[LOCKED] OT: Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Dies of Natural Causes while on Hunting Trip in Texas

Submitted by VicTorious1 on

He was on a hunting trip in West Texas. He complained of not feeling well Friday evening. It is reported that he passed in his sleep.

Edit: Folks, don't think it needs to be said, but let's remember to avoid the politics. Just wanted to post the news as it's current events and sometimes I first get news from you guys while refreshing the site.

MOD EDIT - a couple people are starting to say things which could lead down the path of politics, so we'll lock it here. I know I'll get flack for this, and if you disagree, you can always find me on Twitter if you've got it and we can talk. - LSA

carolina blue

February 13th, 2016 at 6:00 PM ^

Most definitely. It's going to shape the nation for years to come. It certainly will be ugly and I really can't blame either side for doing their damnedest to make sure it's their candidate that gets appointed. If a democrat gets elected it's rather moot anyway. But if this drags beyond November (I'm guessing it will) and there is a republican elected...yikes it'll get nasty.

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LSA Superstar

February 13th, 2016 at 5:44 PM ^

Regardless of whether you were conservative or liberal, Scalia's legal ideologies probably shaped your life more directly than any other jurist of the last thirty years.  I'm no textualist, but he was one of the sharpest legal minds in history.


February 13th, 2016 at 6:08 PM ^

Being intelligent and having a "legal mind" are two vastly separate things. Scalia might has well voted straight ticket politics on everyone of his rulings. You did not need to know what the facts were to predict his rulings. John Roberts on the other hand is the type of guy you should rather be talking about.


February 13th, 2016 at 6:39 PM ^

but those of us who watch closely know that a whole lot of money is suddenly gravitating toward senate races with all of the Republican establishment candidates doing so poorly. Money, especially corporate money, usually flows in that direction because the Senate is seen as a bulwark against the kind of change that the Dems would push. Dig around at places like Politico; few insiders think that the two current frontrunners stand any real chance. Trump would have to overcome a +50 negative rating, for example.

snarling wolverine

February 13th, 2016 at 5:45 PM ^

I've thought for some time that the Constitution needs some sort of exit mechanism for Supreme Court justices - either term limits or a mandatory retirement age.    

It seems odd that the justices are basically asked to remain on the job for the rest of their lives because the consequences of them retiring (and potentially being replaced by someone else for 30 years) are too great for whichever party nominated them.  

carolina blue

February 13th, 2016 at 5:49 PM ^

There are nine states that have passed resolutions for an article V constitutional convention to attempt to amend the constitution creating term limits, among other things (I know one other one is require a balanced national budget). Probably doesn't happen but it has been proposed.

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