OT: Douche Canoe who yelled at Uber driver father under arrest in New York

Submitted by ak47 on

We all remember michigan student and shithead Jake Croman going viral for yelling at an uber driver. http://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/index.ssf/2016/03/university_of_mic…

I assume most also knew that his father was notorious slum lord in New York Steven Croman's son.  Well Jake may have to wind up getting a job at uber and not sitting around on his ass watching tv because his father has been charged with 20 felonies.  http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/10/nyregion/steven-croman-regular-on-new…

Here's to hoping he never sees a dime of his fathers ill gotten money and actually has to work for something in his life.  Maybe it will teach him some good things.


May 9th, 2016 at 6:53 PM ^

Are so douchey their doucheyness projects across vast expanses of water. Hence douche canoe. The term may also refer to a number of douchebags colocated within a confined space, e.g., a SUV stuffed with the Croman family/coven of bloodsuckers could be referred to properly as a douche canoe instead of SUV, the douche magnitude so great that the type of vehicle is irrelevant.
/s a student of doucheyology and water craft


May 9th, 2016 at 2:10 PM ^

I was in investment club in undergrad with a lot of entitled assholes. Didn't know this about that guy, but without ever having met him I bet I know exactly how a conversation with him goes. I don't resent people for their money, I resent them because money has turned them into serious douche canoes.

Everyone Murders

May 9th, 2016 at 2:12 PM ^

Well, the sins of the father shouldn't be visited on ...

/ starts unbecoming fit of laughter /

(Are you kidding me?  This is hilarious.  Like Chris/Connor Cook-level hilarious.  I hope the first thing the court does is says "freeze all credit card acounts".)

Jack Hammer

May 9th, 2016 at 2:16 PM ^

Douche Rocket
A word to describe an asshole or more commonly, a douche. There are 5 rungs of the douche hierarchy: asshole, douche, douche bag, douche nozzle and right at the top, (displaying unfettered amounts of douche), douche rocket.  When someone is so douchey they can no longer be described as a douche nozzle, the big guns are brought out and douche rocket is used.
It would make sense for OP to ammend this information with Douche Canoe.

His Dudeness

May 9th, 2016 at 2:16 PM ^

Why is this kids real name and family laundry being aired on this or any other website?

Is this the new norm?

I find it very odd that people find joy in this kids life being possibly ruined for one drunken diatribe. I find it even more odd that people are happy that his family may also be ruined.

This truly is a brave new world.


May 9th, 2016 at 2:30 PM ^

The guy treated an Uber driver like a piece of human garbage and reveled in letting him know that he was "going to sit on his ass all day and watch TV" which he could only do on daddy's ill-gotten money (now hopefully gone).

I love ya Mr Dudeness but disagree with your take on this one.  The kid was an entitled asshole and like they say - Karma's a bitch.  And, FWIW, nothing in that video made me think he was drunk in the least.  He was just being himself and by that I mean a complete and total asshole.

His Dudeness

May 9th, 2016 at 2:31 PM ^

So we as a society should ruin his life? Make certain he can't get a job? Make sure everyone knows who he is and what he has done?

What sort of "adjustment" are we talking about exactly? Socioeconomic? I think that is extremely harsh.

What is the best way to change someones behavior?

Should he be publically beaten instead? Where is the line?




name redacted

May 9th, 2016 at 2:51 PM ^

Public shaming is a very acceptable and effective form of punishment in most societies.

Wishing harm on the kid is a bit much, but I have no problem with a good ol 15 minutes of fame for him... The bad kind.

Honestly, this whole thing is good for him. Next time he mouths off to someone he sees as beneath him it could have ended with a beat down or worse. Let's hope he learned a lesson, and while I doubt his views will change I bet he keeps his mouth in check next time.

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May 9th, 2016 at 3:13 PM ^

Exactly. I saw people on the earlier thread on this kid hoping he got arrested (for something) or kicked out of school or beaten, or whatever. Nah, that goes too far. But acting like a total asshole and having that made public? Yeah, I think that's good. In fact, we need more of that...


May 9th, 2016 at 3:02 PM ^

Yes, if "by making certain he can't get a job" means - "he may have to try hard to get a job without his father's influence". It may mean he has to work his ass off, maybe for free as an intern to prove he isn't a jackass. That kind of effort is reasonable.

America provides lots of second chances but you have to work for them. He is not a convicted felon and has no handicaps besides being an asshole. He could work his way through it, with "work" being a key word.

Most of us have made mistakes, some more public than others. So he justs needs to shut the fuck up and go to work.


May 9th, 2016 at 4:54 PM ^

The kid's life isn't ruined.  I mean, if his father is convicted and sent to jail, that would probably have way more an adverse impact on his life than whatever this turns out to be.  And again, you scream homophobic slurs on a public street while the guy you are yelling at has his phone out and pointed at you, you deserve what happens.  And I hate to say it, unproven drunkenness isn't a defense.  

And public shaming is actually pretty effective at changing behavior.  Maybe he'll look at this instance and realize he doesn't handle situations well and strive to better control his anger, to figure out why he screamed homophobic slurs at a guy who didn't want to drive him somewhere, and improve as a person.  Or he can file a frivilous police report claiming this driver made anti-Semetic remarks (even though nobody mentioned it at the time or seemed particularly disturbed by it) and try to blame the other guy.  


May 9th, 2016 at 2:32 PM ^

This doesnt make much sense to me.

1.  You say going to jail is his justice.  Great.  Then why post or talk about it?  Heaping on?

2.  What he desereved?  Oh yeah, no justice has been handed out yet.  Damn presumption of innocence!  I guess it is there because of the mob mentality.

3. Regardless of all of this, who would it make "happy"?