thanks for nothing urban

Submitted by ThadMattasagoblin on
You run all game into their front and don't pass all game long. See you next week for your first loss to Harbaugh.


November 21st, 2015 at 7:16 PM ^

Those bums probably lost on purpose just to spite us. Imagine the amount of shine that Harbaugh would recieve for winning the conference in his first year as Michigan HC. Ohio state is just as fraudulant as we all thought they were. 


November 21st, 2015 at 7:17 PM ^

I was pissed for ten minutes. Then I got perspective and realized we're going into The Game week with a decided upper hand for the first time in 9 years. We've won all our conference road games. We're going to a bowl. And this was supposed to be a project year. I know the particular circumstances (MSU) suck but let's focus on what's important: paying back Ohio State for what they've done to us the past decade. 


November 21st, 2015 at 7:38 PM ^

Their fanbase better enjoy it because seasons like this with this much luck, despite Nebraska, don't come around often. Harbaugh will use this as one heck of a painful but valuable teaching moment for all. Play until the game clock reads 0.0 seconds and the whistle has been blown

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I Love Lamp

November 22nd, 2015 at 9:14 AM ^

Minnesota wasn't pretty, and we were fortunate, but check the circumstances (beloved coach retiring for medical reasons that week, night road game). Indiana was on the road and the type of team we did not need to see offensively considering we lost our most important defensive line piece, which would've helped with depth and actual play. We led those games, fell behind, battled back and won. State notches two wins when leading for exactly zero seconds. One win was pure luck. One was a team inexplicably packing it in.

ND Sux

November 21st, 2015 at 7:21 PM ^

shat themselves against State, just like everyone else has, incuding us.  State is the luckiest team in the nation this year...lucking their asses off vs. M, could have lost to Pur-fucking-due and Rutgers, and possibly others.  Fuck state, and great showing Bucks...what did you have, like 125 total yards of offense?  LOLOLOLOLOL

Perkis-Size Me

November 21st, 2015 at 7:22 PM ^

This is the kind of win that propels Sparty through to the playoff. They just went into Columbus with a backup QB and dominated the #3 team in America. They have a huge mental and emotional edge right now.

I think MSU beats Iowa by at least 10.

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November 21st, 2015 at 7:23 PM ^

Yeah. The one time I'm rooting for OSU in BigTen play & they screw the pooch. But fact is: MSU went into the shoe And flat stuffed them. I hate giving props to MSU even more than to OSU or ND (although ND has never earned props in my lifetime, well not since Montana when I was a kid anyway). But props to MSU. That was flat out great defense & O line play they laid on OSU right there. You know, I have a theory about the disrespekt, it's not just that they've been nothing except a 7year stretch in the 60s and now the 2000/10s. It's that media never gives props to teams led by D and O-line. It's always flashy O. Even though it's always D that wins in the end.

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November 21st, 2015 at 7:25 PM ^

MSU acts like there was nothing controversial about their win over us. 

That's still hugely controversial. As if it's not a different game with our leading tackler on the field instead of in the lockerroom. 

And Jimmy, welcome back to Michigan. WHERE ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING - NOTHING EVER will be targeting on a Michigan quarterback. 

Yet another week where is it simply fucking incredible that bullshit was targeting on Bolden, and the newest predation on a Michigan QB goes to replay and it's fucking nothing. 

Officials on field: "Looks like targeting to me" 

-- replay interlude --

Delaney gets on the horn: "That was against Michigan? Fuck 'em." 


Ty Butterfield

November 21st, 2015 at 7:34 PM ^

OSU will come out with a real game plan next week. What joke. Urbz probably lost on purpose in order to screw Michigan.'