OT: Festivus - Airing of Grievances

Submitted by Magnus on

I saw it requested in another thread, so here is the place for the annual Airing of Grievances.

I have a problem with stephenrjking, whose name I thought was stephenjrking for the longest time.

I also have a problem with whoever negs this thread.

Grievances? Air them. Which MGoBloggers really grind your gears?


December 23rd, 2016 at 7:21 AM ^

Absolutely!! Not p.c. but Jim Delaney is a beaurocratic bitch!!. The officials?. One penalty in regulation is fuckin criminal. What a joke, but lets face it there is no way in hell  Michigan should have ever lost to Iowa and quit turning the ball over. Should be in playoffs with an undefeated record, but time to smoke FSU and move on with great recruiting.

yossarians tree

December 23rd, 2016 at 9:00 AM ^

-People who think Christian McCaffrey should risk his entire future and career for the amusement of out-of-shape football fans and the chamber of commerce of El Paso, Texas.

-Wolverine Devotee and all the people who neg him/her for every post...I'm so confused.

-The Michigan basketball team is boring and almost unwatchable...there I said it!

-I am an alum and I have a kid at the University of Michigan and you know what? I DO find the university culture to be pretty dismissive and arrogant towards anyone who just wants to get a good education and not be the most excellent of all the excellents all the fucking time. Leave the kids alone and just let them find their own fucking way sometimes, alright?

-People who think we're arrogant without really getting to know us...



December 23rd, 2016 at 9:42 AM ^

-the portion of our fan base that is arrogant... which leads to the generalization that the entire fan base is. -the portion of our fan base that goes ape shit when it is pointed out that not everything about Michigan and our fans is sunshine and Kool-aid.

Honk if Ufer M…

December 23rd, 2016 at 7:58 PM ^

"Competence breeds arrogance.  Ergo..."


I have a long list of famous people I've met, known or spoken to who are competent at the least, but are also down to earth, really nice, cool and not arrogant. Of course I know a lot of unknown people like that too, but if I give you their names it won't mean anything.

LaVar Burton (Loves the Michigan family, daughter here in acting school. He is an incredible person IMO after a 45 minute great talk)

Cindy Lauper (Spoke to me on the phone for 15 minutes as if I was family and put me on the guest list for her show that night at the Michigan for no reason on earth, without the public even knowing she was talking to anyone, let alone being so down to earth, real, engaged and cool with them, or doing them the great kindness of getting then into a show they wouldn't have otherwise been able to go to)

Jim Jarmusch 

Billy Bragg

Julian Bond

John Conyers

Most or many of the many M football players I know or have known.

Bo (Not arrogant when meeting fans or strangers anyway, regardless of how he could be otherwise)

Scott Morgan (knew him for years as a regular person without realizing he was such a historical figure/big deal in some circles)

Drew Barrymore (observed how she dealt with people and what her natural instincts were, as well as hearing from many who knew her as being one of the realist people in her biz, or who met her/worked with her here)

Ronnie Lester

Nicole Johnson ( Met her, talked to her many times when Phelps was in town, incredibly sweet and down to earth, super solid person. I had no idea that she had been Miss California or had any fame)

There are more but that's enough.




December 23rd, 2016 at 9:52 AM ^

And I are both alums. My daughter who's a senior in high school won't be able to get in. 10 years ago I would have thought of this as disastrous. Today we look at the all the great options she does have and I'm almost glad she has to find her own path forward. If she wants to transfer one day maybe she'll be able to, but Ann Arbor doesn't feel like it once did. She'll be premed next year... Maybe Tech... Maybe she'll send Mel down.


December 23rd, 2016 at 11:36 AM ^

To me the old "Michigan Arrogance" feels like it's been replaced by Irrevocably Entitled.  It feels like a bunch of kids who are more interested in who they'll be seen with at the party than whether it will be fun.  Don't get me wrong,  I'll always love the place. It just doesn't feel right.  Kinda like when a 4000 foot log cabin goes in next to a favorite stretch of trout stream.

As for ann arbor ... well ... there's just no room for funky any longer.  The closing of th  Del Rio was a very bad sign.


December 23rd, 2016 at 2:31 PM ^

(17) has grades that allow entry anyplace in michigan except U of M. In-state tuition makes a hell of a lot more sense for us than out state. She wants to be premed and is considering Tech, Wayne State, and Grand Valley. Don't get me wrong. If she could get into M she would go. But I'm so proud of who she's become there is really no disappointment at all.

yossarians tree

December 23rd, 2016 at 1:17 PM ^

The intensity of the place has ramped up ten times since I graduated. It drives my kid nuts. There is not a lot of humility or sense of humor in the air. For instance, on her dorm hallway message board one October was a stern, highly detailed treatise on what constitutes cultural appropriation in a Halloween costume. Recently, many classes were cancelled so the poor darlings could process their feelings after the election. I mean, however you felt about the election, get the fuck off your ass and move on with your life! That should be the message the university is sending. It's like this padded echo-chamber. There's a definite groupthink that would have literally been laughed off campus when I was a student there.


December 23rd, 2016 at 10:32 AM ^

Web site design!

EDIT: To be clear, I meant this specific's site's design. It sucks. The hosting sucks too. It's horrible and I've got a lot of problems with it.

An Angelo's Addict

December 23rd, 2016 at 7:15 AM ^

I started a new job and my manager thinks it is ok to call me past 8pm... boundaries man!!!

Also facebook. I'm sick of all the people posting their grand statements about every political and social event, and then the subsequent arguing in their post that follows. Nobody cares about your facebook opinion!!!


December 23rd, 2016 at 7:19 AM ^

 Oh, a few things:

- horrible thread titles

 - people who use SIAP and clearly didn't read the first couple pages of threads. Please label these IGNORE for "I Gave No Recognizable Effort"

 - people who complain about why their thread was removed 80 downvotes later

 - pasting entire articles into the original post. Proper citations, please.

 - post-loss emo that gets personal 

 - unclever skirting of the "no politics" rule in which people break said rule but claim they have not

- concern trolling

Not a comprehensive list, but I've got a lot of problems with you people, and you're gonna hear about it.