Points changed Changed Changed by Description
-1.00 GotBlueOnMyMind
-1.00 Nickel
2.00 RP
-1.00 TheCube
1.00 GotBlueOnMyMind
2.00 Jack Be Nimble
2.00 bo_lives
2.00 Go.Blue.Hail
2.00 ShadowStorm33
2.00 Boner Stabone
2.00 bostonsix
2.00 xtramelanin
2.00 MichiganTeacher
2.00 CFraser
2.00 Mitch Cumstein
2.00 BrokenRhino
2.00 Crime Reporter
2.00 Quailman
1.00 GotBlueOnMyMind
-1.00 GotBlueOnMyMind
-1.00 GotBlueOnMyMind
2.00 BlueTimesTwo
2.00 droptopdoc
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 GoBlueGoWings
2.00 TheConservativ…
2.00 PopeLando
2.00 San Diego Mick
2.00 jcorqian
2.00 MgoBlueprint
2.00 HarmonHowardWoodson
2.00 redwhiteandMGOBLUE
2.00 Go.Blue.Hail
2.00 JonSnow54
2.00 KBLOW
2.00 egrfree2rhyme
2.00 Navy Wolverine
-1.00 GotBlueOnMyMind
1.00 GotBlueOnMyMind
-1.00 GotBlueOnMyMind
-1.00 GotBlueOnMyMind
-1.00 GotBlueOnMyMind
-1.00 GotBlueOnMyMind
-1.00 GotBlueOnMyMind
-1.00 McDoomButt
2.00 JonSnow54
-1.00 Wolverheel
-1.00 mooseman
-1.00 Maul
2.00 MacMarauder