META: Paul Finebaum added to Drew Sharp list

Submitted by matdog05GOBLUE on


He's a troll who says things to get reactions. We're not going to help that anymore. We're just going to sniff at his employers and think less of anyone who cares what he thinks.



September 21st, 2016 at 10:04 AM ^

I have an odd feeling that if I punched Finebaum in the head with the same velocity I punch my kids in the arms while playing and wrestling, his head would explode in an orgy of blood and gore not seen since the cult classic "Scanners". 

In no way am I advocating violence here, FYI, that thought just randomly entered my brain... 


September 21st, 2016 at 10:33 AM ^

heard the entire clip this morning.  He is a punk, but the Michigan caller that called was discussing Harbaugh as it pertains to Saban and the Alabama love, and claimed that Saban inherited a "good program" when he came in.  Anybody who remembers Alabama before Saban recalls it as the dumpster fire that it was, so it was a very weak and nearly unitelligible Michigan caller that he was responding to.


September 21st, 2016 at 9:50 AM ^

The more and more he suckles at the SEC teet, the happier they are.


Since Harbaugh and everything he stands for makes them the most upset, he's just going to keep talking to appease the SEC masses.


Man, I want to play Alabama so badly in the playoff.....


September 21st, 2016 at 9:56 AM ^

whiny and sniveling.....?


LOL that because every day, at every turn and whenever you open your ugly face, you get slammed and owned by MICHIGAN fans, there Paul?

You tired of being hammered by a fanbase that is a lot smarter than you??  Then shut the hell up and stick to spinning the 2016 SEC mediocrity.

UM Fan from Sydney

September 21st, 2016 at 10:21 AM ^

Folks, this is all just for clicks and attention. Paul is just like Skip Bayless in that he tries to piss people off on purpose simply to get reaction.


September 21st, 2016 at 10:21 AM ^

Haterz gna hate...

Damn. He's one ugly little bitch. I'd wake up angry every day if that's the first thing I saw in mirror too.
You know what would be nice? If we, as a fan base, started a go fund me page to get him some plastic surgery. At least tack those ears back. Something!? I'm in for $10. Anyone match?

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


September 21st, 2016 at 10:28 AM ^

Everyone posting about how this is 'clickbait' and just for his ratings....




It's not like anyone is listening to him or helping his ratings, the scrub has been riding the HARBAUGH TRAIN for almost two years now.

Harbaugh is to Finebaum as Chandra Levy was to Shep Smith obsession and topic to bring up on a daily basis no matter what.


(like that 2000-era smack talk about FoxNews???)