Friday PosBang - Day Drinking Edition

Submitted by The Mad Hatter on

Since there's nothing of any particular importance happening today, I decided to stay home from work and just get completely shitfaced.

I'm starting out with a screwdriver made with Chopin vodka and orange mango juice.  It's pretty tasty.


Hung so low

January 20th, 2017 at 10:30 AM ^

This thread motivated me to invite my employees to lunch, upon arrival I will inform them we are not going to back work, instead we will be getting shit bombed! My treat. Thanks Mad Hatter!

M Go Dead

January 20th, 2017 at 11:32 AM ^

I have a couple Psychopathy beers left in my work fridge for office 4 o'clock Friday happy hour. Then picking up something else on my way home that my girlfriend won't like and complain about all night I'm sure.

Dorothy_ Mantooth

January 20th, 2017 at 12:10 PM ^

i've been watching a muted tv while listening to Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats' song SOB on a loop for the past 2 hours...seems appropriate

Kiss Kramhole

January 20th, 2017 at 4:09 PM ^

Its a great day. Its beautiful, it really is. I'm so so happy to be posting here with you guys, such a great group of people. First I'd like to thank Brian for building such a wonderful website. Isn't it great? I've been saying this for years, just ask Hannity, he'll tell ya. But now we have to get down to business. We're going to get a lot of things done, we really are. We're going to win a, no, we're going towin so much you're going to say "I'm tired of winning" thats how much we're gona win. So what's the first thing we're going to do? That's right, we're gona to build that wall. And its going to be wonderful, it really is. We're going to build that wall and stop those other coaches from coming up here and taking our recruits. And who's going to pay for the wall? That's right, Ohio is going to pay for the wall. #MakeB1GGreatAgain