OT-21st Birthday!!!

Submitted by beileinball on
Hello fellow Mgoblogheads!! I find it quite interesting that my first Forum Post is on my 21st Birthday, it also happens to be my last day of work!! Could my day get any better?? So it got me thinking, what did you guys do on your 21st, if you remember??


July 17th, 2009 at 9:01 AM ^

For all my hommies living in Toledo during the early nineties. Dinner at Mancy's with family - first half of the night at Frankies drinking in the basement - watched or participated in a fight (nightly occurrence there) - spent the rest of the night holding the girlfriends hair as the result of trying to match shot for shot with me! Got rewarded the next night though.


July 17th, 2009 at 9:21 AM ^

If you're back in town again, do Mancy's Italian the next time. The cooks there are better. I dunno why. Should be identical, but they're not. Or the docks. You CANNOT beat a strip steak from Navy Bistro, with a little 15 year French Oak Reserve Glen Livet for dessert. As for me, my birthday was Monday, so trying to find a bar open at midnight on Sunday was a pain in the butt, but I did. Day of, I mostly hung with my family and my girlfriend (now wife).


July 17th, 2009 at 10:35 AM ^

First of all, NY strips suck (and by 'suck' I mean they are really yummy but not the best cut of beef). And Navy Bistro is not the place to go for steak. There are two places to go in Toledo, the aforementioned Mancy's, or the much better Rockwell's, in the Oliver House. This is not a knock on Mancy's, who still makes a pretty good filet, but Rockwell's is great man.


July 17th, 2009 at 5:33 PM ^

I am suprised when anyone says food from the Bistro is "good". I have not had the same experience. I feel it's overpriced and most of us here on this board can make a better steak at home. But you enjoy it, so please don't take that as an insult.

Blue in Yarmouth

July 17th, 2009 at 9:04 AM ^

So the big day was my 19th birthday. Though it wasn't that big because I had been drinking illegally for some time and actually, turning 19 ruined it for me because most of the fun was the sneaking around. I went to a city nearby and gave my buddy all my ID (he was not 19 yet) so he got a Liqour ID made with his picture and my information, and we went on a three day binge. It was a good time but drinking soon lost a lot of its appeal once I realized I was now allowed to do it.

West Texas Blue

July 17th, 2009 at 9:07 AM ^

21st was on a Friday in Ann Arbor; had one class at 9 in morning and then went straight to bars after. Hitup Good Time Charlies to get free meal (at least one other person had to pay for a meal for deal to work), then went to Brown Jug (an ole time fav) and Dominics (love that sangria). Later had a birthday party at my apartment with multiple kegs. Guys at Campus Corner hooked us up with 50% off our alcohol purchase since it was my bday. Made it until just after midnight before going down for the count. Good times; memorable day.


July 17th, 2009 at 9:19 AM ^

i grew up in canada also. but i am from michigan so i got to do twice once for my 19th (wasn't that great had a basketball game) and for my 21st. my 21st started at 12am when i did a shot at the bar i was working at while i was on the clock. after we closed me, my boss and couple of other guys stayed till 6am drinking. i went home slept for a couple of hours got up opened my gifts from my mom and step dad. later that day we crossed the border and went to dearborn to millers for my first legal american drink. have about 5 buds ate a couple of burgers and then we came home after that i went out with a couple of my buddies got trashed and slept off a hang over the next day.


July 17th, 2009 at 9:32 AM ^

my birthday is on Christmas so I went with a couple of friends to a bar that was having a nickle beer night and was practically empty for obvious reasons and proceeded to get blackout.

Wolverine Gator

July 17th, 2009 at 10:01 AM ^

was pretty uneventful. The night of... well, I don't remember the walk back to where I spent the night and the world wouldn't stop spinning. The hangover the next day was brutal.

turbo cool

July 17th, 2009 at 10:12 AM ^

I LOVE 21st bdays. Seriously, I do. I like other people's 21st bdays more than mine. To this day I have never felt worse than the day after my 21st bday. It was consisted of 2 gallons of gatorade, 10 motrin, and a disgusting amount of sweating on place on East U. But again, other peoples 21st bdays are way more fun.


July 17th, 2009 at 10:35 AM ^

and the ship returned from my first Med cruise, a 6 month deployment on my 21st birthday. Nice to reconnect with my girl for the first time in the same time span; she gave me a fine birthday present, if ya know what I'm sayin' :)

Big Boutros

July 17th, 2009 at 10:39 AM ^

I turned 21 in March. My actual birthday was on a Tuesday, so I didn't do anything except hit one bar with two of my good friends to officially commemorate the occasion. As for how I celebrated, I got four tickets to the Final Four and after the games we went to the Vu.


July 17th, 2009 at 11:06 AM ^

I have a birthday that always lands on finals week. For my 21st, I had a final that day and a final the next day as well. I proceeded to get very drunk after that final, and I apparently went to Charlies.


July 17th, 2009 at 11:19 AM ^

On my list of fun nights, I'd put about 7 other people's 21st birthdays ahead of my own. Partly because I spent mine somewhat cautious and worried about retaliation for the funny shit that went down on theirs.


July 17th, 2009 at 12:14 PM ^

Brown Jug --> Scorekeepers (I think) --> Rumor has it I was running around shotgunning beers --> Floor --> Denny's the next morning.


July 17th, 2009 at 12:20 PM ^

I did the usual and went out with some friends and two of my cousins. The thing that is memorable for me was that I woke up the next morning and immediately checked the bucket left by my bed and was all excited because it was empty meaning I hadn't puked. I next went into the bathroom to find some evidence of a night full of puking and couldn't find anything either. So needless to say I was really proud of the fact that I didn't puke on my 21st only to get handed a camera full of pictures of me bent over a toilet. It was a major buzz kill!


July 17th, 2009 at 12:40 PM ^

my 21st was last monday and i seem to recall being stuck in work all day and being too tired to go out. easily the lamest 21st birthday i've ever had


July 17th, 2009 at 2:55 PM ^

Day after St. Patties day, so I went out to rochester hills at midnight and was back in my buddies apartment by 1, throwing up an odd mix of jagermeister and jameson. Thankfully I was able to make up for it at the next 21st birthday I attended, wherein me and some friends got the birthday boy completely kablastafucked an hour into it, and had him doing body shots off of what appeared to be bigfoots neice, and doing kareoke of I touch myself as 2 strange men danced with him. I have video of the event on my phone, but sadly, can't find my little USB disk drive to transfer it onto youtube. Someday though, someday.

Chester Cheetah

July 17th, 2009 at 4:42 PM ^

My 21st is on a thursday and my classes for the week end at 4 PM that day, so ill be hitting up the brown jug as soon as class lets out. Then I'll proceed to eat my favorite pizza: Bacon and feta from pizza house. Return to my house to enjoy a party at my house, then go back out to the bars.


July 18th, 2009 at 1:28 PM ^

Mine was during final exams. I had an exam the day before, the day itself, and the day after. That just sucked. I had to postpone the birthday festivities until the following night.