
February 20th, 2019 at 7:35 PM ^

I’m not so sure we as Americans would be “familiar” with what’s going on in SA, and I pray we never are.  The government corruption is virtually unchecked. The land redistribution program has been a disaster economically. Then there’s the whole murdering farm owners issue. 

4th and Go For It

February 20th, 2019 at 8:46 AM ^

Love all these comments about how they need to win a championship first. "Hey kid, don't get a once-in-a-lifetime experience to gain perspective on the world, history, other cultures until you've made it so I don't have to get teased by Ohio State fans I work with every year. Brenda in accounting is relentless." How narcissistic is your fandom to even intimate that something like this isn't "deserved" until its been "earned" by winning championships?

SMart WolveFan

February 19th, 2019 at 10:56 PM ^

Wait is Ohio State sending it's players to S. Africa too? Is it a race? Are we trying to beat them there?

O no not quite right. OSU is sending there WR coach to S. AMERICA to get more cheap cocaine and roids.


February 20th, 2019 at 12:49 AM ^

Its foolish to criticize this trip.  The kids deserve the experience.  

It could easily be argued the positive team bonding builds a more positive competitive atmosphere heading into a long tough season 


February 20th, 2019 at 5:09 AM ^

Tongue in cheek comment:

I can’t help but think of the E3W article when I was in school - something like:  “Campus Co-Eds:  Stop Blowing Michigan Football Players, You Aren’t Motivating Shit”

Seriously though, what amazing opportunies these kids have been getting.  I’m glad the SEC hasn’t been able to legislate it away.


February 20th, 2019 at 9:13 AM ^

For those with their knickers twisted up in a bunch because some U-M students who play football are going overseas, here's what the U-M School of Art (where I graduated from long, long ago) now requires:

"International travel and study is a required component of the Stamps School of Art & Design curricula. Why?

Study and travel outside of the U.S. is essential for aspiring artists and designers. An international experience prepares Stamps graduates to enter the globalized economy, makes them more competitive for graduate study, fellowship opportunities, and employment, and helps them to become informed global citizens. International study provides first-hand knowledge of other cultures, fosters creative insights and new life experiences, encourages independence and flexibility, and prepares students to negotiate difference, adapt to changing situations, and to solve problems from a new perspective."

I'd be surprised if this is the only school at U-M that either requires or encourages overseas experiences during their Michigan education.


February 21st, 2019 at 8:47 PM ^

The difference is our guys are actually life champions. The UT players all end up working at gas stations.  Our guys also are always in the hunt for a division championship.  We just have a giant cheating juggernaut in our way. The NCAA will catch them soon and we will dominate.