
December 23rd, 2014 at 4:32 PM ^

No, let's send ThoseWhoStay7 a gift basket.  Without his ridiculously-positive tweets over the last few weeks, I may have not have been able to make it through the search process.

It's quite possible, given to the sudden cancellation of his account, that he was found out.  If he is a child, as many believe, he may have a tough holiday break ahead of himself.

For my part, TWS7 deserves celebration, not castigation; he deserves a Christmas present, not a Christmas punishment! 

Long live TWS7!


December 23rd, 2014 at 4:45 PM ^

Here's some good news: I think I have the flu (was really knocked out yesterday) but am feeling much better today. Wishing you as fast a recovery. Yesterday, I would have been thrilled if someone had told me I'd be feeling this much better in 24 hours. Not fully out of the woods but much better today.


December 23rd, 2014 at 4:57 PM ^

Hopefully you both feel better. I am in a similar boat to you two - my break is being spent in bed with mono. Really no fun, I have no energy to do much of anything (except follow the Harbaugh watch, obviously). Hope you both feel better and if not before the 28th/29th/30th, some good news will bring us all out of the weather then!


December 23rd, 2014 at 4:26 PM ^

Question: Why does anything have to be "signed" in order to be called "done"? Hoke didn't sign his contract until March 28, and he was officially named the coach on January 11. Is this situation unique because of the "flakiness" factor?