OT- Sunday Funday

Submitted by itsbigcat on
A few months ago, a couple buddies and I decided that it was time to take Sunday back from the clutches of the early week. No longer would Sunday be a day to simply prepare for the week to come, but the penultimate day of rest, relaxation and, well, drinking. It's well known around my house, between my wife and I, that after a few post work rounds, I will faithfully be home promptly Monday through Friday, and on Saturday, I can step out for the M game, but I'm due back quickly after. But Sunday? Sunday is Funday. Who else in the MGOCommunity enjoys this tradition as well? We have Friday and Saturday drinking threads, but I think I'm going to start a Sunday Funday one for those of us weekend warriors who aren't ready to give it up until right about dinner tonight. So, what are you drinking/doing? How are you celebrating this sweet day or rest, relaxation, and drinks?


August 21st, 2016 at 3:51 PM ^

I've never seen "penultimate" used as much as it here on mgoblog. I know people like to try to imitate Brian's style of writing, but half of the time people aren't even using it right. Just stop.


August 21st, 2016 at 12:10 PM ^

I've got disc golf league at 1, and a few beers are in the bag. Went with Perrin's Hot Box Brown because the temp took a dip today. Felt like a step closer to fall.

Enjoy your Sunday, folks!

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August 21st, 2016 at 12:27 PM ^

Ha you are so right. Fortunately the run gods have allowed me to enjoy an ice cold Diet Sunkist and a bag of chips on the patio since my post, on this gorgeous afternoon before the onslaught begins.

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August 21st, 2016 at 1:00 PM ^

Relaxing for us so far. I'll maybe play 9 before grilling some chicken and brats later. Maybe the pool...I don't know if we'll have time!


August 21st, 2016 at 1:11 PM ^

I don't know that is so organized here - Sunday tends to be the most disorganized day here, where we all basically do whatever. I made a run to Meijer for some chicken strips because my kids have this newfound love of them, and after having one myself, I might mow the backyard now that it is actually growing again. After that, my wife goes to work and the kids and I play video games basically. 

Drinking? Might open a Two-Hearted later. Definitely can't drink like I used to. 

Blue from Ohio

August 21st, 2016 at 4:38 PM ^

on't know, I always kind of laugh when people say "just find a different job".  It's not that easy in today's day and age.  You may hate what you do but it pays well.  My dad, who's in his 70's, says the same thing.  It's not the old days when you just got a different factory job and made the same money.  I work in a specific field that pays fairly well but is very stressful.  Sure, I'd love just to "get a different job" but could expect to make $10 less per hour.  It's not that easy any more when you're trying to provide for a family in today's day and age, you just have to do what you have to do and suck it up and work an awful job sometimes.  I'd love a less stressful job for my mental health but reality sometimes dictates different circumstances.