ABC World New Tonight covering Hoke/Morris incident

Submitted by snackyx on

Just saw ABC national news with a segment on the Hoke/Morris incident.  The brushfire is spreading on the national front, and when football stories are covered by non-sports outlets in the media, it isn't going to be pretty.

This, Dave Brandon, is not the "marketing" you want.  Stay tuned........


September 28th, 2014 at 6:55 PM ^

If we don't expand into the northeast footprint, this story doesn't make it past Chicago. But noooo, we have to establish a presence in the largest media market in the country.

/s mostly


September 28th, 2014 at 7:42 PM ^

It is.

It's one of the reasons he was so willing to be the mouthpiece for moving the Ohio State game from the last game of the season so that it would not take away from the nascent Big Ten Championship game.


September 28th, 2014 at 6:59 PM ^

The President and Regents will have to demand Brandon take immediate action. It's one thing if the story is a black eye among the chattering classes of sports media. It is another altogether when a newscast that may well be watched by policy makers in D.C. makes it a headline.

At the very least, I suspect that DB may suspend Hoke with pay pending some kind of "investigation". That will give the AD time to figure out its next steps.

An Angelo's Addict

September 28th, 2014 at 7:45 PM ^

Wow I thought the OP was just joking at first than saw the video clip. I guess we have someone at ABC to thank for this? Really love the "fire Brady Hoke" tweet. He should be fired tomorrow, but unfortunately DB won't do it


September 28th, 2014 at 7:50 PM ^

I'm sure this kind of thing (accident vs. intentional) happens every week of the college football season. I can only surmise that's all over the place because Michigan is a wreck and Hoke is easy to pick on right now


September 28th, 2014 at 7:50 PM ^

I find it completely inexcusable that Hoke could be unaware of what is happening with his starting quarterback on the field. He's the only person in the stadium being paid millions of dollars to be aware of those kids. Especially those currently on the field, and especially a starting quarterback.

This level of incompetence is probably the root of much of the teams issues. He is clearly in over his head and has failed his primary responsibilities of protecting players and leading them to success.

It's fascinating to see how much is he is failing and how quickly things can implode.


September 28th, 2014 at 8:22 PM ^

I don't know, but RR actually was involved in a similar situation last year, or the year before (I forget), where he left in his Arizona QB despite a possible head injury.  I don't remember if he caught flack for that or not.  (The QB ended up throwing the game-winning pass following the head injury.)

To be honest, there probably are quite a few coaches who have been guilty of this kind of negligence at one time or another.  That doesn't make it okay, but the fact that Hoke basically has no support (for football reasons) is making it easier for this to be a feeding frenzy.  




September 29th, 2014 at 2:20 AM ^

For what it's worth, the QB (Matt Scott) has said he throws up during football games and has for a long time. He continues to do so in the pros. If you want to bag on RR for concussion issues, reinserting Threet in the 2008 PSU game is more relevant than the Arizona QB issue that turned out to not be a problem.


September 28th, 2014 at 7:52 PM ^

Any publicity is good publicity right?


Maybe the athletic department can come out and spin it by saying that everyone somehow minintrupteted that Morris was hurt, or that they were gonna send him to the sidelines the whole time, or that it was Coke, or a big noodle, or the student's fault.  Maybe they can sky write "we're sorry" over Shane's parents house or send then band there instead of paying for them to go to a football game.

This was supposed to be the year without captains because it was apparently a good idea to forego any sembelence of leadership until someone had "earned" it.  Maybe next year we can go without an AD or head coach until someone "earns the job". The two men on U of M's payroll certainly haven't done anything of the sort.


September 28th, 2014 at 8:43 PM ^

Yeah he's like the new John L. Smith. Super embarrassing and boarder line creepy at this point. The whole delusional stuff is weird at this point. When it's not possible for us to win the big ten in two weeks is he still going to say that we still can?


September 28th, 2014 at 10:16 PM ^

Think that this board is a example of our team and fans! SOFT! Nationally we are known as finicky and soft .

Lloyd Carr guy complained




September 28th, 2014 at 10:25 PM ^

To say that I missed that segment of national news.  Wait a fucking minute.....national news?  Come on now........Russia is on the verge of expanding its boundaries..........a maniac jihadist group is attempting to kill every male that is not a part of their wacko group....but those fuckers need to focus on a local to Ann Arbor story?

The Hoke handling of this matter during the game and weak explanation later might lead to his lack of a future at UM...........but the national news?  Give me a fucking break.

Mr. Yost

September 28th, 2014 at 10:59 PM ^

I don't think ANYONE is using the Morris situation for Hoke being fired.

I think EVERYONE is using the Morris situation for Hoke being fired NOW.

The vast majority of the board wanted Hoke gone, but at the end of the an honorable way. They appreciated that the guy loves Michigan, that he took a job without knowing the pay, that he worked his ass off to get to Michigan and for Michigan. They felt bad for him that he failed at his dream job.

The only part of the narrative that the Morris situation changed, was the timeline and the sympathy for Hoke. Now people don't give a fuck, they want him to resign tomorrow. Because now he looks like all of the good he stood for was either 1. fake or 2. part of the most oblivious man known to who is dangerous to his own team if he really, truly is that clueless and naive.

So all this "the Morris situation is just an excuse to get rid of Hoke" stuff isn't's just an excuse to get rid of him Oct. 1 instead of Dec. 1.