
September 19th, 2017 at 7:37 AM ^

Jerry Kill is perhaps being selfish about this. Based on his comments in the article, he seems to just be saying that yes, he loves football, and while it may contribute to his seizures, the alternative is worse. 

I tried to think of a funny Rutgers joke to include here but it's too early. Seizures of course are not remotely funny but Rutgers football is. 

Everyone Murders

September 19th, 2017 at 7:31 AM ^

I really liked Kill's style at Minnesota, and the fact that he was named "Jerry Kill".  I hope he's able to manage his condition and proceed with the career he loves, but the early returns don't look great.

And honestly, if avoiding stress is integral to your health, perhaps being Rutgers's OC is a poor professional choice. 


September 19th, 2017 at 7:57 AM ^

Stress And anxiety is the main trigger for my wife as well. I don't know how common this is as a trigger, but my guess is extremely common. It was interesting to me that she was the one who had to figure that out when the seizures came back during a stressful time in her life. It's like doctors, or at least some, have no clue that stress can be a major component to triggering them. And so many people have them. It's one of the least talked about medical conditions on this planet.


September 19th, 2017 at 10:39 AM ^

Self examination, truely looking in the mirror and being honest with yourself is never easy and it usually not the first thing people do.

Doctors only have some answers, they are not inside your head seeing what is happening daily.

I struggled a lot this year with various issues, but until I figured out that I really needed to address them, my issues continued to get worse. I had a friend that basically pointed out that I was being my worst enemy and only I could actually change what was happening.

Kill seems to be in denial at this point...he is not looking into the mirror.



September 19th, 2017 at 1:52 PM ^

They can do scans of the brain and I believe in most cases determine the "spot" that is causing them. They only do that if you're up for paying for it as the scans cost a lot of money. This is my understanding at least. Sometimes surgery can cure them if found on a scan, and sometimes they cannot. 

As far as the "anxiety and stress" treatment factor goes, I think it's mostly because a lot of times doctors are there to treat symptoms initially (especially with conditions that have so many root causes and are also not really understood much in the medical field like epilepsy). "How do we make you feel better?" is their main question to answer. The second question is more of "how do we fix you?" I don't think their decisions are usually if ever based off of what costs the most. I just honestly think that sometimes, like in this situation, they just don't know and are trying whatever they can.

This is just my opinion. Every doctor is different. It's so difficult to find "elite" doctors out there that really know their stuff when it comes to difficult medical situations, especially when it comes to the brain. And if you do find them, they aren't cheap. 

Raback Omaba

September 19th, 2017 at 7:29 AM ^

I know it's tough to say but Jerry Kill should hang them up for the sake of his own health and the sake of his family. My wife had seizures as a child but not as an adult, however she passed away from a seizure about a year ago which was brought on by our pregnancy as she was 7 months pregnant. This was a tough read for me and I really hope that kill is smart and realizes that football isn't worth risking your life and putting your family through heart ache. Not worth it

The Mad Hatter

September 19th, 2017 at 7:31 AM ^

has some first-hand experience dealing with seizures.  They're scary as fuck to witness, especially when it's someone you love having one for the first time.

But if they're caused by stress, I'm not sure that OC for the worst team in the B1G is the best job for Jerry.  He should have chosen something less stressful.  Like nuclear submarine commander.


September 19th, 2017 at 2:03 PM ^

Totally agree.

Honestly man, and I don't mean this as a slight to Jerry Kill or anyone who battles with seizures as noone can understand what that's like going through them except for those who have them, but the families taking care of ones with seizures has an EXTREMELY hard time dealing with it (especially if they're bad and/or frequent). I've seen my wife have two, and they are the most insane and horrifying thing I've ever experienced in my life. She and I both are very fortunate that they are at least controlled. All seizures are different, but when I told my wife what she did before she came out of it she just laughed. Of course I then got pissed because I just about had a heart-attack let alone my own seizure due to extreme stress and confusion. I thought Satan entered my home for a moment there.

**She laughed mostly because she pooed on the bed and floor and I had to clean it up. Thankfully she isn't on this board or I'd be without a bed and/or wife.

The Mad Hatter

September 19th, 2017 at 2:16 PM ^

My wife had one back in July.  The whole family was in the car and I thought she was screwing around for a second until I realized what was happening.  Luckily, I'm a massive control freak and I can count on one hand the number of times she's driven me in a car over the last 25 years, or we'd all be dead.

Kids were screaming and I drove insanely fast to Beaumont hospital.  Where they promptly did exactly jack shit other than give her an IV and send us home.  No MRI, EEG, CT Scan, nothing.  And I have good insurance!

We finally got in to see a neurologist a few weeks later and he ordered all the tests.  The best they can come up with is that it was induced by a new medicine she started taking a few days before it happened.

I hope it never happens again.  It was the scariest thing I've ever seen.  And I've seen some shit.



September 19th, 2017 at 4:43 PM ^

Corky, I'm pretty sure from previous posts, you live in Oklahoma, as do I (OKC area).

One of the things my wife and I eventually found out is that very few neurologists specialize in seizure disorders.  Our daughter was 15 when she had her first seizure and after subsequent seizures she started seeing a neurologist who specialized in seizures as part of the OU Children's hospital.  Once she turned 18, we had to change practices.  There are many, many neurologists in the OKC area, but I'm pretty sure the ones who specialize in seizure disorders you can count on one hand and have fingers left over.  It's not that you can't get good care from other neurologists, but when we needed an expert opinion, we ended up having to take her to Dallas for an appointment. Now that was several years ago, so things might have changed some since then.


September 19th, 2017 at 7:38 AM ^

I feel bad for the guy, but come on, man. There are people who love you in this world (I assume), you've made far more money than the average human meatsack, and you've had some real, memorable achievements. Hang them up, brother! Drink beer and fish. Or if your inclinations lead you to Hugh Freeze-type activities, no judgies!!! 

Everyone Murders

September 19th, 2017 at 7:51 AM ^

If he follows Hatter's prescription, Dilly Bar and Cheetos sales will skyrocket in Piscataway.* 

*I know it wasn't Kill but his semi-doppleganger phone tec - but if Kill is getting baked on the sidelines watching the slow death that is Rutgers football, he's damned-well getting a Dilly Bar.  Trust me on this tip and buy heavy on Dilly Bar stock.


September 19th, 2017 at 9:47 AM ^

I'm getting downvoted here, so let me be clear... If you want to smoke weed for whatever reason on Earth, you should be able to - medical or not. I can think of no less harmful drug among the "major drugs," and I've tried most. Compared to coke, meth, heroin, hell, even liquor, weed is nothing. I just don't know that it will cure my Super Cancer Leprosy AIDS in one week, like I've heard some claim... ;-) 


September 19th, 2017 at 10:19 AM ^

Wonks, pundits, talking-heads, the literati, etc. 

EDIT: I did a Google search for "marijuana cures cancer". The sixth link down was for a website called "Cure Your Own Cancer" ( It's a website about how cannabis oil cures cancer. It has a picture of a hot blonde holding up a picture that says, "Cannabis Cured Me!" So yeah, there's some misinformation out there... 


September 19th, 2017 at 8:33 AM ^

It definitely goes too far but at the same time it's not fair to dismiss people finding genuine relief from smoking weed as just wanting an excuse to get high. Seizures are one of the illnesses where the evidence is pretty solid that marijuana has a very positive effect for some people.…