Grant Perry gets 12 Month Probation

Submitted by BlueCube on

Here is the Detroit News article which says he was sentenced under the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act meaning the felony will be dropped if he completes his probation without incident. His court records will remain sealed so we aren't going to find out anything more.



Per the Lansing State Journal



His attorney says he's fighting to keep his scholarship. The interesting thing is this

Assistant Ingham County Prosecutor Christina Johnson called Perry's actions a "crime of arrogance, entitlement and power," though she said she doesn't believe there was a sexual intent in what he did.



Edited to add Detroit News Link


August 4th, 2017 at 4:40 PM ^

If, and it's a big if, he should be allowed to represent the University of Michigan on the football field again, it should be after his probation is completed. He shouldn't play this year, and he should be on a short leash. He's got to demonstrate remorse, personal responsibility, and a willingness to accept the consequences of his actions. If he can't demonstrate that growth over the course of a year of hard work without any public recongnition, then he's got to go.

I hate this. I'd rather not be an Internet Tough Guy, but if the victim's statement is even a quarter true, you have to take that as seriously as possible. I'm all for second chances, but they need to be earned. You can't treat this type of behavior with a slap on the wrist.


August 4th, 2017 at 4:35 PM ^

Wow, after reading the victim's statement Perry sounds like a total douche. Drunk or not that's inexcusable. Honestly this kid should not suit up for Michigan anymore.


August 4th, 2017 at 4:35 PM ^

Oh man. I agree with the three posters above. He needs to be booted off the team. Reading the victim's closing statement is something everyone should do. 

Also, according to more Baumgardner tweets, Perry's actions in the court room don't seem to me like he's fully matured and accepted responsibility for this incident. 

"Prosecution questioned Perry's remorse"
"Perry stood facing the judge during victim statement. Later apologized to the victim while looking at the judge."

"Through his attorney after, Perry's statement: 'I'm ready to put this behind me and am continuing to move forward.'"



August 4th, 2017 at 4:40 PM ^

Not going to be callous, don't know the details, but I might reserve the right to say there might be a little bit of overreaction here.


August 4th, 2017 at 5:23 PM ^

From what I read I am very disappointed in Perry, but your point about overreaction is valid. Should Perry have the skills to play in the NFL, and even if he does not, there could well be a civil suit in his future and I discount nothing these days, including a victim's statement which may be 100 percent accurate or a significant exaggeration.


August 5th, 2017 at 12:34 AM ^

She has allready lied under oath. There is no way way in hell she has p.t.s.d. and sorry I don't believe she is scared of Perry. I am not going to take the side of someone who developed a syndrome in a fleeting moment outside a nightclub where she did not fear for her life and admitted shoving his drunk ass down. I see a lot of self righteousness on this blog and Fishaw must be the all knowing. If you add stuff to your testimony under oath to me you lose all credibility. If you have never pissed off a women or had one lie on you then guess what you are entitled to be as self righteous as you want. I do believe Perry acted arrogantly and childish jumping in line and has no right to touch any women that way. I have no stake in what Perry''s punishment is but when someone lies to having an affliction I deal with daily, I get a little angry.

The Maizer

August 4th, 2017 at 4:45 PM ^

Honestly not trying to imply anything here, but I am curious. Do statements like the victim's in the criminal case affect a civil suit in any way?


August 4th, 2017 at 7:44 PM ^

but the defendant's statements could. He had good reason to say as little as possible in the circumstances. People here are going a little crazy with this. This is not a good look, to be sure, but I am sure Harbaugh will address this situation with virtue unknown to mankind and make the correct determination about Perry's future with the team.


August 5th, 2017 at 12:31 PM ^

That statement was clearly her attempt to render her public punishment of Grant when the Court did not find the evidence to corroborate her story. If her mental anguish is as claimed she can seek civil court remedies. Absent that, this public statement is her only opportunity to render her sentencing of Grant by putting at severe risk his scholarship. Which she may have done. I hope our Unversity is more about what is right based on the facts versus public comments - her comments will need to be Title IX reviewed to determine his ultimate fate. Hopefully that has been ongoing and we have a factually based view of what she alleges in her statement. Clearly, the Court did not buy it otherwise Grant would never have qualifies for HYTA sentencing.

Les Miles

August 4th, 2017 at 4:51 PM ^

There may be something I'm missing and I'm not defending Grant, but where is the distinction between sexual assault and regular assault? Is pushing a woman over considered sexual assault because she's a woman or did he allegedly do something more heinous that I have missed?


August 4th, 2017 at 5:05 PM ^

Which was what? It's obvious that he didn't sexually assault her (in the classical msu player sense) in a public line. I'm not saying she wasn't victimized, but she sounds like she has a penchant for being melodramatic. I've seen prosecutor's cases fall apart because an alleged victim grossly exaggerates the nature of an offense or the harm they say they sustained. I expect this was handled properly and he should remain on the team if Harbaugh believes his player.


August 4th, 2017 at 5:41 PM ^

when you don't know what is true? How would you feel if that was your son? I'd certainly be upset about some poor choices he made but what's the proper punishment for what happened?

We just had an ex-girlfriend trash Jourdan Lewis who was found not guilty by a jury. I'm not going to say that means it happens all the time. Many of us did stupid stuff when we were drunk in college. It just wasn't as public and that's not to say it's a good excuse.

We don't know what happened and basically it's going to come down to people who have more of the story to decide what is going to happen. I'm not going to claim I have a better basis for judgement based on some tweets of a victim statement.


August 4th, 2017 at 6:04 PM ^

Jordan Lewis was found not guilty, where Grant Perry admitted guilt.  So right there opposite end of the spectrum.  I am condeming the young man because there is proof of what he did, and he admitted it, sounded like very little remorse in his courtroom apology, etc.  

This is sexual assult.  No excuse to grab a woman like that.  There needs to be punishments set in place for acts like this.  I'm not saying jail for life, but to continue to earn a free education at one of the greatest universities while playing college sports are a high level is something I feel should be taken away.  Just like people lose their jobs for getting a DUI. 


August 4th, 2017 at 6:39 PM ^

I've read your other posts on this thread. You don't understand what may or may not have happened, how and why the case was handled the way it was by all parties involved, and what the actual plea means. You simply want to believe Grant Perry sexually assaulted a person based solely on an alleged victim's statements when you have no idea who she is and whether she's lying. Yet somehow you expect me to say that it's cool for guys to sexually assault girls? I don't understand what your point is.


August 4th, 2017 at 6:56 PM ^

Read her statement. Might be dramatic, sure. But it also, persuasively, paints a picture of a man who was drunk and out of control and totally disrespectful of the personal boundaries of another person. Swearing at her and intimidating her, touching her in a humiliating way. 

There were friends there. Harbaugh has surely spoken to them. I don't know the whole story, but it sounds pretty bad. I hope Perry isn't on the field in Texas.

Ghost of Fritz…

August 4th, 2017 at 9:27 PM ^

makes an impact.  But all of the evidence should be considered.  The news reports don't give much info.  I would like to see the police report and really see all of the evidence, not just the very limited information in the MLive article.

Many here are judging one way or another (he should be booted; he should stay) on very limited information.

All of the evidence has to be taken into account before people decide what should happen.



August 4th, 2017 at 5:03 PM ^

Police report said that they were face to face and he grabbed her ass and touched her crotch from the back while doing said grabbing. As you can see from the prosecutor's statement, the intent seemed to be more of an intimidation move than it was sexual.

Idk the whole thing makes me uneasy, and his lack of remorse doesn't help my opinion. Obviously, none of us were there to see what actually happened, but him half-ass apologizing kind of admits guilt unless that was part of the plea deal. I'd rather see him gone at this point.


August 4th, 2017 at 5:05 PM ^

a good lawyer is going to advise saying as little as possible and get out of there. The deal is done.

There is nothing to be gained by admitting anything that could be used in a civil claim or by media. Looking at the victim and having any facial expression or body language evaluated by the press or others can only come out bad.



August 4th, 2017 at 5:20 PM ^

I completely agree with you, but the little he said kinda sucked. He said he was sorry to the victim and apologized to everyone else for wasting their time. I would've rather him say nothing at all (unless like I said the apology to the victim was part of the plea deal).

In my flawed opinion, appears that he hasn't changed a thing about the arrogance that got him in trouble in the first place. I'm all for giving second chances for young guys, as long as they understand what a privilege it is to play for Michigan and show me something that they won't do it again. Even though all of his charges seemed to be overblown, I would feel better if he showed an ounce of remorse and humility.


August 4th, 2017 at 5:25 PM ^

It's standard operating procedure that the victim is allowed to say whatever they want when plea deals get put up. The Defendant may believe the alleged victim is full of shit, but he can't say anything or else it'd jeopardize the deal. I take statements like the victims with a grain of salt since she's not subjecting herself to cross examination.