I'm Fine, The Board is (temporarily) Broken, What's in your Cup/BBQ Plate?

Submitted by xtramelanin on August 28th, 2020 at 5:34 PM

I've been away, but I have gotten a number of texts and emails so I thought I'd check in tonight.  I did check headlines from time to time and read the 'mental health' thread the other day.  Worried about some of you.  Hang in there, 11/4 will get here sooner than you know. 

1.  I'm fine, the family is fine, farm is fine, my other work is fine, I'm told that a number of you have inquired and I'm flattered that you all would even notice I haven't posted since last month, much less ask or say anything about it.   Lots of football stuff has gone on with the kids, but of course their respective seasons got stomped out 2 weeks ago.

2.  Too Toxic.  I applaud Brian's wisdom in generally prohibiting politics on the board.  That said, some politics made sense in March and April, was probably actually healthy.  It long ago turned into a cess pool though, and I think when I saw Nittany get neg-banged for a post where he bared his soul about a buddy of his that lost his job due to Covid, had money trouble, fell into despair and ultimately took his own life, well that tore it for me.  That was disgraceful.  

There are many folks here who pretty reasonably can converse with different view points.  I bet I could have a very worthwhile conversation with, say, Sopwith for instance.  Probably with Hatter, too, though there'd be a bunch more 4 letter words said.  It's when folks go over the top with the name calling and false condescension that gets my goat.  You know those same folks would never, ever, have the guts to say those things to anyone's face.  And you know with 100% certainty the folks with the most poison political takes are directly proportional to the train wrecks their lives are, and inversely related to the size of their privates.  

3.   Worthwhile People On This List.  There are so many people on this list that I would love to meet in person, see at a game, have them visit the farm, shake their hand.  Very worthwhile people.  I have had the pleasure of meeting or knowing a number of you, and would say this:  If we had political discourse in our threads like we knew that the person we're responding to was or would be sitting in our living room then 99% of the rancor would go out of the discussion and solutions would exponentially be promoted. That ought to be the rule here.  

4.  What's in Your Cup/On Your BBQ There is about a 90% that at some later point there will be a splash of red pop in a coffee cup in front of me.  We will be BBQ'ing ribs tonight.   What about you, and how are you doing? 

I'll leave you with this video, I guarantee you will like it or I will refund your money.  It might start with an ad you can skip in 5 seconds.  Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEc1m-r_0gM

Blessings to you all,



August 28th, 2020 at 6:25 PM ^

Good to see your name on the board again. Coffee in my cup, but later it will be some Labatt Blue. BLUE. I really like that color. Eating vegetarian tonight, because lunch was a feast. So the wife and I will have a few ears of corn on the cob [ammo for my fecal aerosol plume] and call it good. 


August 28th, 2020 at 6:25 PM ^

Good to hear from you XM.

This place HAS been toxic. I’ve noticed it seems like a handful of people recycling the same shit on both sides. 

You were missed.


August 28th, 2020 at 6:33 PM ^

Glad everything is OK.

The flood gates got blown open and it won't shut. Everyone needs to realize that no one is going to change any minds on how they feel about COVID or what political party they root for.

Jack Daniel's and Red Baron Pizza


August 28th, 2020 at 6:39 PM ^

1. Good to hear and to see a Friday drinking thread.

2. Agree

3. Absolutely 

4. Just some diet pops and some Wendy’s  tonight. Still in the hospital waiting for my newborn to get discharged. Cheers fellas.

rob f

August 28th, 2020 at 6:46 PM ^

Great to have you back on board, XM!

Yes, I completely agree, the board is waaayy too toxic right now.  I fear looking in at the mod sticky and probably won't right away, gotta go do a quick grocery trip first instead of that quagmire.  As it is, I burned an entire day off Monday dealing with it and did the same Wednesday afternoon and evening until midnight.  Ugh.


Nothing to drink but an iced tea for me right now, otherwise I'll have to take an after-dinner nap. But I will drink later to your return, XM! (Maybe I'll look for a nice "starter" bourbon while shopping.  Taking recommendations but not quite into it enough to spend $50 on a fifth)


August 28th, 2020 at 9:14 PM ^

thank you my friend.

hey, take a look at mgocue's points right below.  given what has gone on in the last months where incredibly poisonous posting is and was tolerated, i make a motion to restore his points.  i don't have a clue what he did to deserve that, and in the past even if someone did have that done, it was temporary. 

please make that magic happen to undo the mega-negs he's got. 

M Go Cue

August 28th, 2020 at 6:48 PM ^

Welcome back XM!  Just mentioned you yesterday in the Mod Action Sticky.  This is a lesser place without you around. 
Cooking up some wings and just cracked open a Hill Farmstead DIPA.

This place has really become a toilet since March.  I’ve found myself really disliking a number of people here, which sucks.  It’s really sad to see a bunch of Michigan fans slinging crap at one another every day.  People saying truly awful things.

I really wish someone would do something about the rules here.  Either enforce them or change them.

Anyhoo, I ain’t got time to worry about angry losers on a message board.  It’s Friday!  ? 


August 28th, 2020 at 7:03 PM ^

Very random but I’m having a Bloody Mary with some northern latitudes horseradish vodka and zing zang. Usually I start having those in the fall but decided to do it on the hottest effin day of the summer. 

Great to hear about the ribs on the bbq.  Please share your ways.  I tried a couple weeks ago and they didn’t taste that great.  I dry rubbed and put them on for about 5 hours. Had a funk taste to them that seems like it was the meat itself.


August 28th, 2020 at 9:42 PM ^

very mundane.  some coca-cola and regular BBQ sauce, some salt and pepper.  let it sit for a few  hours while we did other stuff, and it's on the grill right now. cooking it on low, turning it about every 8 minutes or so. everybody loves it here, though i'm sure you masters of the grill have some great sauces/ideas.  will be done in 32-40 minutes total. 

cooking something that looks pretty much like this, two approx 3 lb ribs.

American Style Pork Ribs per Kg – Gerry's Dublin Meats & Two Wells Quality  Meats




August 28th, 2020 at 7:03 PM ^

I hurt my forearm/elbow golfing today (you know you're old when golf injuries are a thing) and its swollen and hurts like a you know what.  So no alcohol since I'm popping ibuprofen.  Just gummies.  Mindy's key lime.

I think I'm going to grab some Thai food for dinner after I lift (squatting today so not too much direct pressure on the forearm elbow).

Doctors - what did I do to my elbow??  And is it safe to drink while popping ibuprofen?

Welcome back.  More threads like this.

House Mother

August 28th, 2020 at 7:26 PM ^

Glad to hear you are back XM. You were greatly missed.

And to KILO  who hurt his arm golfing:

Ibuprofen and alcohol can be hard on the stomach. But definitely do NOT take acetaminophen (Tylenol) when drinking. That combo is the most common cause of acute liver failure.  Ice your arm for about 20 minutes (until it is numb to a light touch).  It is uncomfortable during the icing, but feels better after.  


August 28th, 2020 at 7:09 PM ^

Glad to know you're okay, XM. I figured you were on an undercover assignment overseas for the CIA or something. I don't blame you one bit for stepping back. I have also stepped back to an extent, and the mental benefits have been positive.

Still no alcohol for me. I've gotten addicted to Sparkling Ice and nitro cold brew coffee.


August 28th, 2020 at 7:11 PM ^

Good to see you back XM.  I’m frying up some fresh caught Bluegill fillets and sipping on some Summer Daze from Mad Anthony brewing.  Cheers to all!


August 28th, 2020 at 7:18 PM ^

#4. I opened the freezer to get some ice cream. I noticed there was a can of Sprite in there. I showed my wife. She had put a few cans in to get cold in a hurry for the guys putting up a new fence. However, one was left behind. So I figured I would pour it over the vanilla ice cream. I popped the top and poured 1/4 of the can in my glass. The rest was frozen. I set the can on the counter figuring it would melt in a little bit. Wifey grabbed a can opener and cut off the top of the Sprite can. I spooned the icy Sprite into the glass with the ice cream. Oh. My. Goodness. Mm-mm that was good.

Hotel Putingrad

August 28th, 2020 at 7:33 PM ^

Good to hear from you, XM. Now we just need to put out an APB for stephenrjking.

Drinking a glass of exquisite 2018 Alicante Bouschet from Portugal.

Tried the new cheese stuffed Krazy bread to ight. Piping hot and really good!

College football returns tomorrow, and maybe the board will return to normal for a few hours at least.


August 28th, 2020 at 7:50 PM ^


I am mostly a “lurker” but I always enjoy your posts.  This one was so good, I couldn’t resist the urge to pop up and post a reply.  It’s good to see you back!

I am not much of a drinker (water is in my cup) but I just grilled out some nice tenderloin steaks and some baked potatoes.  We celebrate Friday’s here because so many of the days do feel the same.

As for the board, it is what it is.  I ignore the obvious political posts, exit the ones that turn that way, but read the really good ones like Sopwith’s notes on the immune system (that was damn good stuff).

All I have to say is: enjoy life with whatever risks you feel are worth taking, and judge no one else.  Your stress levels will decrease, meaning your life will be much better for it.

Peace and stay well, today and tomorrow.