OT: Entourage

Submitted by Zone Read Left on
So the new season of Entourage starts tonight, and all my friends are super excited. I don't get it. For some reason it seems to be the most popular show within the 18-25 male demographic, but I'm convinced it is written by a 9 year old monkey with down syndrome.


July 12th, 2009 at 9:44 PM ^

That demographic watches the show because of all the T&A that finds it's way into every episode. And Ari is by far the best character on the show.

Zone Read Left

July 12th, 2009 at 10:07 PM ^

I agree with this, and I do watch it ocassionaly because it is entertaining in small doses. I'm just perplexed as to why all my peers think it is the greatest show of all time. For example, right now my facebook feed is filled with people who's status is "ENTOURAGE" because they are so excited for the premiere. I know it's cliche to say this, but I'd expect that in Idiocracy.


July 12th, 2009 at 10:21 PM ^

I just started watching last season because I had never had HBO but I'm hooked now. I lived with five other guys last year and the only time all six of us were together at the same time (and not drunk of course) was when Entourage was on.


July 12th, 2009 at 10:36 PM ^

I stopped watching after Season 3. It got pretty stale, quickly. *Edit - I take that back. I would start watching again if Rahm Emaneul was worked into a plot thread, and if there was a dead fish involved.


July 12th, 2009 at 10:30 PM ^

It's a little silly at times, and the brah-ification of everything gets old, but it's not terrible. I've gotten tired of it and don't follow it as much anymore, but it's not like it's I Love New York or My Super Sweet Sixteen or anything. Unlike those types of garbage, you're not a bad person if you watch it. It's decent. I think if you think it's the best show on television you should REALLY watch some different TV (like for example Dexter, 30 Rock, The Wire or even South Park), but whatever floats your boat.

Tim Waymen

July 12th, 2009 at 10:37 PM ^

Best show on TV is Lost. Weeds is also awesome. I like Entourage, but at times it seems like some guy's Hollywood fantasy, so I like when things go wrong in the show like they did the past 2 or so seasons. I think it was a good move to make Medellin a disaster and to have Vince struggle to find new roles, but otherwise he gets too much ass. Then again, that's what he does. My roommates and I don't get HBO so I'll have to just catch it later.


July 13th, 2009 at 11:59 AM ^

The Weeds beach house is next door to my old place, about two blocks from where I currently live. I get to watch them film there when I don't have to be at the office. I saw them film a shoot out scene involving the main character chick and el presidente a few weeks ago. It was very entertaining to watch.

Real Tackles Wear 77

July 12th, 2009 at 11:34 PM ^

Ari Gold is Michigan's favorite fake alumni. In one of the early episodes he refers to himself as "a lowly Harvard grad with a JD/MBA from Michigan", or something like that. Definately the best show on tv today.


July 13th, 2009 at 2:14 AM ^

How dare you call Lost overrated? It's cleary one of the best dramas on TV right now and much of the complaints in that link have been explained (Characters, Dharma, Button, and the original premise). Also, its ridiculous to say nothing happens, yes the show moves at a slower pace, but that creates more drama and allows the show to go into more detail. I can see how the staring and the camera work could be annoying (though I haven't noticed these things) and the complaint about the reruns were valid until last season where all episodes were aired in a row. As for the rest of your post, I don't have the premium channels, so can't comment on those shows aside from the good reviews I've heard about Dexter. However, we can definitely agree that South Park is a great show.

Tim Waymen

July 13th, 2009 at 5:38 PM ^

It really is unbelievable. People say that it leaves things unanswered and just makes things up as it goes along, but it's such an engrossing show. I do have the advantage of only recently having gotten into the show and watching everything during the past few months, but I can definitely understand how it could be frustrating for fans who have been watching from day 1 to wait so long to know the things that I didn't have to wait so long to find out about. (I think I waited a second to start season 2 after the end of season 1 and one of the best cliffhangers ever.) But I also understand why they are still watching. It's a special show.


July 13th, 2009 at 3:27 AM ^

I'm glad to see that Sloan is being worked back into the story. There was lots of Sloan in the premier and she looked hot as usual. Me like.


July 13th, 2009 at 7:39 AM ^

Without the character of Ari Gold though, it would already be cancelled. He keeps the spice and humor in the show. His interactions with Lloyd are priceless.


July 13th, 2009 at 12:48 PM ^

Ari Gold is hilarious. Drama and Turtle are funny one or twice an episode. Save Jeremy Piven, the acting on that show is terrible. Absolutely terrible. I remember a scene where Vince reenacted a scene from Scarface while sitting at Ari's desk...it was the worst Scarface impersonation ever. I've seen douche bags at bars do a better Tony Montana.

STW P. Brabbs

July 13th, 2009 at 4:00 PM ^

I watched Season 1 and part of Season 2. It's decent, mindless pop fluff at first (thanks solely to Piven), but it is honest to god the same thing over and over and over. One thing that might give it a little more pop for a season or two would be if the writers poked a little self-referential fun at the show (e.g., that Adrian Grenier is possibly the worst actor since Keanu Reeves) but I didn't see that happening while I watched.

Tim Waymen

July 14th, 2009 at 9:56 AM ^

Any Sunny in Philly fans here? It's possibly the funniest show on TV right now. The oil crisis episode was one of the funniest bits I've ever seen.