Which piece of "Michigan Tradition" would you like to see return? (other than winning)

Submitted by trueblue262 on

Which part of Michigan's tradition would you like to see return (other than the wins)? There has been some chatter on the board about helmet decals, or getting rid of the Legends numbers, etc. I personally, would like to see the Victors walk make a return in some form. I think it was good for both the players and the fans. Thoughts?

Go Blue!


January 6th, 2015 at 10:16 AM ^

Nothing specific but I do wish the AD would stop treating the band like it's an outdated nuisance.  The MMB is a proud part of football Saturdays and it just hurt to see marketing douchebags think a commoditized approach to music was an improvement.

Not a fan of helmet stickers.  UM has the most distinctive helmet in FBS.  Don't take that for granted by messing with it.  Besides FFS a bunch of other teams already do it; since when is Michigan a copycat school?


January 6th, 2015 at 10:30 AM ^

Very yes to the MMB. The Columbus Band for Cursive Spelling has been kicking our ass these past years. Not only must we prioritize the band again but we must modernize it as well. Clever formations/shows and modern, exciting shows. Less than 10% of the crowd enjoys our "tribute to the 1938 Top 100 chart" shows and I'm sure the band kids don't get too hype for them either.

I do like helmet stickers tho. Our winged helmet has always been an icon but the helmet stickers were active from 69-94, some of our biggest tradition building years. Bo started them. Dez, JH, Morris, Leach, AC, Dierdorf all wore em. OSU's supposedly "most famous helmet stickers" started in 68 only a year older than ours. I'd definitely like to see them return, if for no other reason than to instill a sense of pride and competition amongst our own roster, an enthusiasm that has been lacking these 4 years.


January 6th, 2015 at 10:19 AM ^

It would be nice if all former players were allowed back on the sidelines. I think I read something where RR had limited the number, not sure if that continued under Hoke. I suspect it was more of a Brandon thing anyway.


January 6th, 2015 at 10:20 AM ^

Bringing stuff to the stadium in general - a thermos of hot chocolate was very helpful for November games.


Haven't been to the stadium in a while, but throwing toilet paper (as mentioned above) was a whole lot of fun.


Generally, give the game back to the students to be their day to celebrate their team. Alumni and the rest should come second to them.


January 6th, 2015 at 10:42 AM ^

However, I do appreciate the safety. I've daydreamed (maybe not the appropriate term) about how easy it would be to get an explosive or something into the stadium. I honestly get nervous because the only real reason something bad hasn't happened is because nobody has really tried yet.


January 6th, 2015 at 11:38 AM ^

Spartan or Ohio Stadium ...

Then again in all seriousness - being in a  very large crowd = being in a very large target. Especially if you've had any kind of security experience, how can you not think of the risk you are taking entering a large crowd environment and have the exact concern expressed?


January 6th, 2015 at 10:20 AM ^

Whatever happened to "key plays" where the whole stadium jingled their keys on defensive 3rd downs? Was shocked a few years ago when I attended a game and that didn't happen. I did it anyway.

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January 6th, 2015 at 11:59 AM ^

That's not a thing anymore?  Granted, I haven't been to a home game since I moved away from Ann Arbor 7 years ago, but I didn't realiaze that had went away.  The people at the bar I go to still do it (when the crowd is big enough, last season it got pretty dire).


January 6th, 2015 at 2:57 PM ^

How is this elitist? I think it is such a quirky thing that the fans do, but that's what makes it more fun. Students/fans don't need to give people any reason for why they do something because of their fanatisicm.

I find it really odd that people go crazy for a guy who is the dot of an "i", that's weirder than people pulling out their keys for "key plays".


January 6th, 2015 at 10:25 AM ^

Please, no more loud music before the game.  I disagree with the lazy argument, "well, the young people want it".  I'm 23 years old and have gone to every home game pretty much my whole life.  Hated it since they started it.  Walking into the stadium, watching the team warmup, soaking up the atmosphere, and letting the anticipation build until the team runs out of the tunnel is more than enough.