and had to be used by family is still well less than 1000 even if you include coaches and other assorted support staff as well as players.   I can’t believe that a small number like that couldn’t be well socially distanced on One side of the stadium.  On the other side of the stadium you have several thousand students.   Students are losing so much of there college experience and it would be great for them to get some of it.   I also think providing as much outlet as possible increases the likelihood of student compliance with other social distancing measures.   


July 15th, 2020 at 3:59 PM ^

Its Michigan so I will watch but to be honest I dont have much interest in watching sports of any kind  without the crowd..its the Crowd that makes it exciting   without it will just seem like a scrimmage or spring football..


July 15th, 2020 at 6:54 PM ^

Yep.  It's at Bristol, which seats a crazy number of people (150K).  So 30K is still only 20%.

But, still ---- fans in the stands CAN be done.  Louisville's USL team, for instance, had 25% in the stands for their season (and stadium) opener last weekend.  The Pro Bullriders Association is having 25% in the stands for their event this upcoming weekend (in South Dakota).

Bristol, Louisville and South Dakota aren't the centers of media attention, of course, but events are like this are appening.

R. J. MacReady

July 15th, 2020 at 6:44 PM ^

They won’t have football this fall.  Read today:

- Miami is as bad or worse than Wuhan outbreak. 
- FL hospitals full. TX overloaded.

- Chicago Mayor said they will move backward to Phase 3 and close Businesses if cases don’t stop rising.

- Michigan cases hit close to 900 today.  23% increase week over week in hospitalizations. 


People are dreaming if they think football is moving forward.  Universities have a nightmare scenario on their hands just if students gather in groups at parties, large houses. 


July 15th, 2020 at 6:57 PM ^

Miami is as bad as Wuhan?  Are they literally constructing new hospitals from scratch in Miami?  Are people welded into their apartments in Miami?  Has Miami been literally shut down entirely from ingress and egress to the rest of the world?

I know where you heard the Miami/Wuhan comparison .......... on CNN.  I heard it there too.  But I've 100% given up on CNN being anything beyond sensationalistic.