If the tweets are true about JoePA, what is your guess for new coach..

Submitted by JJB2 on

I hate to see him go this way, if the previous posts are true.

Maybe we can have a MgoBlog poll.

Notice I didn't mention RR....oops...just did.  Well we know that ain't happening.

I say Urban Meyer.



UM Fan in Nashville

November 8th, 2011 at 4:20 PM ^

In his radio interview shorly after his "retirement" he mentioned the shadiness of the SEC coaches and ADs.   I don't think he had any real health issues, he was burnt out of coaching in the SEC trying to keep up with all the other dirty programs.   His heart has always been in the Big Ten, but I don't think he'd go to PSU.   Not close enough to home and he doesn't want to go somewhere where he has to put up with more BS that he didn't have Anything to do with.   

I'd be surprised if he even considered the job, but who knows......


November 8th, 2011 at 1:57 PM ^

His health issue is esophageal spasms, which is treatable.
<br>Why is his name brought up for every job? I hope that's not a serious question.
<br>Obviously there is no guarantee Meyer will be successful at OSU, PSU, Texas, etc, but he's about as close as you'll ever get to a sure thing hire.


November 8th, 2011 at 1:22 PM ^

They always said he wanted Penn St. and then he took his "dream job" at Maryland because he thought JoePa could be there another 10 years.


November 8th, 2011 at 1:25 PM ^

I can't imagine PSU promoting from within after all this. They will want to/need to completely clean house in order to not bhe tainted by this forever. I expect Schiano to be at the top of their list.


November 8th, 2011 at 2:40 PM ^

the Sandusky allegations were kept a secret, a very limited number of people knew. Penn State will promote from within because that's what they've always done. An interim AD wouldn't dare to go outside the tribe (see RR to UM 2008-10); Penn State has just as many former players and coaches who care deeply about Penn State.
Assuming I'm correct about the limited knowledge, Tom Bradley should not be penalized for something about which he knew nothing.


November 8th, 2011 at 1:32 PM ^

I can think of one choice, mentioned in the OP, that would be very entertaining and polarize a lot of people here.  It won't happen, but imagine the circus if it did.


November 8th, 2011 at 1:31 PM ^

Only way Penn State will stay relevant and competative in recruiting after all of this is Urban or Bradley.  Anything else will be a monumental failure.


November 8th, 2011 at 2:08 PM ^

With such a clusterfuhk of a situation, which is about to get worse, will PSU even have a organizational structure in place in time to get into negotiating with Meyer.
<br>If Meyer is getting back in to coaching this year he will want to get started as soon as the regular season is over.

Six Zero

November 8th, 2011 at 1:47 PM ^

But this whole thing is so incomprehensibly ugly I think the new AD may very well gut the entire thing from start to finish.

Creepy Valley indeed.


November 8th, 2011 at 1:52 PM ^

I realize he has accomplished a lot in his career, but the top bullet on his resume is now and forever his facilitation of a serial child rapist arguably since 1999, and without question since 2002.  He's lucky he's not going to jail.  Further, keep in mind that Joe knew about the grand jury investigation - which occurred long before the season opener.  He could have retired then.  Heck, he could have retired back in 2008/2009 when the sharks supposedly began circliing on the Sandusky investigation.  But he stayed on, because he wasn't at 409 yet.


November 8th, 2011 at 2:49 PM ^

JoePa possibly knew about a lot of things, but how in the holy hell is Sandusky on campus when everyone has testified in a GJ Hearing before the season started?????????

JoePa should have laid down the law at least one time. This is the part that is most disturbing about JoePa's involvement. Failure to act more than one time.


November 8th, 2011 at 1:58 PM ^

So you're Urban Meyer.  You want to negotiate a multi-million dollar contract.  You want to know the administration is committed to expanding facilities (don't they always want that), more money for assistant coaches, off-season programs, extra income (e.g. clinics, adversiting, TV shows, etc.).


There's a power vacuum.  The PSU President is under fire.  There's no AD.  There's no VP in charge of athletic finances.  You have no idea who your boss, or his boss, or his boss's boss, will be, going forward.  And there's no one to really negotiate with, unless its someone with the term "interim" or "under-attack-and-soon-to-be-outgoing" next to his title.

You want that?  You're Urban Meyer, you'll settle for this situation?


November 8th, 2011 at 2:03 PM ^

You "hate to see him go this way"  ????      Or would you prefer to have our leaders be unworthy to lead?    First off, wake the fuck up and realize the magnitude of Paterno's actions (or lack thereof).   Second, Paterno deserves to have EVERYTHING taken from him right now, well, maybe not your pity.    

The way he should go, right now, is to jail. Yep, for failing to report something he knew was continuing, for a decade.  Go fuck yourself OP.


November 8th, 2011 at 2:08 PM ^

Forget that.  Time to scrub Paterno's name off the B1G trophy.  I prefer my trophies named for people who report child molestors to the police, not those who shuffle paperwork.


November 8th, 2011 at 2:08 PM ^

1) Someone cheap.  After all the lawsuits, PSU can't afford an expensive coach

2) A PSU alum.  You'd have to imagine only someone who graduated from Penn State would want the job

3) Someone not in any way linked to the scandal.


November 8th, 2011 at 4:32 PM ^

How do you figure? If he's aware of anything, it's likely that in 1998 their was an investigation of Sandusky that did not result in charges, and nothing more.

Stories like McQueary's aren't generally successfully hidden for a decade by involving a horde of conspirators.

But again - and I can't stress this enough - being aware of rumors regarding a former employee doesn't obligate, or even reccomend that anyone do anything.

"Hearing around the campus" that Sandusky was a creep is not evidence against Sandusky. Even IF Bradley, Johnson, Hall, Jay Paterno, whoever else heard these rumors, it's impossible to claim they've done anything wrong. Unless you think it's likely that McQueary told the assembled staff that he witnessed Sandusky raping a child (which I find doubtful), I'm not sure what any of these other people did wrong.


November 8th, 2011 at 2:11 PM ^

Let's relive some Sandusky moments by watching the highlights of 1999 vs Penn State. If I remember correctly he was falling to his knees and crying about Tom Brady lighting his D up.


November 8th, 2011 at 2:12 PM ^

Penn State is toxic right now.  Why the hell would Meyer take that job after this shit? I'd rather go to OSU with the NCAA so far up my ass if Mark Emmert spits it's coming out of my mouth than go to PSU.  Who's going to want to send their kids to Pedophile State now? It's not like the top recruits are fawning to go there already. 


November 8th, 2011 at 2:13 PM ^

Not to pull a threadjacking, but after yet another scandal involving one of its premier institutions, is it time for some change in the Big Ten front offices (specifically, Delany)?


November 8th, 2011 at 3:27 PM ^

It's his job to reign over the member schools of his institution.

The Big Ten has been nothing but a PR disaster for the past few years.

Is this primarily a Penn State issue? Yes, but Penn State represents the Big Ten.

Was OSU's thing primarily an OSU issue? Yes, but OSU represents the Big Ten.

With these new allegations, one could easily make the argument that the Big Ten has been the worst conference of the past 10 years in terms of off the field behavior, not only in running afoul of the NCAA, but the legal system as well.

Some of that has to fall on the Big Ten front offices, and Delany at some point, doesn't it?

It seems the Big Ten has created a "do nothing" culture in response to these major issues, and by do nothing I essentially mean, look the other way, and hope that it doesn't come back to bite you in the ass.


November 8th, 2011 at 5:26 PM ^

What could Delaney do to prevent it? You're literally yammering on about nothing.  Delaney had no way of knowing, how could he have done something? And even then, this is a criminal matter, not an NCAA matter.  PSU didn't break NCAA rules as far as anyone knows.  It's not a PR disaster for the Big 10.  It's a PSU incident.


November 8th, 2011 at 6:07 PM ^

I find your position both naive and laughable.

It's definitely a PR disaster for the Big Ten.

One of the conference's premier institutions was employing, and then harboring a child rapist, who had several incidents which the school was aware of prior to the one which blew the lid off of the scandal. This incident may inevitably cause all of the major leaders of that institution to resign, including their legendary football coach, who has been a relative figurehead for the Big Ten conference.

It's not an issue of whether Delany could have prevented it, and that an incredibly simplistic and incorrect summation of my position.

IMO, it's an institutional issue at this point. You've got member schools running amok of both NCAA laws, and laws in general. At some point, the leadership of the Big Ten needs to step up, say, "Enough." They need to start severely penalizing members for their behavior, rather than turning a blind eye, and/or passing the buck onto the individual institutions by saying, "PSU didn't break NCAA rules as far as anyone knows. It's not a PR disaster for the Big 10.  It's a PSU incident."

Maybe they didn't break any NCAA laws, but what they did is far worse than breaking any NCAA laws, and if they're willing to turn a blind eye to something this horrible, what else?

The Big Ten is about more than just athletics, and if new incidents keep coming to light, at some point there has to be leadership from the top.

It's become pretty clear that the Big Ten leadership has failed to continually keep in line with the standards the conference is supposed to uphold, and they've failed to instill a culture of compliance and accountability in member institutions.

The Big Ten's schools have looked pretty disgusting of late, and that's a problem for the conference.


November 8th, 2011 at 3:48 PM ^

One of the conference's premier institutions was employing, and then harboring a child rapist, who had several incidents which the school was aware of prior to one which blew the lid off of the scandal. This incident may inevitably cause all of the major leaders of that institution to resign, including their legendary football coach, who has been a relative figurehead for the Big Ten conference.

So, I would say that it is definitely an issue for the Big Ten.

It's also an issue as far as student safety, and charitable work the university and Big Ten does as a whole with regard to young children.

Even if you were to ignore all of the above, it's yet another major PR disaster for the Big Ten. It's gone from a few isolated incidents to a growing trend.


November 8th, 2011 at 4:28 PM ^

You're right in that maybe the conference should look into passing guidelines on how member institutions deal with non-profit organizations, but I don't see the B1G getting involved unless there is a complete breakdown in the handling of this matter at every single level of PSU's leadership. And from the looks of the recent reports, it seems as if PSU's Board of Trustees is taking matters into its own hands after Spanier and Paterno's laughable initial reaction to the scandal.