OT: Name Your Best Neighborhood Game

Submitted by AmishRule on
Okay to get our minds off the coaching search for a few seconds share your favorite neighborhood game growing up (this kinda started in an earlier thread). I'm going with Kick the Can or also known as Tin Can Alley. Had everything - strategy, agony, challenging -


December 6th, 2014 at 11:22 AM ^

they're out in force today on the north side of Fort Wayne! We used to play "sock-it". Pretty much racket ball rules played with a soccer ball against a shed.


December 6th, 2014 at 11:23 AM ^

Simple. Take a wiffel ball bat and nine rolls of duck tape and construct the perfect hitting tool. Form a team that you will keep all summer. Birth a field where you will spend most of your days. You will use tennis balls because with the weight of the bats and the distance of the field it will take a Griffey like swing to go yard. Of course, count on your trusty glove, Rawlings Cal Ripken signature. Now play and take in every second, this is the best time of your eleven year old life.


December 6th, 2014 at 11:24 AM ^

Not sure if it's still called that, but basically baseball, but with a big red rubber ball that you bowl to pitch and kick to hit. Then you throw the ball at baserunners to get them out.

....and we also played dodgeball of course.


December 6th, 2014 at 11:25 AM ^

Mine are broken up into three main categories, sports, bikes, or at dark games:
Sports-I played a ton of backyard football with the defensive lineman counting to five apple before you can rush the quarterback. Lowering the basketball hoop so we could play play jam ball because we were white of course. We played what we called "hot box" , which is just basically pretending you're in a rundown in baseball.

Bikes--BMX' ing around our entire city looking for curbs, jumps, ramps, or anything semi-dangerous. Back in the 1980s they had a lot of BMX magazines and our hero was Harry Larry. I finally grew out of the BMX scene once I got to high school, and got a 10 speed

Night time--we did all the hide and seek, ditch'um, kick the cans of the world.It's crazy to think we would play hide and seek in entire city blocks in people's backyards and no one seem to give a shit.

If you had a chance to grow up in the late 1970s and the entire decade of the 1980s, life was fucking good for a kid

Michology 101

December 6th, 2014 at 1:36 PM ^

At my elementary school, during our outside lunch break, we sometimes played a game called Pom-Pom. Not sure if we added the word “tag“ to the name. It was a game where some stood in the middle to tackle people and prevent them from crossing a certain area of field.

The game was somewhat dangerous to say the least. I’m sure if the teachers and supervisors had realized what we were doing, they would’ve stopped us.

Though our school field was so huge and we would play the game so far away from the building. Therefore, I don’t think any school supervision people paid much attention to what we were doing.

We would actually have a lot of brave guys out there. Though we eventually stopped playing because the bullies and mean kids were just using it as a method to really rough people up.


December 6th, 2014 at 11:36 AM ^

Capture the flag, tackle football with helmets we made out of duct tape, tons of basketball games...baseball until we broke the neighbors window. Lots of sports.

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December 6th, 2014 at 11:40 AM ^

Not really a game but my friends and I would tie ropes to our bikes and tow people on roller blades and skateboards.
Then we eventually upgraded to cars...


December 6th, 2014 at 11:44 AM ^

Played a game in HS called speedball. Have used it as a motivational/semi-conditioning game for football teams ever since. I still get out and play with the kids. Good times.

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December 6th, 2014 at 12:13 PM ^

It can involve teams as large as you want. Most I've played with is 45+. Can be played outside on a field or inside in a gym. Because the Michigan weather I have played it more inside, but personally I like it better outdoors.

Anyway you play with a dodgeball or a softer soccer ball. (all this can be modified) if your Indoors the object is usually to throw the ball into some kind if make shift goal. I always use the back padding behind BBall rims in high schools. If you throw the ball and it hits the pad it's two points. If you kick the ball and it hits the pad it's one point. If you shoot the ball into your opponents BBall basket (played on just a BBall court) it's worth 2, or if behind the arch, 3.

The ball can be kicked on the ground, but in order to 'pick it up' you must flick the ball from the ground to either yourself or a teammate. If you opponent kicks the ball up and you catch it that works as well. Each player can then take tree steps with the ball before they must pass or throw. The object is of course to work together as a team to score on the opponent. Very fast paced and with high school boys very physical. There are all kinds of modifications you can make. When we are outside we just use soccer goals an you can throw for 2pts or kick for 1.

Kids love it because they are constantly moving. Each team had a goalie who can take unlimited steps within a restricted area. The goalie can also pick the ball up without having to flick it up off the ground.

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December 6th, 2014 at 11:47 AM ^

I grew up in downtown Chicago so we'd try to walk around our block without ever touching the sidewalk - using the stoops, climbing on the iron gates, scaling the brownstones, balancing on the planters. Also, we'd use the one expanse of brick wall next to our building as a backboard for tennis. You could never get a smooth comeback because the ball would hit all the seams but that made it even more challenging. 


December 6th, 2014 at 12:03 PM ^

smear the queer, "army tactics" (anything from jumping neighbor fences to tying random "targets" to trees to steath vandalism), swimming in the flooded steet, jumping bikes over the flooded street and failing, "knock & ditch", playing football the Arab kids that literally lived in their house corner market & didn't speak English and always wanted to fight so we could hurt them, buying a cheap bag of balloons and selling then for a buck each as fake boyscouts when we needed cash.....oh, so many.


December 6th, 2014 at 12:09 PM ^

My neighborhood was a public housing project so we used to mess each other up pretty badly. Our main game was "bike tag," which consisted of us chasing each other around the project on our rickety bicycles and trying to knock each other over.


December 6th, 2014 at 12:18 PM ^

We played a game called, "hide the balls" (stop that! We were kids!) it was a combination of capture the flag and hide and go seek except the flag was a ball so you could pass it to each other on the run when trying to bring it back to your base. It turned very rugby-like.

In college we played a modified version of the American Gladiator's Power Ball using a football and two cans with mats designating an area around them that you could only jump into for a dunk. At it's best that game was awesome.

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December 6th, 2014 at 12:23 PM ^

Home plate faced toward the street, backstopped by a giant evergreen tree.  The pitcher stood at the sidewalk, and would pitch underhand.

For the home run to count, it had to hit a house across the street.  Blasts that fell between the houses, too bad.

It was all fun and games until the owner across the street came outside and screamed "Get off my lawn!". If he had only known that his house was the target. Haha.



Michology 101

December 6th, 2014 at 12:57 PM ^

We played night tag using the whole block like others did. We had a bunch of older guys and younger guys. We would play some two against two league games such as cards and touch football, where one older guy would take one younger guy as his partner. We had a Electric Football league, and one kid had all of the teams for us to choose from. The players would spin around like crazy sometimes, but it was possible to get a good game going. The guys even played jump rope with the girls in a game called Under the Moon, and it was actually rather fun. Those were the days.


December 6th, 2014 at 1:07 PM ^

Find and Go Get Some! Basically all the girls would hide or all the boys would hide and whichever coed found you got to make out with you. Game usually played at night, indoors or out! 14-15 was an interesting age.

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December 6th, 2014 at 1:57 PM ^

Marathon sessions of tag. Guns. Smear the queer. Ghosts in the graveyard. Curb-ball. Endlessly riding bikes. Buidling forts in the woods. Playing hack.

Smoking cigarettes in the woods.

Hiding porno mags in the woods.

Fondling your girlfriend in the woods.


December 6th, 2014 at 2:47 PM ^

We played smeer the queer, which is basically one guy with a ball and everyone else tries to tackle him.  Not exactly the most policially correct name for a game, huh?   That and during the winter we'd go shagging, where one person would distract a driver of a car and one or two other kids would grab a hold of the bumber of a car and let the car pull you down the road for a while.  This only worked when the road was covered in ice/snow.


December 6th, 2014 at 3:50 PM ^

modified QB chllenge.  We loved watching the old NFL challenges where the QBs would throw it as far as they could, then try to hit those moving bullseye targets.  We did it with cars though, so we got some pretty good conditioning out of it as well.  Basically, take a mini rubber football, stand at a certain distance, wait for a car, chuck, and run like hell!


December 6th, 2014 at 4:01 PM ^

We played this rare game called "basketball".  You take this spherical rubberized "ball" and try to put it through an elevated circle or "hoop" as it was refered to by the neighborhood kids.

But seriously, I grew up in Indiana.  We played Bball rain, sleet, snow, ice, summer, fall, etc... An ice covered lane and a rim lowered to 8' (hey we were a buch of white kids) made for some epic dunk contests and the occasional ER visit.

Also, for the younger crowd, we played this game called "outside".  Basically, you went "outside" your house and played with other kids without texting, tweeting,instagraming, etc.. It was like youtube but you were in the video.