Thursday Open Manti Te'o Notre Dame Leenay Kekau Thread

Submitted by profitgoblue on

Put all of your thoughts, comments, questions, concerns, and general what-have-yous here.


Personally, I still don't know what the heck is going on.  The only thing I know is that he might still have a girlfriend (the Leenay Kekau imposter that he fell in love with (?) is still alive!)?  Or is the hoax a default break-up?  My mind hurts.


Mabel Pines

January 17th, 2013 at 10:49 AM ^

since he had never actually met her face to face, wouldn't she just be a "pen pal"?  Then he should have said "my pen pal died", which doesn't sound as exciting.  So I still blame him.

Also, I would ignore what the AD says.  cases in point: Bozo Ohio State President and AD, and everyone at Penn State.  Sometimes they are the last to admit the truth.


January 17th, 2013 at 10:53 AM ^

This whole Manti Te'o invented a fake girlfriend thing is really great, because it has totally distracted me from focusing on the impending Derrick Greene ammouncement next weekend.  Thanks, Mantil.

State Street

January 17th, 2013 at 10:54 AM ^

Most important unanswered questions:

1) What, if any, is the relationship between Te'o and this Ronaiah Tuaisasasopo character?

2) Why did he feel the need to perpetuate the lies after he found out it was a scam?

3) How are the parents involved with this?

Schaap better hit him with these questions in the exclusive sit-down today.

PS - how fucking stupid is Oprah?  Sitting on her bombshell for three days...only to be totally overshadowed.  Amateur.


January 17th, 2013 at 11:08 AM ^

I know people meet on the internet and I know people have long distance relationships, have a long distance phone/internet relationship for 3 years and NEVER MET??????

At some point don't you want to meet this person?  Wouldn't you try to meet over one of the summer vacations?  I just can't fathom two people would keep a long distance phone/internet relationship going for 3 years and not meet at least once.

Brown Bear

January 17th, 2013 at 11:12 AM ^

OT: Brady's brother, John Hoke is expected to be named the new Chicago Bears defensive coordinator according to John Mullin of the Chicago Tribune. Congratulations.


January 17th, 2013 at 11:18 AM ^

I just find it absolutely fascinating! It gets even more so with all the new information coming to the forefront every day.

Best non-sports/sports story I can recall.

At first I thought he was doing this as a cover for his fondness of dudes,(NTTAWWT) but now I have no idea what to think. I am starting to feel for the kid if he truly is naive enough to fall for the hoax.

I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the next bomb to drop!

Sorry for the format as this is from my iPhone


January 17th, 2013 at 11:25 AM ^

Dont fall for it folks.... he and his cousin Tuasosopo contrived the whole thing for a publicity stunt, and then when it got too big, they continued to lie about it, not knowing what else to do. Obviously they were stupid enough to lie at each step along the way and think nobody would find out.   


January 17th, 2013 at 12:24 PM ^

Soooo, it appears that Notre Dame is something less than the bastion of honesty and integrity that they purport themselves to be?  I am over-fucking-whelmed with surprise.


January 17th, 2013 at 11:32 AM ^

Just an observation:

The amount of attention being given to this whole situation, which has little to nothing to do with actual play on the field and ultimately boils down to nothing more than "did some guy lie about having a girlfriend that died?", is further confirmation of my opinion that most sports fans are really just soap opera fans.  The only difference is that this soap opera is about a large man in tight pants rather than a stereotypical fictional handsome two-timing doctor.

See also: Tim Tebow, Tiger Woods, and pretty much anything discussed on ESPN's assortment of terrible programming.