OT: Hash Bash

Submitted by WichitanWolverine on

So apparently today is Hash Bash and surprisingly no one has posted about it on MGoBlog.

I graduated in 2007 and remember thinking that Hash Bash was fizzling out and not that big of a deal anymore.  I went to Charley's for a drink this afternoon and South U was packed with Hash Bash folk.  I also parked in the S Forest structure and spent 30 minutes waiting in line to get out.  Is Hash Bash "back" or am I crazy for thinking it was dying out in the first place?

On a side note, I'm kind of bored so I'll throw this out there: what do the MGoDenizens think of Hash Bash?  I don't smoke at all but I think Hash Bash is pretty cool.  I like the idea that Ann Arbor can be home to one of the best universities in the world and also be home to...well...the opposite of academic rigor (sorry for stereotyping).  It just goes to show how diverse this city is and how much it has to offer.

Lastly, does anyone have any good Hash Bash stories?




April 2nd, 2011 at 7:06 PM ^

Or at least my streets...traffic downtown is insane today.
<br>Never really...participated...but when we were in school, we used to celebrate with what we called "the all day buzz". Wake up, start drinking till you got the buzz, kept drinking to maintain it, but never drink so much you got sloppy or drunk.
<br>For those interested in the ebb and flow of the history of it, Annarbor,com had a nice, long article on it, worth checking out:


April 2nd, 2011 at 7:11 PM ^

Had we had it this weekend.I can see it now. In an interview with Zeke Pike he said this, "The school was really chill, the doritos on campus left a strong impact but im still kind of hungry so I think ill check out UCLA and see what they have to offer, i heard a lot of gummies and soda!". So whos your top 5 Zeke? "ummm...wait whatd you say?, wheres blimpy?"


April 2nd, 2011 at 7:41 PM ^

I work at Maison Edwards (the tobaccanist in Nickels Arcade) and we were swamped today. Lots of people picking up pipes and rolling papers. Also, a lot of bash-goers like to hang out in the arcade, especially when it starts to rain.


April 2nd, 2011 at 8:11 PM ^

I smoked plenty of pot back then, but all the Hash Bash enthusiasts I knew were perpetually-stoned idiots who spent every second babbling about how high they were and what a great strain of pot they'd just picked up.

When Hash Bash rolls around every year, the Diag has the highest concentration of losers in the entire state. I used to have an office in Nickels Arcade, and it got so I didn't even bother to go in on Hash Bash because it was impossible to get anything done.

I know Chuck at Maison Edwards, and I'm glad he makes money off the losers, though.


April 2nd, 2011 at 11:35 PM ^

Since my tobacco use has dwindled to virtually zero, I don't come in that much any more, but Chuck's got a really sweet flask that I've had my eye on for a while. Would come in handy at games since it's got a really slim profile. Several years ago I designed a logo for him and he got some matchboxes printed using it. I don't know if he's ever gotten any new ones, but I think he should... I love the old cigarette advertising stuff he's got in the windows.




April 3rd, 2011 at 5:40 PM ^

I think I know exactly the flask you're talking about (the really slim silver one with a hatched pattern on the front?) I've had my eye on it as well. Also, I think I know the matchbooks you were talking about, but we dont have them anymore. 

Either way, it's always nice to find people who share my loves of Michigan Sports and Maison Edwards.


April 2nd, 2011 at 8:22 PM ^

Lord help the next dirty hippie who parks in my private parking lot. I'm just glad it rained so those people could get something resembling a shower.  Next year I'm taking the Eric Cartman route and playing Slayer at my house all day to keep it a hippie-free zone. Might need to throw on some Eminem to ward off the Juggalos too. 

And yes, I am a little bitter because I have to submit a drug test for my internship next month. But I'm more irritated because Hash Bash turns Ann Arbor into a clone of the shitty town full of townie scumbags that I had to go to high school with. Seriously, if I wanted to hang around  mangy transients and drug dealers I could've just dropped out of high school and lived in my mom's basement back in New York. The only difference is Michigan has the lovely addition of Juggalos. No thanks. 


April 2nd, 2011 at 8:51 PM ^

from a sorry p*nk like yourself. Do they let weenies like you INTO the UM these days? You are strictly MSU material. Standards have obviously fallen. 

Used to be folks like us that would be pissing on the heads of straights like you from the TOP of the parking structures. 


April 2nd, 2011 at 10:06 PM ^

I can never tell if you're a recent grad, or a grumpy old man (or just making it all up). Cause it's kinda hard to tell when all your posts come off like you're 13.

But in any case, looking at your recent reading comprehension, obviously your sarcasm meter is non-existent. They must have offered that class when I was at Michigan, unlike whenever you were there.


April 2nd, 2011 at 11:53 PM ^

I normally bag myself three or four tourists a year during art fair.  I come home from work and find a car in my driveway.  I simply pull in behind them, with the house in front of them and a tree on either side their car is my guest until I opt to move.  My moment of glory was coming home from work on Thursday, parking in a minivan and then leaving for Chicago with my wife.  The people ended up having to extend their hotel stay to wait my wife and I to get back from a drinking bender in Chitown.

The called my landlord and his response was to come by, laugh and take pictures.  Same response from the cops.  


April 2nd, 2011 at 8:48 PM ^

Huron. It was always freezing, and I don't remember it being fun. But on a connected note, I always liked hashish so much better than marijuana--much cleaner, more cerebral buzz. Haven't smoked in a decade or more, but. . . question for the younger crowd: do people even smoke hash anymore?


April 2nd, 2011 at 11:42 PM ^

I was at Dominick's tonight, and at the next table, some guy just pulled out a joint about the size of a cigar and just lit up right in the middle of the bar.


April 2nd, 2011 at 11:44 PM ^

Hash Bash has always been one of those events where I agree with the message while secretly rooting for the riot police to roll in.  You get less people in town than you would for a football Saturday and they still manage to trash the place.  There are garbage cans at all the corners of the Diag yet the protestors are incapable of finding them and the Diag ends up looking like a garbage dump.  Even Sparty does less damage for the most part.  

I love the message to legalize pot but I hate the burnouts who show up to trash the place.  I went, sipped a bubble tea and watch DPS arrest people.  My favorite was the guy who went on a very animated rant about how it is only a $25 dollar fine.  Two DPS offers stood there calmly, let him rant for a good 15 minutes.  They then informed him he was on state property, not city, and slapped the cuffs on.  

The other big problem is the local prices go up this week.  You have to remember to lay in a stash ahead of time or else pay a major premium.  Damn you supply and demand!