Maize & Blue: official in 1912 / scientifically official in 2013

Submitted by Blue Vet on July 6th, 2022 at 11:00 AM

I'm guessing MGoBlog has covered the official status of maize & blue but I don't recall it.

So here's an article about the process, the names of the colors made official in 1912.

And technology setting the colors scientifically in 2013, along with secondary supporting colors, including A2 Amethyst, Diag M Metallic, and Tappan Red.


July 6th, 2022 at 11:15 AM ^

Disagree. The color that came with Harbaugh is, to me, more visually appealing and closer to the shade of maize under Bo that became lighter over time. For those who liked the lighter shade under Carr, fair enough, but I prefer the darker shade.


July 6th, 2022 at 5:04 PM ^

I was in Rome during the lighter-shade maize era.  I saw a guy in a blue golf shirt with yellow accents that I instantly recognized as Michigan maize.  There were no identifiable Michigan markings on his shirt that I saw.

I yelled out "Go Blue", and sure enough he responded with a hearty "Go Blue".  In Rome.

Our colors used to be unique in the entire world.  Now we are drifting to the same blue and yellow that Cal, WVU, Navy, Toledo, etc. have.  That's too bad.



Number 7

July 6th, 2022 at 2:07 PM ^

I say we let Oregon in to the BIG XX and then we bust out some Arboretum Blue jerseys over Diag M Metallic pants, noting that its just one of the <somebody do the math> uni combinations afforded by our 2 primary and 13 secondary palette colors.


July 6th, 2022 at 4:23 PM ^

Yeah, we argued about this a while back. But I posted a stupid SIAP recently, so no negbang from me...    

The official "blue" we had to use in the marching band was close to 2/3 blue, 1/3 black, and a few drops of white per gallon, should anyone be repainting their lawn furniture anytime soon...

Glad to be of service.


July 6th, 2022 at 10:04 PM ^

That's it.  I'm turning in my alumni card and turning off the TV.

That "maize" is the most awful yellow I've ever seen.  It looks like (old, faded) school bus yellow.

Oregon gets the yellow right (and it's not "highlighter" yellow--there's no hint of green in it).