Selling Tickets

Submitted by Doc Brown on
If you sold your tickets to Ohio State fans, fuck you. Just fuck you


November 28th, 2015 at 2:56 PM ^

but this is a very uninspired defensive performance. That roughing the punter penalty seemed to break them and if that's how fragile we are that's sad. The reality is that they remembered what has gashed us this year and did it - stretch runs. I just think they are that talented when motivated and we aren't built well enough to stop it. It's simple, to be honest. I'm not upset due to being at my "best case scenario" echo with a loss and only losing to who I thought we'd "definitely" lose to. I hate it but I'm not angry. We could have beat Utah, did beat msu and then this is about what I expected from osu in year 1. As for tickets, I've complained about selling to osu fans for years. What bothers me more is that that can come to AA and goon out in our house. UM fans going to Cbus need to be ready to get fucked with and there are no more large pockets of UM fan cheering because they don't allow it. They'll throw stuff, spit at you, etc. We need to be goons again lol.


November 28th, 2015 at 4:25 PM ^

I had to turn around in section 43 and yell at 2 OSU asshats cheering on Rudock's injury. Simply told to shut up and show some class. They showed all the spine of Internet courage and shut up, but the fact it had to be said was terrible. I don't mind people cheering on their team, but man are these fans clowns.

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November 28th, 2015 at 3:06 PM ^

Hey pigfucker, I sold my 4 tix on stubhub months ago when I knew I would not be going and got a shit ton of money back. I call that a good business decision. I hope I sold them to the obnoxious fucks that are torturing you. Get bent you zero.

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November 28th, 2015 at 3:15 PM ^

I live in SoCal, have had season tix since I finished grad school 25 years ago. The thanksgiving air travel is brutal. I've been selling the last game since they added an extra week. And, I've never sold to a "fan". Only stub hub and ticket brokers. Got close to $2K this year.

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November 28th, 2015 at 4:13 PM ^

Of course I don't enjoy seeing it. It's nauseating. At the same time, the extra week of the season and game on TG week make it difficult for season ticket holders to get to the OSU game. All of my friends with tix who live out of town have the same issue. Everyone sold them his year since it was the first time we were able to get something substantive in return. I'll continue to get season tix and I'm usually able to make two or three games a year but I don't see how or when I'll be able to make an OSU game because of when it occurs.

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November 28th, 2015 at 4:20 PM ^

Whatever. I fly up for the game every year over Thanksgiving from Florida. The plane tickets are not expensive when you leave Friday and return Monday. Certainly less than your "ticket license". Excuse which holds no water. You'll spend $400 to fly up for Oregon State but not $500 for OSU? Joker.

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November 28th, 2015 at 4:22 PM ^

those things aren't going to change but being a better fan can change. It wouldn't be hard to sell to UM fans and you'd still make money. I'll repeat that regardless of that I think we UM fans need to act like goons. No way that happens in Cbus! We could curb them and their fans would fight all of us to keep from taking over their stadium like that. Yet, in AA osu fans talk shit like they know nothing will happen. I see it every year since 2005 when we play them. We need to be goons like they and msu fans are. Nice online but goons in person lol


November 28th, 2015 at 5:01 PM ^

The tickets were sold on the partner site endorsed by the Michigan ticket office for resale. An M fan may have purchased them. Living 2000 miles away and not being able to attend one game over a holiday weekend doesn't make you a bad fan, at least I hope it doesn't.

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Clarence Beeks

November 28th, 2015 at 7:48 PM ^

You shouldn't need someone to tell you that treating your season tickets as a business/financial decision over being a fan and doing the right thing is pathetic. The fact that you do, and keep coming back with hilariously lame responses, is beyond pathetic. No one is telling you what to do with your money/assets, but they ARE telling you that what you are doing is inappropriate as a fan. Be a better fan.