OT- Game of Thrones S8E1

Submitted by Eastside Maize on April 14th, 2019 at 10:12 PM

Cersei is a piece of work and Euron better watch his step. The things Jon Sn... I mean Aegon Targaryen will do for love. A bit slower than I expected, but a good setup episode nonetheless.


April 15th, 2019 at 1:03 AM ^

Sam: What are you doing out here?

Bran: Waiting, for an old friend.

At least he’s developed a dry, but witty sense of humor (akin to when he holds up the raven’s message for Sam).

But as far as three-eyed ravens stuck inside the bodies of crippled boys (ones who can see the past, the present, and glimpses of the future) go, I’d guess he’s middle-of-the-road creepy.


April 15th, 2019 at 6:20 PM ^

Actually, I think it started sagging before they ran out of GRRM's material.  The Dorne stuff was mostly terrible.

That being said, I think that some of the last episodes of Season 7 were pretty good, despite clearly having a tone that is completely different than the books.  What are they supposed to do?  It's been 22 years and Martin isn't even close to finishing up the books.  I doubt he ever will.


April 15th, 2019 at 7:30 PM ^

Oberyn was one of the best characters in the show and provided one of the most shocking scenes.

But yeah, the show meandered quite a bit through Dorne with the only result the killing of Myrcella (which needed to be done but maybe could have been done a different way). Jaime's involvement was kind of ridiculous.


April 14th, 2019 at 10:43 PM ^

Lol what?


Season 7 was the epitome of bad writing. Wtf are you watching? GoT slowly started getting worse after season 5.


And yeah TWD started sucking after season 4. Anyone who kept watching that trash is a sucker. 


Sansa summed it up perfectly when she said she thought Tyrion was the most clever man in Westeros. 


April 15th, 2019 at 9:15 AM ^

Yeah, by “writing” it is not just talking about dialogue.  But story, execution, and how it fits into the bigger picture and character motivation.  I love GOT, one of the best shows of all time, but nothing since season 3 has been flawless story telling. A lot of times the phrase “beautiful mess” come to mind for its later seasons.  There are some Reddit threads that you can read that are merciless with season 7, particular that beyond the wall scenes.  There were really some bad moments last season.  Great moments too, but some major writing flagrant fouls also.  

Perkis-Size Me

April 15th, 2019 at 8:26 AM ^

I quit the Walking Dead about 3-4 seasons ago. The first three seasons were some great stuff, but after the Governor died, the show completely went downhill. Same plot over and over. 

Travel to new location, meet new bad guy(s), kill those bad guys, one or two characters from the main cast die, the rest stay one step ahead of the walkers, move to next location, and repeat process. 


April 15th, 2019 at 10:22 AM ^

The wife is invested, so we keep watching Dead.  This season started out with some hope that the walkers had started evolving, which would have opened up an whole new story line.  But nope, just another group of people living and hanging with walkers.  Just another group to fight.

So disappointing...  That show should have ended when Negan was caught.

UM Fan from Sydney

April 15th, 2019 at 12:23 PM ^

Your point about the walkers' evolving is my main gripe with the show now. I think that would have been really cool if they started to evolve, but as you said, just another group of psychotic humans to fight. They really had something with the evolving aspect, but of course the jackass writers had to ruin that.


April 15th, 2019 at 5:39 PM ^

If you really want to be pissed off go back and watch season one.  The Walkers did show signs of intelligence. Examples: 

  • Little girl Walker picks up stuffed toy. 
  • Morgan's wife-turned-Walker tries doorknob at her house.
  • Walkers climb fences and use rocks to break glass.

They devolved quickly in season two.


April 14th, 2019 at 10:43 PM ^

Definitely lots of groundwork, but a good start.

Looks like Cersei has finally gone ?.  She’s losing her mind, and I’m reaping all the benefits......  

Laser Wolf

April 15th, 2019 at 10:16 AM ^

Exactly. I just think this time it’ll come back to bite her. Euron doesn’t care about much besides himself but he does seem to genuinely want the respect and admiration of Cersei. When he learns she was playing him I could see him switching sides and helping the North in the impending showdown. He said it himself last night. He has no qualms switching sides. 


April 15th, 2019 at 1:45 PM ^

That was my wife's comment, SHE'S DRINKING WINE!

Last season I thought she might not be and was just using it as a way to convince Tyrion that she would join the fight.

But after last night's episode, I think she is and that's why she hooked up with Euron: to pretend it's his for as long as she can (keep him loyal).


April 15th, 2019 at 10:41 AM ^

I think that more had to do with her being pregnant and needing a feasible cover for the fact that her child is Jamie's.

Cersei does always have a plan and as of right now I think it is luring the Army of the Dead to King's Landing, igniting a city full of wildfire (like the Mad King wanted to and never got to), and leaving on the Greyjoy fleet with the f-ing Iron Bank as her ATM machine.

IMO Cersei is the favorite right now.


April 15th, 2019 at 11:21 AM ^

She can't be the favorite. We already know from episode 1 of season 5, when Cersei visits the witch as a child, that the witch told her her future. She would only have three kids and all of them would die before her. While she could have a miscarriage, odds are that Cersei dies before birth. Plus she already lit the wildfire under the city to bring down the high scepter and sparrows.


April 15th, 2019 at 11:32 AM ^

That was not nearly all of the wildfire.  There have been several seasons that have discussed at length how much there is.  The entire city is essentially sitting on top of a huge lake of wildfire, which also happens to be one of the things that can kill the white walkers.

The plan going on up North is just not feasible.  There really isn't a "plan."  Dragonglass and dragons.  The dragons have nothing to eat and they have like one week and some trucks of Dragonglass to prepare.  There are hundreds of thousands of white walkers.

We saw in Hardhome that the walkers can be "fenced" in, for at least some time.  Kings Landing has massive gates surrounding the entire city, and she has a fleet for ships as an escape route.  It may be that the show only wants to "make it look like" Cersei is in the driver's seat but she seems to be in better shape than anybody in Winterfell.

As for the meeting with the witch at the beginning of Season 5, I would not pay it too much attention.  There have been literally dozens of threads that GOT has left hanging over the years that did not amount to much.

(A side note.  One thing the show has completely dropped the ball on is that Kings Landing is still a heavily populated city.  There has not been any scenes of anybody in Kings Landing aside from the Red Keep or Dragon Pits in two seasons).


April 15th, 2019 at 10:25 AM ^

Cool how this season opened up the way season 1 did. The scenes with Arya were all well done. Her telling Gendry "I'm the only rich girl you know." was such a good flex. They did a good job bringing all of these characters together in Winterfell without making it feel forced. No unrealistic time warps! 


April 14th, 2019 at 11:06 PM ^

This episode was way better than anything from last season. Show decided to move away from the comical time warps and spent the time to actually build the story. Have higher hopes for the rest of the season.