Friday Schadenfreude: Florida board Eubanks meltdown

Submitted by SAMgO on

Florida must have wanted this kid pretty badly judging by the seven page (and counting) thread bemoaning his Michigan commitment. Here's the link:…

Highlights include:

"Harbaugh kicked our butt on the field and looks like he can swoop in within a few weeks and take our recruits, as well."

"Well Nick, you better hope that you really love your new dorm room. Because you're gonna be snowed into it for 5 months out of the year. College life is supposed to be fun, not a jail sentence. I sure hope that, "Hello Walls", is his favorite song. Because he's gonna get to know the 4 walls of his dorm room real well. In no way could I pick a school strictly for the football side of it. Living in Siberia for 4 years isn't my idea of a fun. Chomp! Chomp!" (I personally always love the internet tough guys that are scared of non-tropical weather)

"I concede Michigan won the post-2014 coaching carousel. They really lucked into having Harbaugh as an alum and the fact the 49ers ran him off. But he's a one of a kind hire, the guy spent his summers as an NFL QB helping his dad with recruiting and scouting as some kind of unpaid, volunteer assistant at WKU.

The stories of Harbaugh on the trail remind me of Meyer."

EDIT: Best one in the whole thread -

"It's literally all about the sales pitch. Not record, not head to head, not stats. Its how you sell it. Just so happens we have Michigan beat on almost all those things they sold but they know how to sell it and we have the worst staff of recruiters relative to the program in the entire SEC. You could take almost any staff and put them in this same situation UF is in now, meaning new staff, 10 wins, ATL, favorable depth chart, 28 ships, PT everywhere, instability everywhere else, loaded state every year, etc and they'd produce anywhere from the number 1 class to something better than this."

Did we not just beat them into submission in their own state?

Eat Your Wheatlies

January 29th, 2016 at 8:39 AM ^

lolz...have these people ever been to the state of Michigan? We've had some pretty rough winters in the recent past but none of them last even 4 months, let alone 5. Plus, the snow is freaking awesome unless its still here in mid-March.


January 29th, 2016 at 8:46 AM ^

It really depends on where you are in the state. East side isn't that bad from what I hear. You guys only average about 40 inches of snow a year. Here on the west side by GR we get lake effect snow that makes it much worse (75 inches a year). Granted, if someone wanted to describe the UP as Siberia, I would concede defeat on that point. Had a friend that played football for NMU, he said the only way to get through those winters is drinking everything in sight.


January 29th, 2016 at 8:44 AM ^

As someone who has lived in the south (happily) for many years, just another example of the ridiculous sense of SEC entitlement. They assumed that he would go to UF just...because. Love what Harbaugh is doing!

Blue since day 1

January 29th, 2016 at 8:50 AM ^

know how the cold or how snow works you tend to say things like "In Ann Arbor everybody is snowed in for 5 months."


January 29th, 2016 at 8:55 AM ^


"Michigan showed me stuff I've never seen before. Not at Florida or at Alabama. How they throw the ball to their tight end. How they flex the tight end out and use the position as a hybrid. No other school I was considering does that. That shocked me and shook my mind."


January 29th, 2016 at 8:55 AM ^

As someone who lived in Florida from age 8 to age 25, Florida has about two weeks of nice weather a year. The rest of the time is unbearably hot, and usually storming. You go from air conditioned house to air conditioned car and try not to experience outside for too long.

Now if we were talking about So Cal, I could understand.


January 29th, 2016 at 8:55 AM ^

I do hate the winters here but honestly May, June, Sept, Oct - we probably have some of the best weather outside of southern Cal in entire country for those of us who like "room temperatere" weather i.e. high 60s to mid 70s with low humidity.

July and August are also more than reasonable here.  We get 3-4 weeks a year where its a bit miserable (90s with high humidity) all year.  I am sure people in Texas and Zona and FL somehow manage but walking outside into a direct sauna for 4-5 months a year sucks too.

So half the year I absolutely love the weather; half the year I hate it.  It would be the same just about anywhere not named San Diego or LA or a few other locations.  It would be the same in the south in that I'd hate the weather half the year and not want to go outside much; it would just be the totally opposite months.

Also I am usually quite fine with November because its not "that bad" usually 40s and 50s and I like my Christmas with some cold and snow so I really only begin raging against the machine about the 3rd week in January.  So right about now.  More than the cold I just wish we had more sun - you watch Broncos games and Denver seems to be sunny 90% of the time even when its 3 degrees.

p.s. this year has generally been wonderful and mild for a winter - last year was hell! :)


January 29th, 2016 at 10:07 AM ^

Pretty much the entire West Coast has pleasant weather. Southern California's is obviously the best but even way up here in Seattle the daytime temperature rarely drops below 40 and the summers are similarly mild. OTOH, we live knowing that an earthquake will probably take us all out eventually.


January 29th, 2016 at 2:44 PM ^

I would not say the whole West Coast has nice winter weather. 


Seattle is an absolutely lovely city, and temperature wise your weather is mild and pleasant, but I absolutely would rather have 20 degrees and sunny than 40 degrees and raining. And it's in the 40s and raining almost every single day for months in the Pacific Northwest/Extreme Northern California. That's unbearable. 


The biggest difference between the West Coast and the South/Midwest/Northeast is that in the latter seasons are temperature based whereas on the West Coast the seasons are primarily precipitation based (with relatively constant temperatures).


January 29th, 2016 at 6:55 PM ^

Yeah, I guess everybody has their own perspective.  For me, I don't mind rain or even snow, but I hate the cold.  When I lived in Michigan, there was nothing I hated more than a sunny day in winter because it meant there wasn't going to be any cloud cover and the air would be witch's tit cold.  Other people would be like "oh, look how sunny it is!" and I would just shake my head.  

My wife, by comparison, can't stand the constantly gray skies and rainy weather.  She actually bought a freaking sun lamp--which she got from someone else who is the same way.  Apparently there is a thing called "seasonal affective disorder" that a lot of Pacific NW people experience, where after weeks and weeks and weeks of rain and clouds they get all depressed and whatnot.  And I'm like "BUT IT'S NOT COLD!!??"

swan flu

January 29th, 2016 at 8:58 AM ^

Most Florida folks will never know the joys of doing donuts in a freshly powdered parking lot. If they did, I suspect more of them would be Wolverines.

Candor for Sale

January 29th, 2016 at 8:59 AM ^

Another nugget:

"Tell you what. It's a good thing that Harbaugh, Meyer, and Saban can only sign so many recruits a year because these guys are recruiting monsters"

Man it feels good to be running with the big boys again.

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