OT - Reddit CFB Risk Update 6/27: RIP Stanford and VT (7 days left)

Submitted by AmaizeingBlue on

Yesterday was the most eventful night in a long time. Stanford and Virginia Tech were both eliminated in the same night. VT faced a 14% chance of elimination and Stanford only faced a 1% chance. Hopefully this tilts the battle in our favor in this last week.

Michigan (23) is currently in second place behind Florida (28) with Nebraska (19) making a final push to win. We urge you all to please remain active in this final week. This is the last week you have to make votes and to push towards a victory here.

Announcement: Please don’t post your orders anywhere (mgoblog included). Other teams visit this blog in hopes of seeing what we will be doing, and it would be much better it if they were left in the dark. If you have a question about an assignment, try to ask it in general terms, instead of naming specific territories.


Steps To Play Every Day:

  1. Sign up for a reddit.com account if you don’t have one already
  2. Visit https://flair.redditcfb.com/ " go to “find by conference," click “FBS” then “Big 10” and finally “Michigan” to set yourself as a member of our team. Click “Update Flair” to set it.
  3. Visit https://michigancfbrisk.com/ and click “Get Order!”
  4. Click the blue chessboard beneath the logo that you’re meant to attack/defend to take you to the game.
  5. Scroll down, now, and on the right hand side of the screen, you will see the options that you can attack or defend. Click the school logo that you were assigned to.

Do not ever attack any territory that is owned by one of our allies unless specifically told to do so in your orders. Our allies are Clemson, Florida, Georgia Tech, and Texas. If you get an order to attack an ally owned territory then it means we are coordinating with them, so it is acceptable. Otherwise, do not attack allied territories or defend territories that allies border please!


Make sure you aren't flagged as a bot

One potential issue with the influx of new users we had is that some players may have been flagged as a bot and therefore their actions may not be counting. If you are flagged as a bot you will see the image below on vote.redditcfb.com

Bot Flagging.png

If you are seeing this message that asks you to contact the game mods, follow the instructions below, otherwise you can ignore this.


1. Follow the link shown in the screenshot above and fill out the google form

2. Wait at least one day for the text box to disappear. If it does disappear, you are all set.

3. If the bot disclaimer message persists after one day, then message the mods of /r/cfbrisk directly. You can follow the link in step 4 below to do this in one easy click.

4. https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCFBRisk&subject=&messa…

5. Be patient as the mods of the game are busy and they are putting a lot of effort into running this thing.


Daily Map:

Risk 5-29 Full_7.PNG



June 27th, 2018 at 12:27 PM ^

I used to not care about this and just ignore the posts, then I decided it may be a fun distraction each day, now I'm in it to effing win it. Go Blue!


June 27th, 2018 at 7:40 PM ^

And they way that the game is designed is feeding into the ebb and flow nature of the game exacerbates the primacy of the RNG (weren't we down to like 2 territories at one point?).  To put it into Risk terms, the army you deploy each turn depends on the number of users that you have that play a particular turn.  So when your territory shrinks, assuming you have a fixed number of users playing every day, you can improve your odds simply because you have more users per territory.

Ultimately the way the game should be played is to make it more like Risk (more territory means you have more attacking power).  And to their credit, the game mods tried to do that (if you have more than x% of a conference, you get a bonus) until it was shot down because some conferences were more contiguous than others, and it favored a certain red team who may or may not be a member of the B1G conference. 

I'm also not sure that the way the alliances have formed have been helpful for the game either.  Essentially, this has turned into a two team game with strange sub-team rules.  And what about the great Team Chaos wildcard?  I hope they bring it back (because it is a fun OT-season pastime), but think about how to address these things in the future.

Carolina Maize

June 27th, 2018 at 12:55 PM ^

Great job team.  Eradication of VT and Stanford eliminates @ 15% of the Red star power.

Get rid of Wisco and this game gets very straight forward, aka destroy osu


June 27th, 2018 at 1:05 PM ^

Because I refuse to partake in reddit or discord discussion, I require enlightenment.  Feel free to opt out, if you must, but just what the fuck is the RNG?

Republican National Guard?  Risk Nature Group?  Reddit Nation Geeks?

I choose to limit my geekocity to MGoBlog, therefore I merely follow orders and have no intention of consuming reddit threads.  Maybe knowing what the RNG actually is will add some enjoyment to making a few clicks each day?


June 27th, 2018 at 1:55 PM ^

Well you see, Random Number Generator had a couple of gay experiences in college (over a long enough time, that roll was bound to happen).  And Chuck?  Well, Chuck finds the quivering thrill of that thought problematic for his self-concept as definitely-not-gay-at-all-not-even-a-little-no-you-are-no-you're-going-to-hell-i-hate-you-i-i-want-you-god-help-me-i-hate-myself-NO-i'm-NOT-GAY-MAN dude. 

Ah, shoot, I have a not here from his attorneys.  He demands we cease mentioning the quivering thrills.

Artichokes Anonymous

June 27th, 2018 at 1:11 PM ^

Do you have to win an MVP to gain a second star? I followed all 21 links and figured that when I reached 10 turns I would be upgraded to two stars, but no such luck. Anyway to bump my stars before the game ends? Just trying to maximize my impact!

The Maizer

June 27th, 2018 at 2:18 PM ^

Yep, someone leaked an post from a Nebraska mod about how they were going to kill their allies to win it for the Reds yesterday, then Nebraska users denied it vehemently, even going so far as to say it was a false statement to try to get their rogues to stop attacking allies (whaaat?). Then the next day they killed Stanford. Cold blooded. Actually, corn blooded.