
June 12th, 2015 at 11:44 AM ^

Meyer: I am bored, but I am also a robot. Ha ha. 10010010011011... wait, oh my God, I am a robot. I think in binary. I am made of machine parts. I require no sustinance. Do I have a soul? I'd be freaking out right now if my programming allowed for it. Thank goodness it does not. 

Dantonio: I am bored, and this makes me angry. Of course, I am angry when not bored. Am I just an angry person? I have all this pent up rage. I mean, there was that incident with the cat and the squirrel.... I mean, that cat had it comming, but that squirrell was a father... wait, I can't think about it now. I don't want that on my mind when answering questions. Just clinch the jaw. That holds in the rage. That's how you seem normal. Stay one step aheah, Marky, that's how you win. 

Harbaugh: What? Who said that? Want to fight? I am high on nature's most addictive substance: myself. Cocaine was invented by someone wishing to emulate me, you son of a bitch. PCP ain't got nothing on whats flowing through my veins. It's all the competitive sprits of those who couldn't handle me. I will be strenghtened by your defeat. You may want to throw a few punches, but I'll fight you til the death...oh, you were talking to someone else? I like your competitive fire. Want a job?


June 12th, 2015 at 12:26 PM ^

Propeled you past the University of Chicago for 8 Big Ten Titles. Can you talk a little bit about how your program may feel a little slighted that no one from the University of Chicago called or even mentioned this accomplishment in your programs history."


June 12th, 2015 at 11:47 AM ^

Photo A:

Harbaugh: "If you two want to go with Adidas, fine.  I'm out here. Michigan's going with Nike."

Dantonio: "Crap, we're going with Adidas."

Meyer: "Crap, we're going with Adidias."


June 12th, 2015 at 11:47 AM ^

More thought bubbles than speech bubbles, but:

Photo A:

Urban: I hate these guys, can I get out of here?

Dantonio: I hate these guys, can I get out of here?

Harbaugh: Did you say Cracker Barrel? Let me get out my notebook.

Photo B:

Dantonio: Hey Urban, what's the quickest way out of here?

Harbaugh: Football! :-)


June 12th, 2015 at 12:07 PM ^

Harbaugh: "I fucking hate these guys"

Urbs: "I like penis"

Dantonio: "I feel sorry for myself and feel so disrespected. I'm so sad."

UofM Die Hard …

June 12th, 2015 at 12:08 PM ^

this pictures are money, from the pics, it looks like pure dislike of each other.  AHHHHH this is going to be great. 




Urban "Shit,  I dont want to deal with this guy"

Dantonio "Ahh hell, I guess this Harbaugh thing is real"

Harbaugh "Sup suckers, lets get this shit going"


June 12th, 2015 at 12:13 PM ^

'Okay contestants, would the one who's not a horses behind, please stand up.' 


Photos B:  d'antonio, asking urban, 'am i in a safe place right now?'

meanwhile our hero is thinking: 'God please grant me the self control to not rip their heads off, right here, right now'

Everyone Murders

June 12th, 2015 at 12:20 PM ^

Harbaugh - Sorry I'm late, I was just out on a Summer Swarm, spreading the joy of football, and the trip in took longer than I thought. 

You guys going to come and teach at our football camp?


June 12th, 2015 at 12:23 PM ^

2 of the guys are worried the new guy is gonna be whipping there ass soon. One guy's only worry is what and how many recruits he can take. The other have a look of desperation and despair on there face as if they know deep down there time at top is coming to and end quickly!

Can you name the 2 and ca you name the other one!

Michigan FTW Again

June 12th, 2015 at 12:32 PM ^

**Before Photo A**


JH - Hey Mark, "Knock Knock!"


MD - "Who's There?"


JH - "Butt-Goes..."


MD - "Butt-Goes Who?"


**Photo A**


JH - "Butt-Goes (rips ass)"


**Photo B**


MD - "Damn it, Jim!"


UM - "Get used to it, Mark:  My big bro used to pull that crap on me all the time."


June 12th, 2015 at 12:37 PM ^

not a joke or caption. Look at that thing. 1993 Eastern Europe "totally gets" American College Football. They like. They so like and is excited for the American football sport. Go Redsox.