Grant Perry gets 12 Month Probation

Submitted by BlueCube on

Here is the Detroit News article which says he was sentenced under the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act meaning the felony will be dropped if he completes his probation without incident. His court records will remain sealed so we aren't going to find out anything more.



Per the Lansing State Journal



His attorney says he's fighting to keep his scholarship. The interesting thing is this

Assistant Ingham County Prosecutor Christina Johnson called Perry's actions a "crime of arrogance, entitlement and power," though she said she doesn't believe there was a sexual intent in what he did.



Edited to add Detroit News Link


August 4th, 2017 at 5:55 PM ^

It's entirely possible that her statement was scripted by her attorney.  

Scripted or not, he shouldn't be on scholarship, nor with the team until his probation period is over.  If Harbaugh goes full anti-Saban* and boots him for a year, I'd be very impressed.

* Saban not suspending Hand tells me that they really need that depth along the DL against FSU.


August 4th, 2017 at 6:01 PM ^

It is disturbing what he did and I would fully support booting him. But Harbaugh knows him better than any of us and it's not like UM has not given other players second chances before. Still, Grant Perry needs to grow the fuck up.

Cranky Dave

August 4th, 2017 at 6:03 PM ^

I have is whether the impact on the victim or the actions themselves should determine the consequence. For example if the victim got pissed off and told Perry to fuck off and gave a bland 2 sentence statement about how Perry's behavior was inappropriate should would so many people say he should be kicked off the team? I don't know how I come down on this question. And what would happen if Perry were not a football player. Would people say he should be kicked out of school? Or a school club. I tend to err on the side of second chances so would be inclined to let Perry stay on the team.


August 4th, 2017 at 6:03 PM ^

Everyone deserves a chance to straighten out their act. I would suggest this is Grant's last chance and hope he understands how fortunate he is to be a part of Michigan.


August 4th, 2017 at 6:14 PM ^

I won't render judgement, for or against Perry. Nor will I recommend that he be reinstated to the team, kicked off the team, etc. The reason is that I am not personally in possession of all the facts. I have limited experience, but suspect there is a lot more to this story. I have to trust that Harbaugh and the team support staff know enough of what happened to make both a compassionate and wise decision on how to proceed. That's good enough for me.


August 4th, 2017 at 6:36 PM ^

How can anyone say he is guilty or not guilty based solely on the victim's statement? Nobody here has enough facts to know what actually happened. Hopefully Harbaugh gets the full picture and acts accordingly but do we really have enough to say one way or the other?


August 4th, 2017 at 6:49 PM ^

If the victim is 100% accurate here- paraphrasing 

"we had a verbal altercation and in front of several witnesses he grabbed me in my private areas to the point that it was beyond groping. Just ask any of the witnesses they will tell you."

"I couldnt make it through my senior year and cried everyday because of this altercation"

In this case what the hell is the prosecution doing exactly?  Several witnesses to a heanious crime?


If Grant Perry is 100% accurate - again paraphrasing

"we had an altercation and she was way over the top. I moved her out of my way forcefully and I also went way over the top - in a non-sexual way"

"the police came and of course I took exception to me being the focus of their angst when we were both to blame. I tried to squirm my way out of their constraints."

"i Believe her final statements are an effort to get her final jab/revenge at me for acting like a jerk (we both did in my opinion)

In this case the punishment makes a lot more sense. I have no idea what really happened but if Grant Perrys sentencing tells me anything scenario 1 either didnt happen or the prosecuters did a terrible injustice to this young lady.


August 4th, 2017 at 7:53 PM ^

No one has done anything other than point out the problem with the victim's statement. Victim or not, she's a witness. Where are the witnesses supporting her story? She may believe what she's saying, she may be lying, she may even be right, but it's unfair to conclude that someone who claims to be a victim must be believed because they claim to be a victim.


August 4th, 2017 at 8:21 PM ^

I mean from personal experience people have also been falsely accused by "victims" or know someone who has.  People who are falsely accused are just as much a victim.  To say that people are "victim shaming" by wanting to make 100% positive the victim is being honest, is not "victim shaming".

Ghost of Fritz…

August 4th, 2017 at 9:51 PM ^

is a real thing.  And there it too much of it.

But it is not really clear here that this is really victim shaming.

Some posters have raised a valid question:  If the events were as described in the victim statement, then why did the prosecutor not insist in much more serious charges? 

Something does not add up.  I am not saying that the victim statement was necessarily inaccurate.  But on the other hand it does not at all match up with the charges and plea agreement agreed to by the prosecution (or the judge accepting the plea deal). 

Victim shaming is a real problem.  But if you just knee jerk accuse anyone who ever raises a legit question of victim shaming then the 'victim shaming' allegation just becomes a way to silence legitmiate questions.


August 4th, 2017 at 7:14 PM ^

Michigan football players aren't just student athletes, they're also ambassadors, and held to a higher standard. I wouldn't love Michigan the way I do if it were Alabama, or Tennessee, or Notre Dame and excused or covered up things like this or worse. Regardless of one time or not, drunken or not, young and immature or not, potential stardom or not, it's inexcusable, and he should pay an appropriate penalty. One, hopefully, he learns grows from, so he doesn't blow his second chance like he did his first when he hurt a young lady.


August 4th, 2017 at 8:36 PM ^

I think it is possible for this to be both a complete overreaction and completely inappropriate at the same time. If he didn't run from the cops this is a misdemeanor.


August 4th, 2017 at 8:50 PM ^

I dont really believe her story

So they got into an argument and Grant Perrys reaction is to grope her so hard that it traumatizes he for her entire senior year? Yeah ok

Oh oh and "Witnesses" seen it happen? You mean her drunk MSU roommates. Yeah very credible


August 5th, 2017 at 2:12 AM ^

I don't see Perry denying that it happened at all.  I do see him appologizing for it happening.

I think the logical conclusion to draw is that it did happen and for her it was traumatic.  




August 4th, 2017 at 8:53 PM ^

He was sentenced under the Holmes Youthful Offender Act so the conviction will be removed from his record if he completes probabtion without incident. I think this is a further indication of the judge and prosecutor's feelings about the case.

It's up to Perry now. Hopefully he learns from this. I see him cleaning stadium seats with a toothbrush for a year.

UM Griff

August 4th, 2017 at 9:22 PM ^

Will hopefully be a maturing event for Grant Perry. The coaches will hand down the appropriate punishment (perhaps a year away from football with intensive counseling). Redemption will be a long road for this young man.


August 4th, 2017 at 10:17 PM ^

Whatever Harbaugh decides is the best punishment, I support. I don't feel like jumping down the rabbit hole with this one.


August 5th, 2017 at 6:54 AM ^

This one is a tough call and I'm very curious to see what Harbaugh does in terms of discipline for Perry. On the one hand, you could easily justify booting him from the team. On the other hand, Harbaugh may be able to get through to Perry better and actually allow him to learn from his dumbass mistake if he keeps him around. No clue what to expect but a 6 game up to full year suspension seems reasonable to me.


August 5th, 2017 at 9:12 AM ^

I hope he gets to play.  I'd hope Harbaugh has talked to Perry at length and is able to determine his attitude toward this.  Playing grabass at a bar is not an unusual sitution anymore.  Should it occur, NO.  If it were more serious the Lansing court would have hammered him.


August 5th, 2017 at 1:44 PM ^

it takes two to get into a bar fight. At the end of the day, that is what this was. Had the "victim" been a man, this would never ended up in court. Maybe the police would have issued each a citation for drunken disorderly conduct, but because it involve opposite sexes the "victim" is always going to be the woman. That is appropriate human nature and thus the reaction from people on this site and generally. So I understand the reaction to her emotional statement. But in the end of the day, the judge did not totally buy her side of the story and dropped most of the victim's most serious charges.

Steve in PA

August 5th, 2017 at 6:52 PM ^

I raised my son to know better than to ever even think about what I read in her statement.  But, as the perpetrator, he (Perry) can put this behind him and move on thinking of it as a drunken incident that he feels bad about.

My daughter and coaching girls' sports has taught me just how fragile their psyche can be.  I'm not calling all girls/women weak but the differences between them are drastic.  This woman (the victim) won't be able to just put this behind her as something that happened one time.  

To me that's the difference and why Perry shouldn't see the field this year.  In the big picture, seeing the field mean little to nothing.  Keeping his scholarship and having the opportunity to understand the gravity of what he did is far more important than the opportunity to catch a ball and run around in front of a lot of people.


August 5th, 2017 at 9:37 PM ^

but this not some marriage encounter counseling session - this is a court of law where the facts need to rule the day. "He says, she says" is the emotional spat that we can't get dragged down into. Please let's allow the courts to decide the outcome and then move on. None of us were there that stupid night when these two drunk kids got into a bar fight.