Points changed Changed Changed by Description
-1.00 The team the t…
1.00 The team the t…
2.00 Eastside Maize
2.00 Buffalowing Blue
2.00 M-Dog
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 BlueInGreenville
2.00 alum96
2.00 Caesar
2.00 McSomething
2.00 Crime Reporter
2.00 wetnoodle
1.00 The team the t…
-2.00 sambora114
2.00 sambora114
1.00 The team the t…
2.00 Louie C
2.00 M2NASA
2.00 armikka
2.00 BoCanHam15
2.00 Bill Brasky
2.00 Lutha
2.00 The Geek
2.00 rob f
2.00 XM - Mt 1822
2.00 GoBlueGoWings
2.00 gustave ferbert
1.00 The team the t…
2.00 wardcrazy01894
2.00 JetFuelForBreakfast
-2.00 JetFuelForBreakfast
2.00 I'mTheStig
2.00 SouthOfHeaven
2.00 GoBlueGoWings
-2.00 GoBlueGoWings
2.00 goblue12820
2.00 rob f
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 MGoFoam
2.00 FinestHour
2.00 justthinking
2.00 dbockle
2.00 bluewings
2.00 The Sea Was Angry
2.00 bacon1431
2.00 browolverine
2.00 JetFuelForBreakfast