
January 17th, 2015 at 6:36 AM ^

So, there's no need for morals police. This is proven by the fact that there is no crime when two (or more) consenting adults make adult decisions. It may be a moral or immoral decision, but it is their decision, and no one else needs to be involved.

The problem, as noted by another poster above, is with the sex trade itself. The number of women who are largely slaves, physically and violently abused, denigrated, and the like is terrible. When minors are involved, it is even worse. Maybe the industry should be legalized, to eliminate the degradation of women and children by traffickers.

Perhaps I am cynical enough to believe that legalization would not eliminate the problem. Or maybe this is because I live in the Chicago area, where corruption among politicians is endemic. Money often corrupts.

I think (but don't know) that it is legal in Thailand and the Philippines. The legality (or near legality) doesn't help tens of thousands of girls (and boys)  who are sold into a sordid life of slavery, often by parents, to slake the sordid thirsts of adults from elsewhere.


January 17th, 2015 at 2:19 AM ^

I wonder if he'll bring his new lady to work tomorrow as he was supposed to call the MSU/Maryland game? He's really got his hands tied it seems!

Boner Stabone

January 17th, 2015 at 7:28 AM ^

I always thought he was a decent guy with good morals.  He was Ok as an analyst.  Sad story and looks like he has a lot of explaining to do to his wife and the rest of his family.


January 17th, 2015 at 8:20 AM ^

USA Today had  little more on the nature of the charges he'll likely face:

Lt. Kelvin Cusick tells The Associated Press that Anthony was arrested at 5:46 p.m. on Friday. He said Saturday that Anthony faces a misdemeanor solicitation charge that's punishable by up to 180 days in jail.

He has also since been released. 

Max Power

January 17th, 2015 at 8:35 AM ^



Was that wrong? Should I have not done that? I tell you I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon, you know, cause I've worked in a lot of offices and I tell you people do that all the time.

it's Science

January 17th, 2015 at 8:47 AM ^

Legalize it, regulate it, and we can help to alleviate the trafficking. Prostitution is always going to occur, no matter what we do. Their is is clearly a market for it. One of the oldest of all time.

Also, for every few girls that are forced/sold into stripping, porn, and prostitution, there are plenty of others who like doing it. Some people enjoy the profession and would rather just take the easy route and sell sex rather than get a traditional job. There are 7 billion people on the planet, some are just whores.

Also, there are forms of prostitution that are less recognized (re: Anna Nicole Smith, that chick who will sleep with anyone who buys her jewelry/or even a drink).

We can be horrified and disgusted all we want, but it's here to stay. Let's all recognize that and stopped being so shocked all the time.

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


January 17th, 2015 at 12:12 PM ^

I suspect that legalization and regulation would help a little bit. The demand will always be there. But I think it is less the oldest profession and more a dangerous form of exploitation.

Here's a few fun facts you might not know.

  • Workplace homicide rates for women in prostitution are 51 times that of the next most dangerous occupation for women. (NIH, 2004.)
  • Average life expectancy of a prostitute is 34 years old. (NIH 2004.)
  • 85% of clients/prostitutes reported history of sexual abuse in childhood, 70% incest. (The Council for Prostitution Alternatives, Portland, Oregon Annual Report in 1991.)
  • 80 - 95% of all prostitution is pimp controlled. Pimps earn between $150 - 500k annually. 52% left some of their girls/women with no money. (“The Prostitution of Sexuality,” 1995.)
  • 70% of street youth engaged in prostitution in order to meet their daily needs for food, shelter, or drugs. (Univ. of Penn. School of Social Policy.)
  • About 80% of women in prostitution have been the victim of a rape. Prostitutes are raped, on the average, eight to ten times per year.

I've never solicited a prostitute. I was clueless enough while a student at Michigan that I didn't realize when a prostitute was soliciting/seeking me. But I am troubled by what goes on in terms of exploitation, and believe that we too often turn a blind eye to those on the margins of society who are victims.

I completely agree with you that we should not be shocked, and that this will never change. Demand from men will always drive the trade. Where I completely disagree with you is the implication tha a majority "like doing it." I'd agree that a significant number "choose" this profession, but only because they don't see another way to earn as much money quickly. And once they come under the control of a pimp, that sadly changes radically too.

I feel no shock, no indignation, and no surprise at what happened with Greg Anthony. I do feel compassion and sympathy for the girls and women who are driven to this trade because they see no other options.

For a classy film depiction of challenges facing women over time, just watch Les Miserables and Anne Hathaway. Those with power and position and no moral scruples are often tempted to exploit those who are desperate.


January 17th, 2015 at 9:49 AM ^

It's refreshing in here to see commentary that shows a lot of people are plugged in and understand the issue with prostitution is not so much the actual act itself but the sex slave trade that comes along with it. On a moral level, I believe it's none of my business and that someone should not be punished for wanting to pay for sex. However, I at the same time realize Johns' willingness to pay for that service will continue to enable the sex slave trade. While nothing will ever completely get rid of that problem, I can certainly see bringing it out in the light through government regulation may help to limit it better than what we're doing now.


January 17th, 2015 at 10:51 AM ^

It's actually illegal in Clark County. People who go to Vegas and think they can solicit a prostitute are in for a rude surprise. To further that point, it is actually legal by default statewide for any county under a certain population threshold (which only affects 2 or 3 counties in the state), and then it's just up to those counties under the threshold from there whether they want to license any brothel the wants to run.


January 17th, 2015 at 1:50 PM ^

If the perp was not a well known announcer/commentator with ESPN, your point would stand. As it is, because he is well known in sports, and because we are past the football season, the mods are more generous in terms of allowing OT posts to go up.

FYI, if you go to the tab labeled "MGoBoard," and click oin the "FAQ" subtab, you will find comments on appropriate posts. Here is a cut & paste from Brian:

What's the offtopic policy?

In the offseason, offtopic posts are tolerated. During football season they are discouraged and may be subject to removal depending on how alert the moderators are. What counts as on- and off- topic?


  • Anything Michigan sports related
  • Anything related to other Big Ten teams or upcoming opponents
  • Stuff about the blog itself
  • University of Michigan topics that don't relate to sports


  • College sports in general
  • Ann Arbor


  • Politics
  • Drew Sharp, Ace Williams, Mike Valenti. Saying stupid and/or false things about Michigan in order to get Michigan fans upset is a tried and true way to phish for clicks. Let's not feed the trolls.


  • Pro sports of any variety
  • Everything else

We will let pro sports topics slide even during football season but "everything else" posts are likely to get the axe.


January 17th, 2015 at 11:49 AM ^

simply just can't get some for free. Why pay when you can just woo a nice female out there......especially if you are FAMOUS.


January 17th, 2015 at 1:30 PM ^

This is not true. I have a friend who has no problem meeting or having sex with women. Good looking, normal (aside from this), not shy or anything. But the man just loves prostitutes.

We've been at the bar with a couple of women, having fun, when he decides to leave at 1:00 am so that he can go to the strip club to pay for some. He literally left a girl who was likely a sure thing just to go pay for it.

I've asked him why he does it. He just likes the way the prostitutes conduct themselves -- the fact that there is no pretense to their discussion turns him on. I've wondered if he cares that the women probably hate him, or that he might be taking advantage of a damaged psyche. Don't know. He just likes to be able to talk to someone who is really open about sex and presumably does it well.


January 17th, 2015 at 12:47 PM ^

I offer a glimpse from the other side. I have no moral problem with prostitution because I have no moral issues with sex in general. For example, I don't think a high school girl who sleeps around is a "slut." I think she's someone who needs validation she didn't get earlier in her life, or who has low self-esteem and sex makes her temporarily feel wanted. Likewise, I have a hard time believing that women who sell their sexuality do so simply because they choose to or because they like it. A woman whose only power is her sexuality feels like she has no power at all because the world doesn't value that kind of power and she knows it. The male world uses what she has to offer, but it doesn't value it in the same way it values intelligence or laboriousness or the ability to run a household or parent. If a grown woman chooses to be a prostitute, I won't judge from a moral standpoint. But looking at it from a female perpsective, if she could do something else and be as successfult at it (i.e. make as much money, have flexible hours, whatever it is that prostitution offers her), I believe she would choose something else.  


January 17th, 2015 at 3:19 PM ^

I didn't say I don't have a problem with it - I just don't think it's immoral. I do think it's destructive and belittling to women. But there's a definite moral judgment by parts of society about women's sexuality. As an example, I see it here whenever there's a Jameis Winston thread. There are some who think there are "two kinds of women." The moral ones keep their legs shut and the immoral ones don't. I don't assign morality to sex. I just don't. I leave morality to wrong doing like murder, rape, lying, stealing, cheating. I think prostitution is wrong but not because it's immoral. 


January 17th, 2015 at 7:24 PM ^

I know my argument is kind of odd and hard to follow. From a moral standpoint, I don't want to judge women who feel they have no other choice but to sell themselves. It's a terrible situation and I wish all women had more opportunities to get out from under whatever negative forces are holding them down. By the same token, I don't want to judge a man who perhaps can't have relationships with women or who's lonely and hiring an escort is his only means to have sex. But I don't think Greg Anthony falls into that category. 

Chitown Kev

January 17th, 2015 at 5:20 PM ^

Although I will reiterate that it's not simply a problem for women...but for the most part it is. and long as it's between two adults who consent to the transaction, I don't have problem with it (granted that even in that case the woman or man may be faced with a terrible set of choices). It's the consent part of my equation that's the rub for reasons that have already been stated.


January 17th, 2015 at 3:07 PM ^

I got solicited by one in Mandalay Bay casino a couple months ago as i was walking to the elevator.  She said I was cute and asked me if I wanted a massage for $100... lol.