OT:Game of Thrones Season Finale Thread

Submitted by jerseyblue on

-Cersei and Loras have their trials tonight. You know something big will go down in King's Landing. 

-Does Bran reach the Wall? ToJ reveal?

-Aftermath of the Battle of the Bastards.

-Jaime and the Freys at the Twins. Someone will send their regards.

-Dorne? dunno.

-Danerys finally setting sail? Yeah right.

-Sam and Gilly take a cooking class...and nobody cares.


June 26th, 2016 at 8:55 PM ^

Yeah it really seems that way but my rooting interest is elsewhere. The bumbling, underestimated Everyman who stumbles into saving the day is a tired trope. Sam is a role out of a Jack Black movie.

UM Fan from Sydney

June 26th, 2016 at 8:28 PM ^

I am sick to death of these religious fools on this show. That high sparrow bastard needs to go. I cannot believe I have finally been rooting for Cersei. I hate how Tommen is such a bitch and actually listening to that freak. Hopefully this is just a ploy by him (clearly Margaery is pretending) and then he will have the soldiers kill those freaks.

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June 26th, 2016 at 8:04 PM ^

I was able to cram all nine episodes in today. Once I saw the forecast was shitty, I decided to play them all in the background while doing house work. Ok, I maaaayyy have fast forwarded through some (several) scenes and napped through others...

I'm pretty hyped. I wish Sandlot at Top of the Park was another night, but there's no way I wil go to Top before seing the finale and risk getting spoiled.


I'm Batman

June 26th, 2016 at 8:16 PM ^

Jon executes Melisandre. Witches blood on valaryan steel = flaming sword prophecy of Azor Ahai. She said when she looked in the flames all she saw was snow (Jon). That he won a great battle at Winterfell and he wielded a flaming sword. I think her blood completes his metamorphosis.


June 26th, 2016 at 8:30 PM ^

A slight thing about the "looking into the flames and all I see is Snow." quote.

Many use that as evidence that Jon is Azor Ahai, the evidence being the Martin capitalized "Snow."  However, if you just take the one line out of context, it leaves out the preceeding sentences where she is specifcally talking about seeing Jon Snow.  So, "snow" isn't supposed to be a coy allusion to "Jon Snow," it is explicitly "Jon Snow."

That said... yeah, the whole passage definitely is alluding to Jon Snow being Azor Ahai, just not how some people make it out to be.


June 26th, 2016 at 8:46 PM ^

But that whole internal monologue is about her search for Azor Ahai, and how when she asked the lord of light for another glimpse , she says to herself "all I see is Snow". It's true the whole context is about Jon Snow, but that little snippet was right after she thought about how Stannis was revealed to her as TPTWP. 

Now, that is 100% from memory, so it is possible that my brain has distorted it I guess, but that's how I remember it.


June 26th, 2016 at 9:06 PM ^

Agreed. I think the point I was trying to make was some people took that single line out of context as "look at GRRM being coy and capitalizing 'snow' to signify that she was actually seeing Jon Snow" whereas, if you knew the whole context, there's no need to be coy at all, that's exactly what he was talking about.

Perkis-Size Me

June 26th, 2016 at 8:19 PM ^

Someone in Dorne better do something, because otherwise those first two episodes worth were a complete waste of time.

Same with Arya's story. Maybe her learning assassin skills pays off big time before the series ends, but as of now the last two seasons for her seem like they've been a huge waste of time.

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June 26th, 2016 at 8:38 PM ^

I think something HAS to happen with Dorne by the end of the series or they wouldn't have aired the regime change, but they may have moved on otherwise because of negative fan reaction. Ex: We see Dorne one more time when Mother of Dragons flies in for 10 minutes to recruit their army and then it's just soldiers in the background at a date to be determined.


June 26th, 2016 at 8:19 PM ^

Why does it have to be the final episode of the season?  It's gone by soo quick!  Not sure what to watch after this is done...  Regular TV sucks a whale's blowhole.


June 26th, 2016 at 8:22 PM ^

Does Bran hit puberty and go God Mode? Little man travels through time and takes control of sentient beings with his mind so as long as he's alive there's that deus ex machina in waiting.


June 26th, 2016 at 8:26 PM ^


Sansa and Littlefinger combine forces (that's why he got the King to name him Warden of the North if he could take Winterfell, because the Knights of the Vale will honor that designation); that's why she conspired to see Jon's army mostly killed rather than tell him reinforcements were coming).  That's the big plot twist for the night, because neither Sansa nor Littlefinger understand the threat from the Night King. Sansa and Littlefinger announce their planned marriage.

Tommen dies at the hand of "Robert Strong;"  maybe Tommen threatens Cersei, but more liely the High Sparrow tricks him into it, and Strong reacts before Cersei realizes what is happening.  She burns the Great Sept of Baelor in her grief and anger using wildfire (or maybe Qyburn does so thinking that that is what she wanted).

Danerys sets sail for Westeros.  Euron is waiting, though.

Bran returns to the Tower of Joy and discovers that R+L=J.  Credits roll.


June 26th, 2016 at 8:41 PM ^

R+L=J is for sure happening tonight. We've haven't seen Bran in a bit, and it was set up earlier in the season, so it only makes sense. After that, I'm at a loss for what else happens. Maybe Arya Dany back to Westeros, but I don't think theres a huge rush for those two things happening tonight.


June 26th, 2016 at 8:45 PM ^

Jon Snow = KingInDaNorf! Cercei sets shit on fire. Jorah is full greyscale and becomes a superhero  Tommen shows us why it's called King's Landing.  Arya is gonna get to work on that list. Dany is gonna leave for Westeros but her ship sinks and she dies..it's so sad.