What do you make of Desmond's comments?

Submitted by SonoAzzurro on
I heard him about 30 mins ago on ESPN describing the effect of a possible loss tomorrow. Trying to paraphrase him as accurately as possible, he mentioned that some of the alumni don't like Rodriguez, the tide has swollen considering the last events, and a loss tomorrow might make it a tsunami. Since Desmond should be a well informed insider, I wondered why he would make such comments. Isn't he jumping the gun even though we had a terrible season last year, and some journalist with an agenda fabricated some allegations recently? Or is it that he says it like he sees it because there really is such a strong anti-RR alumni movement? Forgive me if this has been discussed before, but what's everybody's take on the way Desmond has been commenting since RR took over?


September 4th, 2009 at 10:23 PM ^

But what he said is right ... a loss to WMU and the humpty dumpties falls to the firing side. I think people that said give him time would start to get frustrated, especially after last years debacle and some may start calling for his head. You're right though he did want Miles but what was paraphrased in the OP didn't seem to have that bias to it.


September 4th, 2009 at 7:42 PM ^

... there are two types of Michigan football fans. 1) Those that read MGOBLOG and fully appreciate what RichRod is trying to do with our program and how others are trying to undermine him. 2) Those who do not read MGOBLOG and are genuinely scared and disgruntled and partially bought into what the MSM spews. My guess is that the big boosters fall into category 2. People on this board, generally, are probably not the biggest donors to the program.


September 4th, 2009 at 8:52 PM ^

I certainly wouldn't qualify as one of the biggest boosters, but I donate every year to the University, and I have been a member of the AAUM for nearly 20 years. I found myself in group 1 for a long time ... Until I got my head out of my ass, remembered my Michigan Football history, (esp. Bo's debut season and the reception that met him) saw the hit job in the Friggin' Freep this week, and started reading this blog. Win or lose tomorrow, I now consider myself squarely on RR's side. HAIL!

Enjoy Life

September 4th, 2009 at 9:05 PM ^

Wow Brodie, how old are you? There is no evidence to support your allegation. There is not any evidence at all that even supports that lots of people (no matter what age) are against RR. Are we subscribing to "whoever yells the loudest" represents the majority?? I'm assuming you are less than 40 and apparently close minded. I'm way over 40 (62 years old to be exact) and I would never even insinuate that any particular age group fits into "Category M"


September 4th, 2009 at 9:29 PM ^

When I said "most" I clearly meant "every single person with zero exceptions" And yeah, totally. I hate people older than 40. You got me.. I have totally irrational and stupid epinions not based on anything. I never talk to anyone and I'm incapable of using that anecdotal evidence to form an idea. Nope.


September 4th, 2009 at 10:43 PM ^

It's exactly that type of "Who are you, young upstart?" mentality that personifies his stereotype. It has been widely rumored that the big-money, old-school is not pleased. It is also, at actual Michigan footabll games, easily observed in that same stereotypical group's hostility towards "those who yell the loadest". Are they worse fans? No. Do they overlook the passionate support of the coach/team, in favor of how things "should be" (i.e. a Michigan-man coach, and down-in-front)? Absolutely!


September 4th, 2009 at 9:29 PM ^

not sure what your talking about, the billboard that replaced it was for the Marines, at least yesterday it was.... Why would ND need to say anything? I would bet there was an alumni somewhere that said take it down or were going to pull our advertising on the signs and they noted that the regular money they received from whomever's company, was worth more than the 12 week deal they had with that douche.


September 4th, 2009 at 7:49 PM ^

Yeah, I don't see how anything he said is incorrect. If we lose tomorrow there's going to be a huge shitstorm. To deny that would be ridiculous. Will RR get fired for it? Probably not. Will the heat get cranked to 11 by detractors? Most definitely.


September 4th, 2009 at 8:06 PM ^

and frankly what Desmond said is true. What I was wondering is why I never heard him say something encouraging about the program. No it will take time for the transition, no the guys are working hard, no those were just allegations and every elite team trains extra hours...nothing like that. Even Rick Leach admitted he and other alumni wanted Miles to be "considered" for the job, but he at least likes the current coaching staff. Is it safe to say Desmond is in the anti-RR group right now?


September 4th, 2009 at 8:46 PM ^

I think it means more that he tipped his hand in his own personal feelings than it does that he is the Nostradamus of RR's future. I am sure that there are many alumni who did not have RR at the top of their wish lists. But I also do not think most Michigan alumni would want us to hire a guy and then not give him a fair chance. I hate ND, but I was shocked when they booted Ty Willingham after three years (although it is funny thinking about how they ended up with Charlie at $4+ million per year for ten years in his place!). He was definitely a poor choice, but he was their choice and they owed him a reasonable chance to succeed or fail. The same is true for RR. Even if he was not your first choice, he is a good guy and deserves a fair chance.


September 4th, 2009 at 8:48 PM ^

He was talking about the Notre Dame game. Which program would be hurt most by a loss. Herbie picked ND, Desmond picks M.

Blue Balls

September 4th, 2009 at 9:23 PM ^

and I think Coach Rod will make a statement this year. A new era of Michigan Football starts tomorrow, last year was a colonic of Lloyd's left over BS. Go Blue!


September 4th, 2009 at 9:35 PM ^

RR should get three years minimum. If nothing else, just so other coaches know they get three years. However, the first two years don't go down the memory hole. IMO, if we don't make a bowl this year, RR is effectively on a one-year contract next year with no room for error. If we lose tomorrow, all of a sudden just making looks like a challenge. I don't expect that to happen, but if it does, just do the math, and you can see that the rope will be getting short.


September 4th, 2009 at 9:55 PM ^

It's not just alumni who are concerned about RR. There is a rift within the athletic department (broadly defined as current administration and former players) with one side not comfortable with RR's demeanor. He is not a Michigan man in the eyes of these traditionalists. It speaks volumes that Lloyd Carr has not supported Rodriquez in any meaningful way. Tradition, honor, values, understanding what makes Michigan "the leaders and best" are all areas where RR has not convinced many that he belongs.


September 4th, 2009 at 10:47 PM ^

what the hell are you even saying? There needs to be a 1 year ban on using the terms "tradition" and "values" on this board because people just throw those words around without even thinking. And you misspelled Rodriguez, made assumptions you can't back up, and can't even define "Michigan Man". Maybe it's because I grew up in Maryland and don't understand, or maybe it's this Gentleman's Jack in me talking, but fuck this "Michigan Man" talk. NO ONE CARES. It's all about football, not meaningless catchphrases. Also, fuck tradition...I like winning more. RR was hired in part to help us win the big OOC games, and he's going to do just that. Our players work too damn hard to not succeed. I hope you catch E. Coli


September 5th, 2009 at 12:10 PM ^

Who grew up in Ohio, played at Miami (Not That Miami) under Sid Gillman and Woody Hayes, was an assistant under Woody Hayes at Ohio State and under Ara Parseghian at Northwestern, and was a head coach at Miami (Not That Miami) before Don Canham hired him at Michigan. In other words, he was not a "Michigan Man" at all until he was coach at Michigan. So I too an tired of this "Michigan Man" nonsense. I want a coach who's good at his job. It's great if he has some ties to the program, but if he doesn't that's fine.

Double Nickel BG

September 4th, 2009 at 10:18 PM ^

anyone really expect Desmond to go on a tirade about how Michigans going to go 11-0 and get upset in the NC game? I think hes just trying to not be a homer like Holtz, because no one will take you seriously after.


September 4th, 2009 at 10:21 PM ^

Well its kind of true, isn't it? People (fans, media or whoever they may be) are going to flip out if we lose to a directional school in the state.


September 4th, 2009 at 11:05 PM ^

Then all such fans should stand up and say they think Rick Leach does not represent "tradition, honor, values, and understanding what makes Michigan the leaders and best." And "demeanor?" These people, all of whom genuflect to their completely distorted image of Bo Schembechler, don't know a fucking thing about "demeanor." If Bo was coach today, they'd all be yelling for his scalp because Bo was frequently a mean, stubborn, cantankerous, obnoxious prick who despised the press and didn't care if the press or anyone else knew it.


September 5th, 2009 at 12:13 AM ^

Desmond needs to move on. Martin didn't choose Miles, and its just over. I'm behind RR. Of course, I am not tied in to the football community. I am just a graduate and fan (so is my wife, daughter is a junior). We count for something. This is why Moses spent 40 years in the dessert; to get the traditionalists out and prepare for the new. Anyone not behind RR in year 2 disgusts me. We gave Lloyd a lot of years.

double blue

September 5th, 2009 at 10:04 AM ^

desmond wanted miles- it's a strong belief among many that he was the one who errantly leaked it to herbie that infamous day of the "my damn strong team" speech by miles. many former players still want miles or just don't like rich rod. why? they've never really been able to say, but i know a few who were at dinner with him in august and for whatever reason they did not come back with glowing reports and this was not their first time with him. I myself was not completely sold until this latest fiasco; however, hearing his response, the response of the parents, and other former players (such as leach and bell) have given me a significantly different picture. I find it hard to believe that the investigation will find anything of magnitude and unless that happens i am now 100% behind rich rod. Desmond and others need to get "all in".