
January 23rd, 2017 at 4:28 PM ^

The perfect fuck you to the NCAA.  It takes a lot of effort for them to do anything, just a crap ton of political capital spent and back slapping and probably deal brokering.  As awful as that sounds.  And at the end of it, what do they have - they've blocked someone taking an innovative action.  They pay a price in accusations of hypocrisy and in some quarters ridiculed (again).  

They still don't realize that Harbaugh won't give in.  He's in love with this conflict because it's another way to win today, for his team and himself.  How many times does the NCAA want to exchange these blows?  Because the answer for Harbaugh is "limitless number."  They'll tire and relent, or they'll spend inordinate amounts of time chasing one man for dubious purpose. In both cases Harbaugh wins.  


January 23rd, 2017 at 4:30 PM ^

Looks like no Spring Game, but rather a Ford field style open practice.

Think it's awesome he's going to take the team to Rome and NOT during Spring Break, I cannot wait to see the fireworks from this.


January 23rd, 2017 at 4:37 PM ^

Pure and simple...everything Jimmy does correlates back to winning.  I'm not sure there is a better coach option on the planet for the University of Michigan.

Go blue!


Mr. Yost

January 23rd, 2017 at 5:00 PM ^

Spring Game still being too early when weather will be shitty? -$1.00 Trip to Rome for the entire team? +$100.00 Bitch slapping the NCAA and pooping on their new rule? Priceless.


January 23rd, 2017 at 5:47 PM ^

What exactly does that mean?

So each stop they make counts as one practice? If true wouldn't that sort of force Harbaugh to cancel the trip? I believe they are allowed something like 15 spring practices. that would sort of eat away a decent chunk of the total allowed