Csont'e York Video Released, Very Bad Comment Count


Police have released a video of the Csont'e York incident, and it is bad:

That is a straight-up sucker punch that broke a guy's jaw in three places. I don't see how he doesn't get dismissed for that. That is some Glenn Winston stuff right there, except it's on tape so there is no debate about whether this was a scuffle or not.

York's version:

“A group of dudes walked by and bumped me,” he told police. “He was (so) close to me that he elbowed me as he walked by.”

During the altercation, York said one of the men “walked up on” his teammate,, according to the report.

“He pressed up on him face to face exchanging words for no reason,” York told police. “I got (nervous) and scared about the situation so I hit the guy. I punched him.”

FWIW, York thought they were hockey players, thus the source of that rumor. There's nothing indicating either guy is.



August 12th, 2014 at 8:39 PM ^

Isn't Hoke's mantra about creating a family environment? What if one of your family members commits a crime, do you exile them or help them? Didn't the University commit to the student just as the student committed to the University? If he's labelled a criminal and expelled, isn't the University taking the easy way out by dumping it's problems elsewhere? What if he becomes a destructive force outside of campus? Rarely in life is "it's not my responsibility" an excuse. 

What he did in the video was awful, but to have a purely angry emotional response to what appears to be a purely angry emotional response doesn't seem very Michigan-like, or very civilized for that matter.

I'd like to see him suspended from the football team, hundreds of hours of community service, maintain a 3.0 or above average, substance testing and the possibility of many other punishments. If he isn't able to do this, then expel him. 

It's in the University's own best interest to try rehabilitation first. The last thing I want to see 2, 5 or 10 years down the road is "former Michigan player involved in *insert crime here*".  


August 13th, 2014 at 3:05 AM ^

If York were an OSU or a MSU player who did this to a U of M student, the board would be melting down with calls for blood and legal prosecution.  So why should it be any different for a U of M player who did this to a fellow U of M student?  The last time I checked, matriculating at the University, with a full athletic scholarship, with benefits that most students don't get to have, is not an inalienable right.   York did a pretty bad thing.  He should accept the consequences for what he did.  Your proposed slaps on his wrists may be moot anyway as the criminal proceedings will take precedence.


August 13th, 2014 at 3:54 PM ^

What if one of your family members commits a crime, do you exile them or help them?


What if one of your family members committs a crime AGAINST ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS, do you help the former to the detriment of the latter?


Remember - both the perp and the victim are "family members".


August 12th, 2014 at 9:28 PM ^

To me it looks pretty clear, but I can certainlly see how one might argue against it.

After I blew the video up it became apparent that Jones knew a punch was coming and at the very least stepped off to the side to give York room to throw it.

Further, why did Jones step off to the side(away from York) and not straight back? I'm saying it was to draw that kids attention away from York.


August 12th, 2014 at 8:56 PM ^

And we wonder why local news only shows misfortune.

Emotions aside, kicking the kid off would save face for the program but would not help anyone involved. If the kid came from a bad situation (implied by the comments above), throwing him back into it would probably cause more future violence. Take the Hagerup route.


August 12th, 2014 at 9:08 PM ^

Sure, there is that line of thinking.  There is also the viewpoint that keeping him on the team does not punish this behavior.  This could be a valuable life lesson, like the lesson Chris Carter learned when he was cut from the Eagles.  It could also lead to other players thinking that they can get away with crime since someone else got away with crime.

I don't like that it has come to this, but him getting kicked out is the best thing for everyone involved.


August 13th, 2014 at 11:16 AM ^

"Jones clearly stepped back for York to punch him indicating it was premeditated by both" I really don't understand this. I just don't believe that Jones would have asked York to beat someone up for him. I'm pretty sure Jones could have handled that guy on his own.


August 13th, 2014 at 2:16 PM ^

"But he didn't" But he didn't what? Are you referring to Jones not handling the situation himself? Ok... No argument there... "absolutely no justification whatsoever for York to have punched him" From video evidence alone, you are correct. "it was a set up with Jones distracting the guy so York could get the sucker punch in." If that is the case, then Jones is a bigger coward than York, I for one don't have enough evidence to admit that.


August 13th, 2014 at 4:04 PM ^

Emotions aside, kicking the kid off would save face for the program but would not help anyone involved.


1) It would mean that the victim wouldn't have to worry about running into his attacker in class/at university functions. That helps the victim.


2) It means a more deserving athlete (either a walk on, or a new recruit) gets a scholarship. That helps the person receiving the scholarship.


3) It would save face for our program - which helps everyone involved other than perp.


4) It would help the perpetrator by teaching him the real world consequences of aggravated assault.


August 12th, 2014 at 9:22 PM ^

between the hockey team and football team.

The MLive article mentions that a former hockey player was involved in the initital encounter. That makes it sound like something happened inside the bar that hasn't been disclosed unless he was the guy who shrugs his shoulders and walks through.


Jones told police he thought the group of men were on the U-M hockey team, according to the report. There is no indication that the victim is on the hockey team. Police later identified a different man who had been on the U-M hockey team and now plays in the NHL as being involved in the initial encounter.


August 12th, 2014 at 10:16 PM ^

Tinitus, loss of motor control and sensation, oral cancers, phantom pains, mental distress, concusive effects, diminished libido, blood clots, reoccurences, hearing loss, osteoporesis - the list of potential, unpredictable effects is enormous.
This ambush has saddled a young man with lifetime impairment. The perpetrator is responsible. He must be held accountable.


August 12th, 2014 at 10:23 PM ^

 Since Brandon and Hoke couldn't look at the video and see what 98% of everyone else saw and come to a decision, Csont'e York remains with the football program though he remains suspended indefinitely from football activities.

Does this mean York is in the program but must pay his own way until the suspension is lifted, or is he on what is essentially paid leave?


August 13th, 2014 at 10:19 AM ^

York should not only be kicked off of the team permanently, he should be kicked out of school permanently.  Let him take it to EL where it is "appropriate behavior."


August 13th, 2014 at 12:09 PM ^

you don't have. I, of course, am not excusing his actions, but I have never been a fan of kicking someone off of a team. Part of a coach's job is character development, kicking people off the team does not allow you a chance at making this kid a better person. My former wrestling coach, my fav coach ever, never kicked a kid off, even the few kids who did jail time during our season. Our coach was the ONLY person to visit our teammate in jail on Christmas. Now that kid has a family, a good job, and a degree. My coach could have easily dismissed that kid, but then who would have gone to see him on Christmas?


August 13th, 2014 at 12:37 PM ^

Kid just threw away a great college education and opportunity to play Michigan football, and for what? From the video, looks like the two mongo "hockey players" were trying to leave the establishment, and that York and his butthole thug friend were blocking their exit to exchange a insults. That's dumb.

Also, lots of luck with the judge, since the victim obviously had both hands in his shorts pockets at the time he was spectacularly cold-cocked. 

Ed Shuttlesworth

August 13th, 2014 at 4:16 PM ^

I have a real problem with the recent trend of schools importing athletes who commit hideously violent acts against actual students.  The victim here was a grad engineering student, knocked cold by a sucker punch from a virtual non-student.


August 13th, 2014 at 7:06 PM ^

I'm surprised Hoke has not kicked him off the team. Who knows when Hoke knew about the video. Bo would have kicked him off the team as soon as seen this video of the sucker punch. This just violated team conduct rules!