
December 1st, 2018 at 8:38 AM ^

Bush Sr. had flown enough missions in WWII and could have chosen to go home to safety.  He chose to stay and keep risking his life for his buddies and the cause.  That is service.


December 1st, 2018 at 9:30 AM ^

Dude was a combat pilot, a baseball player, a millionaire in his own right, then the director of the CIA, before becoming president. Pretty bad ass life, if you ask me.


December 1st, 2018 at 9:30 AM ^

One of the most accomplished men in the world's entire history spawned one of the most accomplished families our country has ever seen.  You don't have to agree with their politics to admit that.  Goodspeed, Mr President, enjoy meeting up with Barbara again...


December 1st, 2018 at 10:48 AM ^

While I don’t live on the same side of the aisle as he did, he was a true American hero who did not hide from war and served his country with pride. I wish there were leaders today with the same set of morals. He will be missed. 


December 1st, 2018 at 1:09 PM ^

An incredible life of public service to be sure. But by choosing Clarence Thomas to fill the Thurgood Marshall seat on the Supreme Court, HW allowed his political ideology to take precedence over what was in the best long-term interest of that institution.  


December 1st, 2018 at 4:45 PM ^

Last of a dying breed - A politician who was a decent man and one who loved his country more than self and did all he could to serve. Blessings to & my prayers for his family. 


December 1st, 2018 at 5:57 PM ^

I attended the Spring Commencement at Michigan Stadium in 1990 when he was the speaker.  I thought it was badass that he came in on a helicopter that landed on the practice field next door. He was a decent person who was also a politician. That says a lot.


December 1st, 2018 at 8:06 PM ^

Everyone is overlooking two very problematic aspects of his legacy today:

1. His last action as President was pardoning many people involved in Iran-Contra, with a likelihood that this was done to protect his own involvement from coming out, and

2. His criticism of the 1964 Civil Rights Act during his 1964 Senate run. Either it displayed his own racism, which is potentially supported by the Willie Horton ad, or both were cynical political moves made to cater to racists.

Even still, he was the best Republican president of my life time, and I’m not that young.


December 2nd, 2018 at 11:37 AM ^

Maybe not. But neither were the Willy Horton ad nor his comments about the Civil Rights Act his best moments. We all have ups and downs, and they should all be examined, even after we die.

And for what it's worth, I tend to believe those moves were cynical political ploys more than his own personal racism. But the fact that they happened allows for speculation. Shame, because, like I said, he was the best Republican President I've seen.