RUMOR: True freshman NJ WR no longer on team

Submitted by Bambi on

Knowing this board this may get negged and attacked for being too premature, but the info seems relevant and has some legs so I'm going to post it. Obviously, that being said, it is still a rumor, so grain of salt and all that.

A rumor was started on Rivals, and subseqently reinforced by Scout, that a true freshman at Michigan is in trouble with Harbaugh and on his way off the team. Allegedly this is a true FR WR from NJ and he is in some "Brian Cole"-like trouble.

Since this can apply to two people, I didn't want to name anyone in the title, but the name being thrown out there is Brad Hawkins. Mainly because his twitter profile (link) no longer has any Michigan references whatsoever while Ahmir Mitchell's twitter is still decked in Michigan stuff.

So yes, this is a post about an unsubstantiated rumor with even more inferring don from 18 year olds twitter profiles. Neg away.


June 17th, 2016 at 12:23 PM ^

I coached against Hawkins and Johnson this year, and I heard this a couple weeks ago but didn't want to believe it.  I think Hawkins was always on the fence of being admitted, I hope Johnson sticks to Michigan.  Hawkins was just named player of the year in South Jersey, I hope he gets his act together and finds a good landing spot.


June 17th, 2016 at 12:25 PM ^

I really hope Harbaugh doesn't have an old school attitude towards weed.  Alcohol is much worse for your body and most players drink every weekend.  No one gets a weed hangover.  You can work out and study the next morning after getting baked the night before so if this is about academic and athletic performance then it's better to smoke.


June 17th, 2016 at 12:31 PM ^

This is riddled with inaccuracies and half-truths. The main point here is Harbaugh's policies are what they are and this player signed on for them. When he failed one test he was on notice to not fuck up again. When he failed multiple it was Jim's prerogative to allow him to remain on the team or not. When you commit to a school you commit to the head coach's policies. No other legal/medical authority's opinion matters. 


June 17th, 2016 at 12:50 PM ^

I know a good number of people around the team. Same guy that told me we had already signed with Nike almost 2 months before any rumors got out told me last week that Ahmir has already gotten in trouble multiple times. Fast forward to multiple insider site threads about a NJ WR being off the team...


June 17th, 2016 at 2:51 PM ^

So, just to be have trusted sources claiming Ahmir has previously been in trouble...and you are now relying on the current rumor mill to take the leap that he is off the team???

I understand smoke and fire and all that, but it still seems a bit irresponsible to make such self-assured claims where a kid's future is at stake.


June 17th, 2016 at 3:54 PM ^

I won't dispute that alcohol abuse is demonstrably worse than getting wasted, but the notion that there are no short-term physio-psychological effects of smoking pot is bunch of disingenuous bullshit.


June 17th, 2016 at 12:50 PM ^

He's already physically ready to play and has been here. If true and if for get creating a culture but unless he did some real dumb shit or is on his 4th warning in 5 months, give the kid a break. If all a kid has to do is learn a hard lesson of avoiding personal use I don't get booting them outright.


June 17th, 2016 at 12:36 PM ^

These rumors always feel less untrue when mods let the post stay on the board for more than a few minutes. The mods are generally quick at taking down baseless speculation... Disappointing for whichever recruit it is.


June 17th, 2016 at 12:41 PM ^

Why am I more paranoid about Eubanks from this thread? Not that it's him, but that he hasn't registered. My obsession hurts sometimes. Gah!

Maize Craze

June 17th, 2016 at 12:44 PM ^

Just read the thread on Scout. My god that place is a disaster. There is zero moderation at all over there. Some people calling the coaches hypocrites insinuating race has something to do with it. I'm thankful for MGoBlog!

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


June 17th, 2016 at 2:12 PM ^

True, but with some development there can be crossover. Jeremy Gallon was recruited as a slot type and turned into a rather good outside receiver for us.

Given Harbaugh's love of the TE, his persistent stockpiling of slot guys would be a mystery to me if I didn't suspect that he felt they were athletes who could break in at other spots on the field.

Avon Barksdale

June 17th, 2016 at 1:14 PM ^

I just read this thread and can't believe I wasted my time. "It's _______. I have inside sources..." "No, it's ______ because I checked his Twitter." "No, that can't be right. It's actually ______ because he doesn't show up in the M database..." "Well, that might be right, but it's probably not because I think I know everything..." This is why people make fun of the internet.