OT: Home workouts

Submitted by killerseafood3 on

Completely off-topic, please delete if you feel this is unnecessary. 

I sit in front of a computer all day at work, then do the same once I get home as I teach online and am working on my dissertation. Sitting has taken its toll on me, so I've been looking to start a home workout routine. Been doing pushups and struggling with chin ups, so I figure it's time to start actually following a routine. 

I've been looking at the workout programs at the beachbody website, considering one of the p90 workouts or body beast. Anyone have experience with these workout videos, or have any recommendations for a good routine to follow at home with dumbbells and a pull up bar? 

Monkey House

May 11th, 2016 at 12:46 AM ^

my cousin is a special forces captain and a few of them have been doing a workout called HIT100. it's light weight, 10 reps, 10 sets. 60 sec break between sets, every week take 10 secs off your break time. it's fun, tough and keeps you on a routine.

Monkey House

May 11th, 2016 at 5:04 AM ^

that's what I'm doing. 6 weeks of this, 6 weeks heavy weights. by the time you get to week 5-6 and you are trying to do 100 straight reps is brutal. but it's fun and different. not going to lie, you might get some weird looks when someone sees you struggling to life 50%-60% of your usual weight. little do they know that u might be on rep 85.


May 11th, 2016 at 1:02 AM ^

Most cost effective, practical and versatile home gym equipment: bodylastics.com

However, P90X provides motivation and guidance, which is important for success.

You could use both. 


May 11th, 2016 at 1:36 AM ^

Home workouts aren't really my thing, I'm a personal trainer so I spend 40 hrs/week in the gym.  But the most important thing is that you find a workout that you like so you can stick with it.  That's the biggest problem with home workouts, no accountability.  People buy the videos and then stash them away.  But if you make it a point to spend ~60 minutes a day, 5 days a week on exercise, plus change your diet (I assume that needs improvement too, it always does) you will see positive results.  I've actually seen people bring their home workouts to the gym.  Set up their laptop or phone and do them right there.  We laugh at them but honestly it's better than not exercising so more power to them.


May 11th, 2016 at 1:49 AM ^

From years of wrestling practice, this is the best workout, don't laugh:
Do quick feet (stutter step in place as fast as you can) for 20-30 minutes straight, no stopping. Every 20-30 seconds, drop flat to your stomach on the floor and get back up as fast as you can.
In no time, you'll either give up on exercise or be in pretty good shape.

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May 11th, 2016 at 5:23 PM ^

with activities lasting over 3-4 minutes


Note the

The specificity of training principle - It is best for training to simulate the movements and energy demands of the sport of the athlete (Harman and Pandorf, 2000)

Three energy systems serve the athlete. Two anaerobic

The anaerobic system is utilized in all-out efforts of exercise lasting up to one minute. There are two anaerobic power systems available to the body:
  1. The Adenosine Triphosphate-Creatine Phosphate (ATP-CP) system, and
  2. The anaerobic glycolysis/lactic acid system.

The ATP-CP system is used for efforts lasting less than 10 seconds; while the anaerobic glycolysis system powers efforts longer than 10 seconds, lasting up to a few minutes (McArdle, Katch & Katch, 1991).

and the one aerobic

The aerobic system, also known as aerobic glycolysis, powers continuous steady state exercise longer than three to four minutes. In the aerobic system energy (ATP) is produced through Pyruvic Acid and Lipid/Protein fragments entering the Kreb Cycle and the Electron Transport Cycle (McArdle, 1991). 

I Want To Believe

May 11th, 2016 at 4:29 AM ^

I've done both insanity, and P 90 X. I hound that both worked, but the second month of insanity was so difficult that I lost 34 lbs in 20 days from 205 to 171. Once I finished the program I made my own consisting of the toughest workouts of both programs. If you're crunched for time the inventor of insanity released a 25 minute routine that is pretty difficult called T-25

I Love Lamp

May 11th, 2016 at 8:25 AM ^

About that second month of insanity. It's ridiculous. I find myself repeating month 1 because month 2 kills me. Insanity is great for the cardio. P90X gave me noticeable results with the lifting mixed in with cardio. I lost a lot of weight with insanity, lost inches with P90X. I had to alter the diet plan a little on both because I would get way too hangry. All this workout talk makes me think I should pull these videos out again. I'm getting a little pudgy.


May 11th, 2016 at 5:36 AM ^

it's basically free and is also good to alternate b/w weight days if you are doing weights.   


May 11th, 2016 at 5:38 AM ^

I have completed p90x3 and I liked it. I definitely saw results, lost a few inches around the waist and visual results in terms of muscle definition. I didn't follow the diet exactly but already eat a very healthy diet. Anyone complete 22hard corps?


May 11th, 2016 at 5:51 AM ^

"They" say that sitting all day can literally take years off of your life, even if you do active cardio later in the day.   So try to stand up every 20 minutes or so and walk around.  Do some knee-bend squats, or standing lunges every half hour or so just for 1 minute or two.  Do 20 pushups and then get back to work.  Also a standing desk may be a good option as well.

Personally I try do to 120 pushups a few times a week in sets of 20 with a short rest between sets.  Lately I have started going to the gym for weights too and also run a couple of times or cycle when its warm.  There is also a 100lb heavy bag that is on a stand on my back patio.

Hitting the heavy bag for 5 or 10 minutes full out is an incredibly great workout.  It also will get you ripped up like you would not believe. I use an Iphone Boxing App and set it for 5 rounds of 2 minutes each with a rest between rounds.  This totally kicks my ass. There is a reason why professional boxers are usually ripped and muscular.

Here is a pic of me last year at age 45.  I was hitting the heavy bag 4X a week and doing some pushups between rounds on the bag.  Thats it, no weight or cardio.  This got me bulked up pretty quickly.  I am now about 10lbs lighter than and more cut than this due to a healthier diet and less calories.

Hitting the heavy bag is completely underrated work out.  If you can find one...hit it.  Its also great for kicking too.





May 11th, 2016 at 6:05 AM ^

You say that you are struggling with Chin Ups.  You fix that by cheating your way to the top and then doing negatives.  Basically, start at the top and hold on for as long as you can all the way to the bottom....fighting the whole time until you are fully extended.

This works the chin up muscles very well and you will be able to do them sooner than later.


May 11th, 2016 at 6:38 AM ^

There are hundreds of bodyweight exercises that are very effective at building muscle and great for your cardiovascular system. My favorites are burpees, mountain climbers and push-ups. I would recommend going on YouTube and doing a search, and then watch a bunch of them and decide on a few that you like, and do them every day with EUTMK. Also be sure to stretch well every day.

UM Fan from Sydney

May 11th, 2016 at 6:48 AM ^

The only home exercising I do is pushups before sleep and after waking. I go to a gym for regular exercise.

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May 11th, 2016 at 7:08 AM ^

Also, kids do "chin-ups." Men do "pull-ups" Seriously though, Youtube has all the workouts you need. I am a gym rat yet still find myself watching fitness videos and tips.

One thing I would invest in is a "power tower" at home. Most gyms or outdoor fitness areas have them (I hit one along Lake Mi in Chicago). If you can bang out 300 reps between pushups, dips, and pull-ups you will feel it. Okay, maybe start at 200.

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May 11th, 2016 at 7:15 AM ^

Yes. All of the above mixed with planks....30 second hold.
A good workout I got from a guy that is really simple is:
3 pull-ups
6 push-ups
9 manual body weight squats
30 second plank
Repeat this cycle for 30 minutes

After a while you can change it up a bit, but it is a workout that doesn't look like much "on paper " but will definitely kick your ass at first.

Good idea on staying active if your job causes u to be sedentary. Sitting is the new smoking. You have to stay active.

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May 11th, 2016 at 7:13 AM ^

I just finished P90x a couple weeks ago. It worked great for me. Lost over 30 pounds and feel great. Just ordered the new Tony Horton 22 minute bootcamp yesterday. Going to try it over the summer to try to keep the weight off. The diet part and drinking the Shakeology shakes really help as well. It all comes down to what you are willing to put into it. We tried the 21 day fix back in the fall and I might have lost a couple pounds. It was shorter workouts and a harder diet plan that was difficult for me to keep up with. I've heard really good things about the Body Beast workout too and might try that one down the road. But good luck and hope you find one that works for you.

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May 11th, 2016 at 7:28 AM ^

if you can do chins you are already ahead of 90% of the population.  pushups do the one armed variety if you can.  start against the wall and wrk down to the ground.  read bill philips book "Body for Life."  It's old but still the best starting point to looking like a triathlete.  I am almost 50 and have abs so it can be done.  Good luck.

O S Who

May 11th, 2016 at 7:49 AM ^

I've done insanity, T25, and insanity max 30. all of them worked for me, and I lost a lot of weight fast with all three (when I had weight to lose). my overall recommendation would be insanity max 30 because it's 30 mins yet effective. T25 is only 25 mins and is effective but I get a better workout with insanity max.


May 11th, 2016 at 7:53 AM ^

I did the Beachbody 21 day fix with the wife. Only 30 minutes a day. Was able to lose the 10 lbs I put on over the winter and the host is fun to look at. Always been turned off of p90x because I don't have 90 minutes a day to work out.