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Anyone else

Anyone else wonder why Ondre Pipkins took a picture while in a shipping container?

Does it bother anyone else

Does it bother anyone else that the New York Times abbreviates the NHL with periods in between each letter?

And by peripheral vision

And by peripheral vision you mean Molk's superpowers that give him ability to see the entire field at all times, right?

I don't know

I don't know if anyone else mentioned this above, but it looks like the MGoBlog YouTube account got disabled. 

Good Lord

I don't wanna wait 1420 days for the OSU game.

Take your pick!-April-18th-2011-Stanley-Cup-Playoffs

I know the last one of the Wings ones works. I'm not sure about the others.

Such a beast

Out of his 33 tackles, 55.5 of them were TFL. WOAH.


Me too!!

Someone above was like "Maybe he'll become and EE" and I was like "Why in God's name would you want a football player to have no time for anything else in the world??"

Oh, there it is.

I've been looking for that.

He just wishes he was in as

He just wishes he was in as good a mood as the M&M.

I'm diggin

the high top fade he's got going on on his Rivals profile:

Too soon....

Too soon....

That M&M in the back looks

That M&M in the back of the first picture looks BAKED.

I feel like

your posts are always yelling at me.

68 - 50 + 1 = 19. Just

68 - 50 + 1 = 19. Just sayin.

Are you counting down the days until we get a new DC??

With Prince Holloway

you never know. Odoms is smaller in height than him, but he's a pretty good outside receiver, with his downfield blocking and stuff. Maybe this guy will be the same kinda deal.

My dead grandmother.

My dead grandmother.

You can never

blame someone who is always right.

Those socks

remind me of these:


Adorable kittens make me melt.

I think the

bigger question is, why isn't Lidstrom OMG shirtless?

I have no reference,

seeing as I'm only 20 years old. But I would say that, for the seemingly insignificant numbers of years I have watched hockey, Nick Lidstrom is the best I've ever seen. I think we can call him the best of this generation, eh?

Hey, look!

Here's a cute cat.

You literally

read my mind. When I saw that Lewan was a host, I thought in my head "I wonder if he busted out the mustache tattoo".

They must

have lost a terrible bet. A terrible terrible bet.


Does he have a love for stuffed animals?! Didn't think so.

Why so malicious?

What did the [lack of] Stanford fans ever do to you?

I'm gonna be so excited

when we keep Rich Rod and establish a new era of Michigan football that will last until theres a time where something cooler than the Internet exists and people will be talking about that generation's Rich Rod on a forum way cooler than this, but still relativly about the same stuff.

If by disturbs

you mean arouses then HELL YEAH IT DOES.

And if your

name is Sebastian Janikowski and you try out for a team like the Raiders you can get drafted in the first round and get more than that.

At 1:15:



It's single sentance paragraph time?


I missed the memo.



Well that makes sense then.

I meant

why they didn't stick with him from the start of the year. My bad. Shoulda been more clear.

He really

gave the return game a spark until he got injured. Makes you wonder why they didn't stick with him all year.

I wouldn't mind

if the coaches dressed up like this and painted their costumes maize and blue

Hey, look at that.

5 Hour Energy is sponsoring the bowl game.

My favorite quote:


Question: What have you learned in your first nine months as athletic director?

Brandon: Don't read blogs. Don't listen to talk radio.

So good.

Even more epic than...

Lava Cake? I'm pretty sure this was DB's own decision.

Him and Quagmire

I want you

to know that I'm cheering for you.

The first

5 words in your post sounds like a commercial for a bad lawyer.

Justice is a very agile

Stop taking

pictures of my car. Geez. Ever heard of privacy?

Damn it.

I lost the game.

You guys are

BOTH racist.


It's "Injun burn".

I can't

believe this is legal. How is this legal? I don't understand.


So good at instate recruiting!!!!11!!!

My cocaine bear

ate your cocaine kitty.


Dantonio is lying to himself.

How bout

you just don't bring it up then?