META: Stability of Site

Submitted by NYC Fan on

Can we please address the issues with this site and set up crowd funding to handle the costs?

Please address this Brian as there have been numerous threads on this and you continue to remain silent.



November 24th, 2015 at 10:40 AM ^

I don't know the full infrastructure, but it was understanding that at one point the site was just a single, large server.  That doesn't seem reasonable anymore, and I'd be kind of surprised a move to a distributed solution hasn't been implemented yet, if that's the case.  And you can get around using AWS; there are lots of providers of flexible server setups like Digital Ocean, Linode, Rackspace, etc.  

I don't really care all that much about site downtime because it isn't my job, but it is weird that even if a relatively down period during the week it struggles.


November 24th, 2015 at 10:13 AM ^

I agree, but would definitely have a priority list.

  1. Brian needs to have a front page post about this. No witty, urbane repartee with himself. No cute pics. Just the facts. As in, what's happening with the site going down multiple times. What's wrong. What it will take to fix it. What it will cost to fix it. Who will pay for it. Who will fix it. When it will happen. Why it hasn't happened.
  2. Keep the site from crashing. Especially this week. Seth said they upgraded to a new server last year, but it isn't stopping the site from being down.
  3. Postpone site design and functionality fixes til the off-season.

I've started threads, I've given money to beveled guilt, I've been frustrated, but nothing. At this point, I don't care about how the site looks, I don't care about broken links, I don't care about broken functionality. Please, if nothing else,


p.s.  I would gladly donate all but 100 of my "points" if that would help. Sadly, it won't. I'd gladly give more money if that would help. I don't see that this is the issue. I would reassure you that I love the site, the long form journalism, (almost) everything, but that doesn't seem to make a difference either.


November 24th, 2015 at 10:32 AM ^

I believe they did upgrade the server, which is why the site hasn't gone down based on DOS/volume issues despite the overall MUPPETHARBAUGH nature of the last 12 months. I have no idea what the stability problems have been, though, and am not smart enough to opine on such things. I know they have been doing maintenance to address some of the problems, but again: not smart, can't opine.


November 24th, 2015 at 10:58 AM ^

I don't understand the thinking of anybody who reads this site feeling like they're entitled to uninterrupted service AND an explanation whenever it breaks.  

Brian and Co. have no contract with us, the readers.  If you're "dying" out here because you couldn't access the site for a few wee hours, go find another blog.



November 24th, 2015 at 11:08 AM ^

You are most correct. Brian doesn't owe me or his readers a thing. He can do what he wants, when he wants, how he wants. This is the reason why I am not starting any more META threads on the topic. I only commented in this thread as to what I would "LIKE" to see happen. But just 'cause I'd like it, doesn't mean it'll happen. Yeah, my 14 year old son would like a cell phone. So what. I don't owe him one. Brian doesn't owe us anything.

At this point, I'm "hoping" that something will happen with the site in the off season. But between hockey, basketball, exhaustion, HTTV, and being married, I'm dubious about anything happening to improve the site functionality. And you know what? I'm ok with that. I still love the site, warts and all.

Also at this point, I'm done complaining, and just expect things to continue broken indefinitely. I expect the site to be down most of the day Saturday and Sunday, win or lose. I expect the site to bog down. I expect a new thread on the board to vanish from the front page in a  matter of hours, pushed down by many other new threads with speculation about recruiting, or coaches leaving, or Zeke Elliot, or birthday cake, or what someone is drinking Sat. morning/afternoon/evening, or why their unique thought shouldn't be buried in a snowflake thread, or posbang threads, ad nauseum. That's ok. After all, I can go to the News or other outlets for actual news about Michigan, and there should still be stuff on the front page.


November 24th, 2015 at 11:32 PM ^

Son has a crappy old cell phone. He wants a cool new smart phone. I'll pay for it. But grades. Not what they should be. Simple to me. Am I being a jerk? Good question. Depends on your perspective. For me, I'm being a Dad, asking for accountability, willing to use bribery and rewards to see things improve. Which they haven't yet.


November 24th, 2015 at 11:35 AM ^

We are the customers here.  You think the ads on this site don't generate revenue?  The number of vistors here on the site matter.  Now, if it goes down occasionally am I upset? Not really - I can wait 10 minutes to log back on, not a big deal to me. 

But I have to say it's a personal pet peeve of mine when people say "HIS" site.  Without the clicks this site doesn't exist in the capacity that it does now and he is unable to do this as a full-time gig.  Should we be appreciative?  Of course - and I am.  But understand the dynamic.  Looks like he has addressed it here and that's good enough for me.  Should it be a front page update? Probably so - as that would be the most professional thing to do.


November 24th, 2015 at 11:44 AM ^

Yeah.  For better or worse, this is now a public, commercial forum, from which multiple people derive their livelihood.  For his business to thrive and grow, Brian does need to make sure he can provide an interruption-free service.  I enjoy the site and have encouraged others to check it out, but it's getting to a point where I don't bother to visit when big news breaks because the site is frequently not functional - getting a constant stream of 502/503/504 errors is frustrating.  




November 24th, 2015 at 12:14 PM ^

You know, I'm at the same place. I prefer mgoblog to other sources. But it becomes pointless to come here when there is big news. On Saturday and Sunday of gamedays, on signing day in February, possibly during the NCAA tourney, when there is a big recruiting commitment, it is sometimes better to go elsewhere. I never thought I'd say that.


November 24th, 2015 at 12:47 PM ^

What's wrong.


They're running antique software, obviously on physical hardware with no load balancing or fall over.


They need virtual servers.


Why it hasn't happened.


Because they're unwilling, for some reason, to hire the the folks it would take to get the job done. If I had to guess - it's Brian's baby, and although he is obviously unable to keep it healthy... he is unwilling to let someone else work on his baby.




November 24th, 2015 at 1:02 PM ^

I'm not hostile - it's just the reality to which I've resigned myself.


I'm a Computer Engineer. My wife is a information systems security professional. I've run message boards of this sort. My wife ran a relatively large one for several years. There are numerous options that are straightforward, economical, and easy.


...but even though the problem is easily and economically solvable, and the folks running the site KNOW the problem is easily and economically solvable - the problem doesn't get solved.


It's their choice to continue in the manner in which they do, their site and their business - but everyone needs to understand they should just resign themselves to this being the reality. If they were really interested in solving the problem, they would have already been solved.


It's unwillingness, not inability.


November 24th, 2015 at 1:17 PM ^

Thanks, and that's what I've pretty much assumed. There is a solution, but for whatever personal reason, it isn't happening.

And mostly, I'm just resigned to the reality, and don't get upset. It is what it is. Whatever. However, when someone else puts up a thread, I still struggle not to weigh in with my 2 cents. What can I say?


November 24th, 2015 at 11:14 AM ^

CTO - Here and I don't have time to look into the issues but I can say that using a service like Cloudflare has saved us a lot of headaches in regards to DDos and scraping.

You can use AWS for images etc - it can be cheap and effective using it this way.

Finally, if not already using try New Relic to keep track of what is going on. There are many free and cheap services that can be used with minimal cost and expertise.