In retrospect: Do you wish OSU had beat MSU, or no?

Submitted by StephenRKass on

So, now that the regular season is over, do you wish OSU had beat MSU, or that things stay just as they happened?

For me personally, OSU is the real rival and enemy. Their schadenfreude at losing in Columbus, and not having a shot at the NC, and having Meyer's string of conference victories broken, is sweet enough. It is hard choosing between OSU and MSU. How could you want either team to win? But for me, not living in Michigan, not dealing with Sparty regularly, and not wanting OSU to even have the opportunity at another NC, trumps hatred for Sparty. Maybe it is personal, because I have in-laws who are OSU fans.

Nonetheless, I think that the Spartans are likely to be beaten sometime in the next month. And I believe that with Harbaugh's recruiting acumen, we will right the ship in terms of MSU quickly. OSU will be a harder nut to crack, and at this point, I am happy for anyone to beat them.

p.s.  Some think that if OSU had beaten MSU, Michigan might have snuck up and beat OSU. I personally think that is delusional, and that OSU would have been prepared for Michigan regardless of the outcome the week prior.


December 2nd, 2015 at 1:33 PM ^

concerning the probability of a space rock impacting on the stadium during the game.  With any luck at all we wouldn't be having this conversation.


December 2nd, 2015 at 1:35 PM ^

I like when we win. I like when either MSU or OSU loses. And I love when we beat either. Losing to MSU or OSU is not acceptable. Nor is losing to anyone else, come to think of it. Unrealistic though it may be, I always think that Michigan should always win.

Harbaugh will right the ship, but it's going to take another agonizing year or two for this program to catch up to OSU in terms of talent. I think we're close in the case of MSU.

As to whether we're better off with one or the other's loss, honestly, I prefer that we control our own destiny. It's the only way to be certain of championships.


December 2nd, 2015 at 1:40 PM ^

We're all Hawkeyes fans now. Living in Ohio all I hear is how OSU should still be in the playoff. TV radio Facebook everywhere. I dislike MSU but I loathe all things Ohio and I can't wait till they're announced as #5 after all the ccgs are done.

I Love Lamp

December 2nd, 2015 at 1:52 PM ^

On the door to get in the playoff. #3 in hoops. To think they are the best big-two sport school in the nation sickens me. I'm done with those assholes. They need to go away soon.


December 2nd, 2015 at 2:44 PM ^

Surprised by the number of folks who would prefer to see OSU in the playoff than MSU. 

Personally, I simply cannot stand Urban Meyer, and for my entire life OSU has been and will be the enemy.  

I'm thrilled they aren't going to the playoff (please, no craziness this Saturday!). 

A perfect football Saturday is a glorious UM victory combined with OSU and ND losses. Rare, but beautiful.

State?  Meh.  I really don't care. I can handle a few gloating calls/txts from Sparty friends.


December 2nd, 2015 at 3:29 PM ^

No, I hate osu more than any team ever. I root for them to lose every game unless it helps Michigan and even then I don't care if they lose.

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December 2nd, 2015 at 3:35 PM ^

I am a Michigan native, want MSU to lose as often as possible, but my hatred for OSU far exceeds that for Sparty.  No way I wanted OSU in the NC hunt.

Hugh Jass

December 2nd, 2015 at 4:45 PM ^

NEVER EVER EVER root for Ohio st.  I have a very obnoxious co-worker who is an OSU grad.  She was gloating big time after the game last Saturday.  I informed her that because of Michigan her suckeyes will not be defending their title.  The botched punt kept MSU at only one loss - therefore the Sparty victory over OSU sealed the suckeyes fate.  Michigan ultimately stuck the dagger in the suckeyes.  She has not spoken to me since Monday morning.....I have a small smile....GO BLUE


December 2nd, 2015 at 5:13 PM ^

Since I think Iowa has a better chance beating Statee than they would OSU.  I don't want to see Statee or OSU in the playoffs, so I will be rooting for Iowa!


December 2nd, 2015 at 5:32 PM ^

Yes. The thought of Sparty vying for, and perhaps winning, a national championship, makes me ill. The natural order of the world is that Michigan and OSU are supposed to be good. Order needs restored--and part of that order is the fall of Dantoni

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December 2nd, 2015 at 7:55 PM ^

Anyone saying or insinuating that they would have preferred in retrospect OSU have won - can get fucking bent. That would have meant OSU in the playoff with a good chance of winning it all again. 2 in a row. Think about that, guys. Fuck that noise.


December 4th, 2015 at 12:38 PM ^

I understand the hate for Ohio State, but here it is a week after the Game and I have yet to see a single OSU fan, hear one say a word, or even overhear one taking about it.  They beat us and it has zeros consequences for us as fans.

Do you have any idea how many Sparty fans I've heard talk about that fluke play in the lasst month?  Hundreds and dozens of them obnoxiously.  I think us as Michigan fans tend to want to elevate the OSU rivalry, but it really is a rivalry we only have to deal with minimally for 1 week a year, the MSU rivalry (Although not as historically significant) is something we have to deal with 365 days a year right in our faces.  It's way more important to me that we don't lose to Spary than that we beat the Suckeyes.