First they gave you Awful Announcing. Now they bestow upon you RGIII

Submitted by markusr2007 on September 18th, 2022 at 2:33 PM

I'm impartial as usual, but I do believe what's entering our collective ears during nationally televised college football games between horrifically dumb and long commercial breaks is better than anything Beth Mowins or Pam Ward can fathom, let alone articulate.

Elsewhere on Saturday night my ditzy girlfriend spit out her drink when she saw Washington students holding a sign in the stands "Let the Penix Rise!!".  I was both highly offended, but also spectacularly amused, at the same time.

Robert Griffin III as a college football color analyst is no Frank Broyles or Ara Parseghian.

But Robert Griffin III doesn't have to be. 

He just needs to say some whacked out stuff that is adjacent to the gladiator event taking place on the field and the gonads in the viewing audience.

"Orgies in the endzone" and "Big Penix Energy" are just the beginning, folks.

I recommend you check the names on all of the FBS rosters before kickoff. You never know WITAF this guy is going to insert into his booth prose.

For it is precisely in this endeavor that Mr. Thirstin Griffin III has no rival.




September 18th, 2022 at 7:29 PM ^

I have to respectfully disagree that he came up with it.

Having played oline, I can guarantee you that RG3 was getting a stuttered snap and some grizzled oline coach, who has seen things, screamed that and many other choice phrases at the poor center like Gunnery Sargent Hartman in Full Metal Jacket, and RG3, being like any normal human, had "premature snapulation" permanently burrowed into his earhole since you never forget stuff like that to then be accessed in a spectacular fashion on prime time TV. 

Blue Vet

September 19th, 2022 at 1:05 AM ^

I’m here to call you a puritan, if that’s what you’d like to hear.

But I don’t think it’s a matter of purity. If children don’t understand the vague reference at all, I don’t see what harm there is to tender ears.

Now if someone kept saying “fuck,” I’d agree with you. Even little kids, without knowing the meaning, recognize it’s a “bad” word from the way adults react when it’s said.

But “snapulation”? How could any kid know what that word means, or that it’s “good” or “bad”? Even putting it together with “premature,” it would take an older kid or adult comprehension to get the sexual reference. 

If you are offended or upset hearing a sexual reference in a sporting broadcast, I understand and sympathize. It is unusual, surprising, maybe even shocking. But I don’t understand how the arcane sexual allusion has anything to do with kids—unless you're explaining the joke to kids.


September 19th, 2022 at 1:15 AM ^

Hell man I just found out in the game chat I cant use the name of our 4th string running back and our wildcat QBs name in the same sentence. I guess our running backs name when combined with the QBs name is offensive. If you are confused welp welcome to the party pal.


September 18th, 2022 at 2:43 PM ^

It's schoolboy stuff, delivered with a certain cheerful innocence. On top of that, the guy knows a little about football. (And he didn't make that sign--you toss that in as if it's further evidence against him.) Outside of a very few people, I detest the grey and cheerless good old boy network that has dominated football announcing for decades. (Gus Johnson--of more recent vintage--has quickly grown stale for me.) Personally, I was enjoying it, and I'm a late-middle-aged middle class suburban male. My wife also giggled, and she's a feminist scholar of 18c lit. Surely, if she's able to process RGIII's humor without getting her knickers too knotted, that should be possible for other people. 

You kind of give your political GPS/coordinates away, btw, by making sure you cast aspersions on the only two women announcers out there while you're at it, then valorize two ancient retired guys. (Not crazy about Mowins's voice, but she comes prepared.)

I'm glad that you and I are not calling the shots!