[LOCKED] OT: Coach Harbaugh meeting with UM Muslim students today re: American Sniper tweet

Submitted by sadeto on

This was reported by The College Fix late yesterday, and appears in an Mlive article this morning: 


Coach Harbaugh will meet today with a small group of Muslim students who protested the showing of American Sniper on campus, and who were upset by his Twitter post supporting the movie. I take this as further evidence of Harbaugh's character, no matter what your politics. We'll see what comes of it. 

MOD EDIT - Locking this because I wouldn't even know where to begin to clean it up to make it politics-free. The search for nice things will continue. Man, you go to one meeting... - LSA



May 20th, 2015 at 10:00 AM ^

Cue the "unamerican" "get out of my country" comments. Pretty surprising from a Michigan blog, a university that prides itself on diversity. I respect Jim for doing this today. Hopefully this is the last board post on this topic ever.


May 20th, 2015 at 11:04 AM ^

Assuming you're talking about diversity in race/ethnicity (because people who claim to want diversity definitely don't want diversity in say, thought or ideology), in the fall of 2014, UM Ann Arbor was 66% white when it came to U.S. and permanent residents. It was 13.2% Asian, 4.6% black and 5.1% Hispanic. Another 3.3% checked two or more races. 7.3% were unknown. And that's before you factor in non-resident aliens, who would definitely bring diversity to an American college campus. 

So what about those numbers isn't diverse?


May 20th, 2015 at 10:08 AM ^

if i lived in a foreign country and there were a prominent movie that depicted the justified killing of a bunch of asshole americans, and those were the only americans depicted, i might be a tad worried as well. especially if in said foreign country there were a growing sentiment against americans in general.

i haven't seen the movie. i like clint eastwood movies a lot. as i understand it, the concern is that there is evidently no significant distinction in the film between "here are some horrible people who happen to be muslim" and "here are some muslims".

that said, i'm glad harbaugh is meeting with them. football should be something to bring the student body together, not divide them, and i think meeting with them only helps to bring them together.


May 20th, 2015 at 10:12 AM ^

As soon as a person or group claims offense, everyone rushes to apologize and change. These claims are not superior to any other input, and shouldn't be treated as such. "I'm sorry you are offended, no offense meant," is the proper respnse, and then move on. 


May 20th, 2015 at 10:13 AM ^

It's unfortunate this is happening considering the fact that IT'S JUST A FUCKING MOVIE,based on a true story nonetheless.

Everyone Murders

May 20th, 2015 at 10:39 AM ^

That's the problem.  It's a very controversial movie that may or may not reflect a true story.  And it may or may not give an accurate depiction of its protagonist.

I have no firm opinion on the merits of American Sniper or on its protagonist, but the thing about the movie is that it purports to reflect "a true story" where a lot of people seem to believe that the story is not "true" at all, but a glamorization of a dodgy guy in real life.  While others maintain that it's a spot-on depiction of an American hero.*  That's what makes it controversial.

So it's funny to see people get so self-righteously panty-knotted over there being a dispute in the first place.  If you endorse a controversial movie (as Coach Harbaugh plainly did), you can reasonably expect some blowback.  For me, I'm glad that Coach Harbaugh is addressing the issue to clear up where he is coming from.

*I don't know where the truth lies.  I do know that the controversey itself is real, and if the movie gives a false depiction of who the protagonist is or what he did, I can see why people might be offended by that.

Mr. Yost

May 20th, 2015 at 10:15 AM ^


Stop it. It's fake, period. It's not a biography, it's not a documentary!

SELMA - a movie, fiction, based off real events...but in no way, shape, or form an actual documentary of exaclty what happened, when it happened.

This is the same thing.

That's what's wrong with people these days...in the era of reality TV that is so far from reality, just has real people...we take anything that is on the TV or big screen and act like it's supposed to be the truth. It's not. It's supposed to be entertainment. That's all.

I don't care if it's Argo, Zero Dark Thirty, Lincoln, Wolf of Wall Street, 42, Remember the Titans, Selma, American Sniper, etc. --- it was made to entertain people, not to educate people.

Learn the fucking difference. Get mad over something that claims to be true, something that claims to be a biography or documentary and isn't. Get mad over that.

Don't get mad over a movie being a movie. Just watch the damn thing or don't.


May 20th, 2015 at 10:46 AM ^

He isn't comparing the two movies to suggest similarities in content.  He's refuting the "it's just a motherfucking movie" argument by illustrating that there is at least one movie for which that argument would not be accepted.  And he's absolutely correct.

I think this controversy is overblown and generally a waste of time as well, but to claim that movies have no real consequence because they're just movies is ridiculous.

Colin M

May 20th, 2015 at 11:05 AM ^

I would agree if people were only upset about the factual inaccuracies in the movie. They're not, though. Lots of people feel that it portrays Muslims unfairly and encourages prejudicial and racist attitudes towards Muslims.

Obviously, lots of people disagree, but it's still a relevant discussion to have. The fact that it's meant to entertain doesn't mean it can't have a larger cultural impact, or offend certain segments of the population. In fact, art frequently drives larger conversations about society. So I don't get why the fact that it's meant to entertain means nobody should ever be offended by it.

Perkis-Size Me

May 20th, 2015 at 10:19 AM ^

I commend Harbaugh for meeting with these students. There should be open dialogues about these types of things, but he's got nothing to apologize for. Seriously, people in this country get so damn offended over the smallest of issues. Everyone has to be so politically correct, otherwise God forbid someone somewhere gets their feelings hurt.

People in this country are lucky that these types of things are the issues they're facing on their doorstep. There's certain parts of the world, Middle East and elsewhere, where mass starvation, genocide, total war, and true religious oppression are what rules the day.

Okay. End rant. Off my soapbox.

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May 20th, 2015 at 10:19 AM ^

from one of the leaders and leading spokespeople for the University. Yep, that's what he is now that he's the head football coach and he is speaking (tweeting) publically every day. Which is all great.

All of his other tweets have been upbeat and either about him or the team. But that tweet was the only one that I would have advised against. And I honestly believe that if he could go back and reconsider, he would not have tweeted it. So it got him the response that should have been expected. Now he is doing the right thing by speaking to - not apologizing to - some students who were offended by his tweet and he can put this to rest. 

Go Blue!

Larry Appleton

May 20th, 2015 at 10:25 AM ^

Classy move by Harbaugh, but I do hope he realizes that nothing positive will really come from this. An adult like Harbaugh would gladly take part in a mature exchange of reasoned opinions. However, I'd wager that 90-95% of college students with a "cause" are filled primarily with emotion and an "us vs. them" outlook. Reasoned arguments will not prevail in this meeting.


May 20th, 2015 at 10:30 AM ^

It's admirable that Harbaugh is doing this. I think it shows that he has some sympathy for the situation Muslim students and Muslims in America have to deal with. There's nothing wrong with the movie itself, but many people will leave the theatre after viewing American Sniper with an anti-Muslim sentiment. Would anyone want to deal with additional stereotyping, bigotry or racism? As Americans, Muslim students have the right to voice their opinions just as other Americans have the right to watch it. Should the movie be shown on campus and seemingly backed by the university? No. It's a situation that's difficult to understand by people who've never dealt with the issues of racism, stereotypes and bigotry.


May 20th, 2015 at 10:31 AM ^

If Harbaugh and the AD kept quiet whenever a student was offended by something, they'd be forced to sit in their offices 24/7 with the lights off. Preferrably with no A/C either to appease the environmental crowd too.


May 20th, 2015 at 10:35 AM ^

Let's face it. What is really happening here is that a certain faction of people with a barely concealed (or not concealed at all) disdain for Muslims felt they could claim Harbaugh as one of their own after he sent the original American Sniper tweet. Now JH is meeting with Muslim students, and that same faction doesn't like it because it suggests JH really isn't one of them after all. Instead of coming out and saying, "waah, I don't like Muslims and I don't want JH to like Muslims either," we get these coded statements like "he shouldn't have to apologize for anything." Well, I don't think he is meeting with Muslim students so much to apologize as to hear their views and gain a better understanding as to why they may have been offended or disappointed by JH's words. But if they were offended, then maybe an apology would be appropriate. We aren't talking about driving a stake into a grass field here, we are talking about basic respect for people with different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

Anyway, yeah--lock the thread.


May 20th, 2015 at 10:35 AM ^

In all seriousness, I'm beginning to wonder why Jon06 hate Evangelicals so much? In almost any political discussion on this board, he manages to maneuver the conversation to how awful he thinks they are. A bit of irony in his thinly veiled hate for one subset of the American population.


May 20th, 2015 at 10:36 AM ^

Its hard for me to see the upside of this meeting for JH.  Didn't Don Canham say that his job was to make sure a one day news story does not become a two day news story?  Or something like that?


I would leave it alone...


May 20th, 2015 at 10:38 AM ^

Asinine waste of Harbaugh's time. Jimmy isn't going to change his position, and the whiners aren't going to modify theirs.
Newsflash: Muslims are burning people alive in cages. Muslims are painfully decapitating bound hostages. Muslims are selling off barely adolescent boys and girls to be used for sexual gratification purposes. Muslims are employing torture, slavery and mass slaughter of humans. Muslims train the disabled to explode themselves among others. Muslims are removing their daughters' clitorises. All of this is happening in the present.
Shouldn't we be concerned about the above very real ongoing events more than a dramatic movie?


May 20th, 2015 at 10:44 AM ^

On the one hand, I'm sure the occasional Christian or Jew or Buddhist or Hindu is doing something equally terrifying somewhere in the world.

On the other hand, feelings matter more than dead people. After all, the dead people can't feel anything so who cares, but the living people can feel sad so we have to save the living people's boo-boos on their feelings.

Perkis-Size Me

May 20th, 2015 at 10:49 AM ^

I hope you're able to make the distinction between the majority of the world's Muslim population, who are good, law abiding people, including millions in our own country, and a relatively small, radical group of people who claim to follow Islamic law. Doesn't seem like you're able to.

Wow how has this thread not been locked yet?

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May 20th, 2015 at 10:53 AM ^

Newsflash Christians have been just as evil in the Central African Republic ... All religions are disgusting, just look at the fundamentalist in each religion... Everything these people do is justified in the holy books , just not the part they read us growing up....


May 20th, 2015 at 10:53 AM ^

Ok well there are easy counters to all your points, Christians are raping people in the U.S., Christians cops are shooting unarmed citizens and choking them, Christians are selling people into sex slavery in the U.S., your beliefs don't have as much to do with your character as some people think they do. There all assholes in almost every group of people and there are great people in almost every group of people. Generalizations are never good and can only lead to arguments...

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