El Jeffe

August 26th, 2021 at 10:02 PM ^

Man, that really warms the cockles. I wish good things for all (most) Michigan athletes, but there's a special place in my heart for Devin, who stuck with UM, changed positions, had his ribs turned to jelly by poor OL play, and never complained.

I did not plan on watching the SDSU-CSU tilt but I definitely will now. Thanks for posting.


August 26th, 2021 at 10:30 PM ^

I didn't hear him because the bar didn't have volume, but he was doing the Fordson-Canton game this afternoon on FSD.  I've heard him do several HS playoff games and he does a great job as a color analyst.

Brandon Swatson

August 26th, 2021 at 11:00 PM ^

Really happy for this guy.  He's such a class act and was dealt such terrible offensive lines.  Played on a broken foot and nearly beat OSU anyway.  He retweeted me once too.


August 26th, 2021 at 11:45 PM ^

I just really hate the ties most of the announcers wear. And they have the hankies stuffed in their left pocket. Awful. And for the love of god, no more three pieces. Wear a two piece with two buttons, button the top button if standing. Learn the double Windsor tie knot. 

Blue Vet

August 27th, 2021 at 7:04 AM ^

Good for Gardner! Always a treat to see Michigan folks doing well.

As for fashion: an argument has been made that men coming back from World War II would have dressed for work more casually in the summer heat, mostly eliminating jackets and ties, except that air-conditioning made it comfortable for everyone to dress in offices like officers, i.e., with jackets and ties.

So that became the new, apparently old fashion. Now the fashion is to seem dressed up but casual, signaling some formality but not too much. I.e., two piece with two buttons, top button buttoned, with a particular kind of knot in the tie.

i.e., it's fashion. And will change again.

Blue Vet

August 27th, 2021 at 2:36 PM ^

Maybe off topic BUT —

— Surely* we don't have to let "Opponent Watch" or "Unverified Voracity" have all the fun of historical context.

— And the larger point is that MGoBlog is FULL of comments that, in effect, claim to offer some fundamental truth and state or imply that everyone else needs to agree. What are downvotes without explanation but a short version of that habit. ("I'm right and what you just wrote is clearly wrong.")

* Don't call me Shirley.

matty blue

August 27th, 2021 at 10:52 AM ^

i totally agree, and it's weird - they look way more like coaches in the casual dress than in a pitino sharkskin suit.  i still remember chuck daly getting pissed at something on the court, stepping out, and ending up flat on his ass because he was wearing damn dress shoes.  on a BASKETBALL COURT.  it's like when baseball umpires used to wear ties.  so weird.

even more so in women's hoops.  some of those coaches (cough, kim mulkey, cough) look like they're on their way to...well, not a basketball game.  six-inch heels, hair moussed to within an inch of the backboard.  it's hard to imagine them catching a basketball that might come their way, let alone understanding what to do with it.

hm.  i guess i'm bored, didn't see myself writing two paragraphs on hoops coach fashions. 

Golden section

August 27th, 2021 at 1:28 PM ^

The common uniform most bro-casters seem to sport, is the Yale Blue Suit,  slightly smaller than optimum - to enhance the physique I suppose, short cut on the length, leg and sleeve for a hint of sock (usually loud ) and cuff;  double vent,  egg-shell white shirt; red quiet patterned tie and matching puff; with tawny John Lobb leather loafers with matching calfskin belt.  Lapels and ties are trending wider, making the double Windsor even more important.

The biggest mistake made by bro-castors is not matching their lapels and ties to their body type, Wide guys, like Jerome Bettis and Charles Barkley should not wear skinny ties. The other mistake is not matching ties to lapel width. They are more likely to pay $100 for a tie than $3000 on a suit. That's why it's more prudent to go with a conservative lapel width. You won't go through as may suits.


August 27th, 2021 at 7:29 AM ^

Ive heard him as a guest on a few FSD broadcasts and think he is a natural for the position. Has a great demeanor and voice to be calling games. Wishing him all the success and hope he climbs the ladder and is eventually calling Michigan games!


August 27th, 2021 at 8:23 AM ^

Good for Devin!  I'm sure he'll be great - he has that natural charm, is way out-going, and is very conversant in that he can explain what he's saying without making you feel dumb about it.  And his smile is pretty good, too!  (Not D-Rob quality, but who is???)

Perkis-Size Me

August 27th, 2021 at 8:29 AM ^

Awesome for him. Hope to see his career really take off. He got a boatload of raw deals and bad luck here at UM, but stuck it out through everything. Definition of a class act, and he'll be a great representative for the university. 

I do wonder what he could've been if he was here for one more year and could've had time in Harbaugh's system, but alas we'll never know. 


August 27th, 2021 at 9:38 AM ^

Looks like I'll be tuning into the South Dakota State-Colorado State game!

Good for Gardner! He's possibly my favorite QB that we've had in a long time. It really is too bad he got screwed over from a coaching perspective. I feel like he's going to really excel at this new opportunity. Every time I've heard him give commentary on football it always sounds really really good. He's got a great voice and delivery for commentary like that.



August 27th, 2021 at 9:53 AM ^

Didn't know he's been doing HS games.  He made a brief appearance on a Tigers broadcast (possibly opening day?) early in the summer and I thought he was a natural.  I've been wondering why he never came back.  Guess this is why!


August 27th, 2021 at 10:08 AM ^

This news made my day, so happy for DG, dude was a warrior while he was here, never complained though I can’t think of a player who got jerked around more than him by the coaching staff and then got slathered with that ridiculous (for a 2010s guy playing QB) jersey number as a Brandon marketing ploy.

matty blue

August 27th, 2021 at 10:44 AM ^

devin gardner is a great dude, one of the biggest "what if" guys in program history.  if he was never well-coached enough to be the vince young 2.0 he could've been, i'm super-happy for him that he's getting to stay "in the business."  i hope he becomes a huge star.